Aries: A "go for broke" zeal to excel at work or close a deal energizes you. Success & satisfaction almost guaranteed.

Taurus: "Everything is going my way!", you say. You may learn something that empowers you or offers advancement.

Gemini: Feeling a life lived fully is the highest goal makes you decide to waste no time on negativity or dead end activity.

Cancer: You & your mate benefit from joining a group or spending time with friends. Singles can meet life long mates or friends.

Leo: Projects & plans go just as you intend, almost like waving a magic wand. A "lemonade from lemons" energy ensures success.

Virgo: An excellent day to make vacation plans or book reservations. Seeking knowledge or exploring new places is pleasurable.

Libra: Business plans, real estate transactions & investments are profitable now. You may enter a venture with a friend or mate.

Scorpio: Your heart is on your sleeve today when it comes to family, children or a mate. You may make a grand gesture.

Sagittarius: A prosperity consciousness, creative ideas or unusual ways of utilizing resources can bring a material boon.

Capricorn : What if you were Santa Claus? Seriously, you find great joy in helping or giving to others & making lives better.

Aquarius: Your touchstones like family, home, simple pleasures, nature, belief in the goodness of life, are strong & appreciated now.

Pisces: Make a presentation or approach a group or organization for support. Actors, teachers, performers, sales associates excel.

The moon in the fixed earth sign of Taurus joins happy and abundant Jupiter today. Together, the moon and Jupiter get the day off to a productive and optimistic start through a trine to potent Pluto in success oriented Capricorn. Take on the big stuff and see your desires fulfilled now. Early this evening, as the moon moves away from Jupiter, the trine fades but an energy of excitement is created when the moon forms a quincunx to Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Celebrate the good things in life with friends. You don't need any reason to celebrate or have a good time other than the fact that we live in amazing times on an amazing planet and there is more to see, do and learn than we could ever imagine. All day long and into the evening, the planetary energy whispers that anything good can happen.

Author's Bio: 

Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at