Aries: Some may be teaching or making a presentation to a group or organization. A scientific mind set creates genius ideas.

Taurus: Wishes are granted or things go your way when you verbalize your intentions. Speak up, don't be shy - sky's the limit.

Gemini: Make plans for the future with your partner or reach out in a friendly way to people & you may meet a new friend or lover.

Cancer: Review business plans, insurance policies & read the fine print on credit cards, investments, banking terms & conditions.

Leo: You want to communicate with a business partner or mate now to be sure your future goals & schedules mesh. Symbiosis.

Virgo: A strong desire for something or someone makes you inventive. What can you do outside of your norm to manipulate energy?

Libra: Disneyworld comes to you at work or at home as you plan or decorate a winter wonderland for everyone to admire.

Scorpio: A dream home or something you desire for your home is obtainable, but it may take asking others to help make it real.

Sagittarius: If you are in sales or pitching a plan, emphasize the emotional benefits & long term pleasure of memories created.

Capricorn: Nothing is impossible now. You feel spiritual support behind you, guiding & assisting in manifesting desires.

Aquarius: Catch up on friend's plans for the future. You may have talents or information they can use. Make new memories.

Pisces: Communicate an idea, then take retreat time to dream & meditate on it, finally, collaboration with others makes it real.

The moon in the fixed air sign of inventive Aquarius forms a supportive sextile to retrograde Mercury in adventurous
Sagittarius, bringing you an opportunity to go over old ideas or reconnect with friends, groups or organizations. Today, it is easier to choose from multiple options because you have a clearer line on the future and how you would like things to unfold. Make the best of the friendly, inventive and fun energy offered to you now. This evening, the moon gets close to Neptune in Aquarius, which is favorably supporting Saturn in Libra. Get together with a lover, friends or family to do something outside of your normal routine, such as attending a holiday event, that will become a future fond memory.

Author's Bio: 

Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at