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Angelscopes for February 2012
You may find that you are ruled by your emotions this month, a little more than usual. There is a sense of deep thought and contemplation here and it seems as though you are quietly observing situations, before you decide on what you should do next. It ... Views: 2317
Aries: An excellent day to pitch ideas, teach a group, scope out a school, network socially, or make plans for your future success.
Taurus: Ask for money, a raise, apply for a grant or loan – tax refund arrives? Travel for sales or to consider relocation?
Gemini: “As you wish!” Moon in ... Views: 1066
Aries: Business success could hinge on capital or backers. "It takes money to make money.", holds true. Seek funding.
Taurus: A dream job or ideal career can still require doing mundane work or boring things to keep the money coming in.
Gemini: An inspiration or manifestation is so ... Views: 1118
Aries: Pay bills you've put off, get your finances in order. As you release money freely, money flows to you more easily.
Taurus: Share what you enjoy most with friends or be willing to try something a friend likes. Variety is the spice of life.
Gemini: Follow your intuition, which speaks ... Views: 986
Aries: The difference between judgment & discernment is that the the first disempowers you & the second, protects you.
Taurus: Don't give up. You may have to try harder or reach the right people before your business or art takes off.
Gemini: Finding a way to work smarter, not harder, ... Views: 824
Aries: The need to be right is better applied to your own work than to your relationships today, or you may find yourself alone.
Taurus: Analyze your dreams or take direct questions with you in a meditation to get answers to challenges or calm worry.
Gemini: Friends may visit or invite ... Views: 887
Aries: What others think of you matters not today - you feel both excited & content with your own talents, attributes, ideas.
Taurus: Let your one singular, unique quality or interest show you the way to personal satisfaction in work. Safe to stand out.
Gemini: Your social charm & quick ... Views: 980
Aries: A change in how you think, feel, talk about money is imminent. Enough of not enough, poor talk or limiting thoughts.
Taurus: A new job, self employment or becoming vocal about something could arise from rules & restrictions. Transcendence.
Gemini: You seek to change how you ... Views: 828
Aries: The source of a physical ailment or work issue is understood on the soul level, showing the path to healing or correction.
Taurus: Fidelity in friendship or in creative expression. Let love lead you, whether your efforts are rewarded or not.
Gemini: Work could be fascinating, ... Views: 1052
Aries: Meditate or contemplate on the abundance of life. Gratitude for what you have brings calm & opens you to opportunity.
Taurus: Talking with friends or making new ones can help you gain a positive outlook. You may also have helpful info for others.
Gemini: Caring or sharing is an ... Views: 1083
Aries: Analysis of work methods & attention to detail can lead to innovation, invention or improved performance & service.
Taurus: Your inner artist or your natural creative talent wants to make work from art or add art to work. It can be done.
Gemini: Write or teach about your take on ... Views: 953
Aries: Social networking or self promotion requires your own effort. Using a service or automation lacks the personal touch.
Taurus: Use your chutzpah. Meek & mild gets you nowhere. You hear "Yes" when you ask for something others might not.
Gemini: Dreaming & scheming. Lots of ideas are ... Views: 875
We can feel the build up of anticipation early this morning as the new moon in the fixed air sign of change maker, future oriented Aquarius approaches. While the moon is still in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn this morning, it joins Mercury in Capricorn, and together they form a decisive ... Views: 1107
Aries: If you aren't loving your job or what you do for a living, discontent causes you to make changes. Passion for your work.
Taurus: An important connection with an organization or a friend benefits you in some way, emotionally or financially.
Gemini: Your expertise & passion for a ... Views: 918
The planets have aligned themselves in such a way to make us see, feel and deal with our emotions. This alignment began this week and will continue for three weeks. Wow, and I thought this was a tough week. How will we handle 3 weeks of it?
Have you felt things come to the surface lately ... Views: 1252
Aries: Personal or professional learning experiences can bring you to a new level of success or redefine your career goals.
Taurus: The energy of sustained intention & desire may bring you news you've been awaiting or the assistance or alliance you seek.
Gemini: Go with the flow, release ... Views: 1025
Aries: Extra effort & patience may be needed to get attention or cooperation from others. You may work better solo for now.
Taurus: You may want to collect testimonials for business or ask someone to give you an introduction, rather than calling cold.
Gemini: If your efforts aren't showing ... Views: 1068
Aries: Necessity could goad you into an extreme plan of action concerning investments or business. A make or break mindset.
Taurus: Some information you have been waiting for arrives or you decide to communicate something important to you.
Gemini: Organization before creativity, work & ... Views: 1027
Aries: Rams in relationship will go deeper or move apart. Others may seek love in earnest or appreciate an independent life.
Taurus: Truth to self is the motivation behind work you do professionally or the work you do, on, or for, yourself.
Mastery of emotions.
Gemini: Your creativity ... Views: 1089
In this emotionless world where there is pain and suffering all around, peace and prosperity is what everyone seeks. Though advancement in medical science has reduced mankind’s suffering to a great extent but at the same time has made us dependent on medication. One of the ancient modes of ... Views: 977
Aries: Good etiquette wins you points with your partner or in social situations. You work to restore harmony in your relationships.
Taurus: Do things that make you feel better physically & emotionally today. Release stress with music, scent or sensual pleasure.
Gemini: Explore the internet ... Views: 1016
Aries: Spend both money & time with your mate or family during the day while pleasure & satisfaction reign. Patience tonight.
Taurus: Your peaceful, calm energy & loving support unifies people today, but don't get pulled into arguments tonight.
Gemini: Creativity, fun, travel shared with ... Views: 1176
Aries: The purpose behind the work that you do means more to you than the profit. An impeccable reputation is priceless.
Taurus: Writers or teachers can perfect a story or presentation. Some may study a practical skill or travel to get information.
Gemini: Your standards for yourself can ... Views: 895
Aries: Take care of business by organizing, scheduling, doing paperwork. Apply for a job or seek help. Ship shape & on track.
Taurus: Tune into your body & intuition to help guide your decision making. If it feels good or makes you happy, it's right.
Gemini: Your psychic senses are ... Views: 1200
Aries: Friendly service is the extra something that makes you popular. Tips or bonuses follow smiling attention to detail.
Taurus: Your career can incorporate healing, beauty or spirituality now. Consider teaching a hobby or passion to others.
Gemini: Give thought to establishing a ... Views: 885
Aries: You could be teaching a new work related skill or entertaining a group today. Writing or producing a video?
Taurus: A new study program at home appeals to you or the use of an art like Feng Shui can shift home energy & your life.
Gemini: Formalize or announce a business with ... Views: 900
Aries: Is the friend or group you have invested time & emotion into actually as into you as you are into them? Heart honesty.
Taurus: You know how hard it is to be human. Sharing your compassion, creative flair & subtle sense of humor uplifts others .
Gemini: You may give more than you ... Views: 895
A full moon in the cardinal water sign of Cancer arrives late Sunday evening/early Monday morning. I decided to write about it today, because for all intents and purposes, the energy can be felt and meditated upon today. This morning, the Cancer moon intensifies your emotions as it opposes Pluto ... Views: 1094
Aries: Mix emotions or personal stories in with the information or facts when presenting something or appealing to a group.
Taurus: Money. Business. Career with purpose. A Grand Trine in air signs can send you flying toward abundance & happy success.
Gemini: Do what you want today! Dare ... Views: 1195
Aries: Sell all the way to the bank. Services or long term subscriptions/memberships that offer improvement are easy to market.
Taurus: Money may be spent or made on education, publishing, or travel. A new craft, art, or creative skill requires practice.
Gemini: You're only flexible until ... Views: 1008
Aries: You can be a persuasive debater today. Itemize the fine points of what you want to pitch before making a presentation.
Taurus: Success doesn't mean having to do it all yourself. Stick to your strengths & enlist others to do the rest. Cooperation.
Gemini: Now it feels like a new year ... Views: 961
Aries: Money spent to improve or secure your health or business is well spent. Shop for insurance or apply for loans & grants.
Taurus: Whether you make money with a hobby or passion will depend on whether you consider yourself a master or an amateur.
Gemini: While you run around tending ... Views: 823
Aries: The money questions of yesterday could be answered now as you make strong career moves or exceed sales expectations.
Taurus: Receiving more education or information gives you the confidence needed to make a change in work or health.
Gemini: Exploration in the spiritual or ... Views: 936
Aries: How to make more money could be the burning question. Proven methods & persistence are the answer. No shortcuts.
Taurus: Carefully weigh risks in personal or business growth. You may have to let something go in order to have more or be more.
Gemini: Clean up the hard drive of your ... Views: 1018
oday is the final day of 2011. This evening, people everywhere will be ushering in the new year of 2012. Rather than write individual horoscopes for the day, I am sharing my take on the planetary energy that may influence today and tonight. The moon is in the cardinal fire sign of the ... Views: 825
Astrology is a big and vast field. Those people that are working in this field are called astrologists. With the help of Astrology, you can learn about your future with the help of your stars. There are different kinds of information that you can get with the help of Astrology knowledge. The ... Views: 673
We all want to know about our future so that we can spend it the way we want. Sometimes, we are not sure what is going to happen next and that is where yearly horoscope can help us out. If you are stuck in something and you want a solution then not only that you will have to work for it but you ... Views: 770
We, as humans have always been curious about things. We always wanted to be the master of our destiny and control things in a way that is beneficial to us. We have always possessed an unsatisfied facet of our nature, for finding out about what has always remained unknown to us. Oblivion never ... Views: 4614
Do you believe in supernatural powers? I am sure many of us have felt the presence or effect of supernatural powers in some form or the other. The new era has witnessed a similar supernatural power named "Vashikaran". A similar connection to it is Vashikaran Matra.
One cannot deny that ... Views: 5613
Overall, this is a year where you will often find yourself at the front of the love from your family and friends. Married couples will want to spend time so that they can communicate, and over all, take the opportunity for a good, positive year to cultivate relationships and to expand on ... Views: 1722
Online 2012 horoscope is very helpful when you are very confused to get accurate horoscope, then online horoscope is very comfortable and easy way so that you can know everything exactly. 2012 horoscope provide required and relevant information regarding to career horoscope, health horoscope, ... Views: 1019
Aries: Too much information is confusing. What to do, where to go, are questions best answered through instinct & intuition.
Taurus: Minor confusion in communication with friends or an organization clears up by midday. Be patient & kind throughout.
Gemini: Work at home Twins may have a ... Views: 747
Aries: Strong emotions help you manifest desires but conflicting or limiting thoughts can cause delay or imperfect results.
Taurus: Find out what your customers or audience want. It may not be what you had planned, so prepare to make adjustments.
Gemini: A new direction in work/career for ... Views: 758
Aries: Whether you intend to or not, you may make someones dream come true or grant a wish. It may involve a trip.
Taurus: Restlessness & idealism that contradicts your usually placid, practical nature can trigger opportunity at work or love.
Gemini: The urge to see new places or meet new ... Views: 762
Aries: If the old way won't work or people won't cooperate, try a different course of action or change your own attitude.
Taurus: Work or chores put on hold this weekend now demand attention. Prioritize, but don't fret - it can't be done in one day.
Gemini: What is keeping you from ... Views: 820
Aries: A part of you wants to let things happen as they will, but another part is full of "shoulds" as you itch to micro manage.
Taurus: Pull the reins in on your spending. Do you want momentary pleasure or enduring practicality? Is both possible?
Gemini: You may feel there is much work to ... Views: 919
Aries: Perhaps it is not that you are crazy, a pioneer, or risk taker. Perhaps you just see & do what others deny or avoid doing.
Taurus: Those who drag their feet or oppose you now get a glimpse of that famous Taurus stubbornness & persistence. Driven.
Gemini: Too much sensory input & ... Views: 804
Aries: Best behavior, patience with other people, courtesy are all necessary at work. A partner may want to control your time.
Taurus: Clear your to-do list, catch up on communications. Easy tasks could be prolonged by schedule of others you must consider.
Gemini: It takes commitment, ... Views: 978
Aries: The pressure of expectations from friends or partner makes you question material vs. spiritual but who chooses the feelings?
Taurus: If you over identify with what you do, your day may focus on reconnecting with who you really are. You are enough.
Gemini: Your usually light emotions ... Views: 887