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Aries: Working for a larger company as a subcontractor is possible. Why waste time seeking clients if they are waiting elsewhere?
Taurus: A productive day where you are creative & take action. Wise money choices are made or business plans formed.
Gemini: Trust & rely on a mate or partner ... Views: 818
Aries: Effective leadership sometimes requires being less than popular. You can direct people as kindly as possible, though.
Taurus: Seek information needed to implement plans. Perfect may not be possible, but the best option will cover necessities.
Gemini: You could be itching to develop ... Views: 885
Aries: Sharing stories, anecdotes, humor or creative ideas on the job makes the day fly by. Some may be traveling now.
Taurus: You can make an investment or purchase based on both facts & intuition. What you want, is what you get. Satisfaction.
Gemini: Other people seek you out for advice ... Views: 812
Aries: Artistic Aries may receive recognition or find they have loyal followers. You take pride in your creativity & achievements.
Taurus: You may be arranging house or pet sitting so you can travel or you are welcoming visitors to your home. Act on plans.
Gemini: Put creative strategies ... Views: 897
Aries: If you & a mate have too many holiday invitations, creating schedule conflict, why not host your own gathering at home.
Taurus: Ideas can be like children. After you birth them, they grow & mature into their own being. Know when to let go.
Gemini: Glass half empty or half full? ... Views: 844
Aries: The work life/home life balance is off. Brainstorm ways to correct this or return to a past schedule that has slipped.
Taurus: A friend may share worries or problems. Encouragement & practical suggestion help more than commiseration.
Gemini: Bolster the budget. How can you make the ... Views: 983
Aries: Socializing with family, partner, friends, perhaps in your own home, puts you in the holiday spirit & helps you unwind.
Taurus: Healing or creative energy pours into your work. You can envision perfection, health, bliss & want to share it.
Gemini: Money comes through teaching or ... Views: 918
A full moon and total lunar eclipse in the mutable air sign of Gemini occurs today. This gives me an image in my mind's eye of a person free falling from a plane and finding that the parachute won't open. I see the tarot card of the Magician representing the moon in Gemini. I also see the image ... Views: 842
Aries: Travel, sales, training or promotional speaking revolve around work. Express your passion for what you do & people notice.
Taurus: Gather facts & look at figures related to education, publishing or relocation to advance your career. Weigh pros & cons.
Gemini: Self improvement & ... Views: 847
Horoscopes become the need of every age group of people and people under the every categories and occupations used to find normally their astrological forecasts to know about what will be occurred in the next phase of life regarding each area of life. The 2012 horoscopes tell lots about every ... Views: 893
The year 2012 comes with winds of changes and also comes with outbreak of conceal outline to tremble up one’s position quo. The 2012 horoscopes aid every people to be familiar with what will occur for you in the year 2012 that may be related to your career, promotion, love, business, health and ... Views: 727
Aries: You may want to be self sufficient but having the help of a partner or a group when it comes to money ensures success.
Taurus: The moon enhances your ability to make a good impression. Your talent, knowledge or skill is the best of the best.
Gemini: I hear the song "Daydream ... Views: 927
Aries: Promotions, landing a dream job or making a profitable sale are possible today. Set your sights on money or success now.
Taurus: I'm hanging out with Taurus today so some luck rubs off on me! The planets favor you & help you manifest desires.
Gemini: A sense of security may come ... Views: 1130
Aries: Marketing a service or information is profitable now. Work with a partner or agency to maximize your profit potential.
Taurus: A blessing or gift may come to you from a friend or business. Travel, education or teaching plans are favored, as well.
Gemini: Do the small things you put ... Views: 836
Aries: Put yourself first today. Visit the hair salon, buy a holiday outfit. Pamper yourself to restore depleted energy.
Taurus: Dreams may be active, lucid or strange now. There may be messages in them or they reflect your emotional state.
Gemini: Friends are waiting to hear from you. ... Views: 808
New year is just in our door, so make a plan for coming year’s party. We can not plan our schedule without a calendar. Normally the calendars will provide some space for writing our schedule too. It is not just for the day and date we are searching calendars nowadays. It contains a lot of other ... Views: 1002
Aries: If you are in business, you go above & beyond. Other Aries may form a plan to advance career or education.
Taurus: You are able to sense what is good for you & what offers better value, happiness, usefulness. Wisdom meets adventure.
Gemini: Love, commitment & family grounds you & ... Views: 861
Aries: Share quiet moments with a partner or reveal personal secrets. Showing vulnerability makes you more appealing.
Taurus: You may share design or decorating talent with a friend or group. Volunteer to decorate a nursing home for joy.
Gemini: Pay attention to unspoken signals people ... Views: 992
Aries: You may expect unrealistic things from yourself or others now. Information needed, but lacking, could be the culprit.
Taurus: Mercury retrograde may affect you in business now. Frustrating day for negotiations, decisions on finance or services.
Gemini: Who hit the "frappe" button? ... Views: 781
Aries: If you are about to buy a gift of fine jewelry, enlist the aid of a friend or family member who knows the recipient's tastes.
Taurus: You improve a work situation or business by power of reason & practicality presented calmly. Others let you lead.
Gemini: Scatter brained? Air ... Views: 1012
Each one lives in anxiety of what is to happen in the future. They say ‘whatever will be, will be’ but it always pays to know what to expect and how we can avoid the not-so-pleasant experiences of life. Horoscopes are charts which tell the position of the sun, the moon and the position of the ... Views: 784
Aries: Some may be teaching or making a presentation to a group or organization. A scientific mind set creates genius ideas.
Taurus: Wishes are granted or things go your way when you verbalize your intentions. Speak up, don't be shy - sky's the limit.
Gemini: Make plans for the future with ... Views: 814
Aries: A good cause or a friend in need may stir you to use your reputation, connections, influence to create positive change.
Taurus: Either you do a good turn or someone does the same for you. You are professional. productive & service oriented now.
Gemini: You communicate your desire ... Views: 822
Aries: Your day runs on two levels - personal & professional. You push hard to get work done so you can connect with others.
Taurus: Someone wants to do something nice for you, give you a gift or get to know you better. Romance or an act of true caring.
Gemini: The creativity of cooking or ... Views: 820
Aries: You don't want to be perceived as needy, but much that you wish to accomplish takes cooperative effort. Grace & gratitude.
Taurus: A revised work or health plan better serves your needs. "Why didn't I think of this before?". Right timing.
Gemini: Firm up holiday plans. You may be ... Views: 987
Aries: Your patience could be tested today by other people vacillating on an issue or wandering away from the immediate issues.
Taurus: If you want to make an interest, hobby or passion your livelihood, you still have to handle mundane business tasks.
Gemini: There is enough talent & ... Views: 923
Aries: Assertive career moves are profitable. Some Aries may become relentlessly precise in following a plan or purpose.
Taurus: Share a passion or hobby, perhaps by writing, or teaching. You may think no one is that interested, but you are wrong.
Gemini: It's a sure thing or a done deal. ... Views: 978
Aries: Business & friends don't mix well today. Either your creative ideas are ignored or your concerns not taken seriously.
Taurus: Family, partner, work may all be making demands now. People who work at home may struggle to stay on task.
Gemini: Your ideas, knowledge or philosophies may ... Views: 757
Aries: Did someone say, "Deck the halls"? You are eager to spread holiday cheer at work or offer a holiday special to clients.
Taurus: Optimism about your future makes you imagine & consider options for learning, personal growth, security & pleasure.
Gemini: Deeper comfort, trust & ... Views: 858
Aries: A loss could accompany a gain today as you are willing to take risks in order to succeed. Part strategy, part audacity.
Taurus: Home could be a hub of activity as family & friends gather there. Your companionship is sought out by others now.
Gemini : Running errands, making holiday ... Views: 1225
Aries: Hunt for a new home, list a home for sale, investigate relocation for expansion or real estate as an investment strategy.
Taurus: Creative intelligence applied to a problem or business brings lucrative & satisfying solutions. Play lucky numbers now.
Gemini: Discuss finances with a ... Views: 904
Aries: Increased income from more work maybe applied directly to improving home or taking care of family or health needs.
Taurus: Opportunity & something better is close at hand but communication delays or waiting can be frustrating.
Gemini : You may know how Law of Attraction works & how ... Views: 954
Aries: If you are traveling with a partner today or planning a business idea, your alternate way of looking at things is a plus.
Taurus: How you make money or spend money could be revised to include involving more people & having a good time.
Gemini: Your creativity cap is on. Plans ... Views: 884
Aries: A trip may be delayed, your arrival late or communications missed. Treat today like Mercury retrograde - double check all.
Taurus: You are more likely to follow impulse toward a moment of gratification than wisdom applied to long term growth.
Gemini: You want some attention at the ... Views: 1073
Aries: Watch for comedy of errors, misunderstandings, strange people & situations in work or customer service environments.
Taurus: Lack of attention or creative daydreaming can cause problems at work. Not the day for aggressive sales. Hang in there!
Gemini: Family members needing your ... Views: 876
Aries: Full moon increases a desire to be more financially secure. Your intuition & discernment help you find ways & means.
Taurus: Full moon encourages you to determine what is best for you, especially in relationship. Honesty & revelations ensue.
Gemini: Full moon tells you to take time ... Views: 890
Aries: A "go for broke" zeal to excel at work or close a deal energizes you. Success & satisfaction almost guaranteed.
Taurus: "Everything is going my way!", you say. You may learn something that empowers you or offers advancement.
Gemini: Feeling a life lived fully is the highest goal ... Views: 896
Aries: Others may be more impressed by your apparent maturity or stability than by originality or creativity. Blend qualities.
Taurus: You judge yourself more harshly than you would others, now. Take a quiet time for rest & integration of changes.
Gemini: Work aversion is possible. You are ... Views: 895
Aries: Wheeling & dealing! You are inspired, quick thinking & smooth talking now. Use your edge wisely & increase income.
Taurus: A day for rest & review before the moon enters your sign & a change or new cycle begins after a decision is reached.
Gemini: Communication & socializing with ... Views: 896
Aries: You are a step ahead of everyone else today. If you seek fun now, you may have to go alone or wait for friends to join you.
Taurus: Secrets may be revealed or something esoteric understood when you are studying or looking at something else.
Gemini: Intuition or the Internet can lead ... Views: 811
Aries: Ideas, connections & unusual, but beneficial things, are arriving from "out of the blue". Sit still, close your eyes & look.
Taurus: People want to give you presents or play with you today. Doesn't if feel good to be popular & sought out? Revel in joy.
Gemini: Work or business ... Views: 752
Aries: Open your mind to other beliefs or spiritual views. Questioning why you think or believe as you do may bring growth.
Taurus: Friends can support you in your negativity or help you change for the better. Its up to you how you present things.
Gemini: A mate or family member may think ... Views: 751
Aries: Friendship may become more today or your mate is your best friend now. Group activities bring new & unique friends.
Taurus: You make an executive decision at work or concerning your career. You know what is best for you now, so act on it.
Gemini: Imaginative or creative work ... Views: 728
Aries: If you approach a business partner, organization, or financial institution with requests today, you may be disappointed. Wait.
Taurus: Interruptions or demands from family or partner could make the work day seem crazy. If you can delay deadlines, do so.
Gemini: Too many things may ... Views: 863
Aries: Rubbing people the wrong way is unavoidable today as your creative genius pushes for changes at work. You upstart, you!
Taurus: Fill boring travel time with books on tape. If you don't have to drive, escape in hypnosis or mediation CDs en route.
Gemini: Clinically streamline work. ... Views: 811
Aries: Keep working at something. The moment of success or breakthrough is imminent, no matter how things appear today.
Taurus: You may not see how something you must learn now applies to your goals, but requirements must be met. Follow rules.
Gemini: Use white light protection if you ... Views: 745
Aries: Establishing boundaries in business & friendship may be necessary if your reputation or career is being adversely affected.
Taurus: Whether you feel up to the task or not, you may be called upon to teach, advise or guide others. You can do it.
Gemini: You may be critical of your ... Views: 802
Aries: The day moves along pleasantly, no stresses. The social scene or travel calls to you tonight. Dinner at an ethnic restaurant?
Taurus: You catch the spirit of Halloween today. If you party this evening, use your psychic abilities to entertain friends.
Gemini : Your restless mind is ... Views: 864
Aries: You are ready to head in a new direction in learning or location but there is residual poignancy over old times & places.
Taurus: Are you afraid being called psychic will hurt your image? You don't have to justify gut instinct or intuition.
Gemini: More play than work may get done ... Views: 819
Aries: You & a mate or potential partner may discuss the finer points of commitment & what partnership means to you.
Taurus: Agreement in any kind of partnership may be difficult to reach without heightened emotions & drama playing out first.
Gemini: A bit of creativity can enhance passion ... Views: 809