Aries: Open your mind to other beliefs or spiritual views. Questioning why you think or believe as you do may bring growth.
Taurus: Friends can support you in your negativity or help you change for the better. Its up to you how you present things.
Gemini: A mate or family member may think you are placing your work or career ahead of them. Make time for them, too.
Cancer: A friend or a group can help you sort out information or be a sounding board for your thoughts. Generate & share ideas.
Leo: Your mind is in seek mode but you already have pans in the fire. Take notes, but don't start new things until you finish others.
Virgo: It may be time to make a choice & stick with it or nothing will happen at all & then you will be disappointed.
Libra: Be open to other options/ideas at work or business, even if it means undoing what you've done. Test market or survey?
Scorpio: Self love, self doubt could be an emotional yo-yo. Be true to you & people will love you or not - their loss if they don't.
Sagittarius: Time is moving too fast for you lately while you have so many projects to complete. Ask for help from family.
Capricorn: Don't allow fear of criticism or judgment limit your creative expression. Suppressing your spirit to conform is sad.
Aquarius: Cutting work hours & income will appease a needy family member or partner. Trust money will flow from other places.
Pisces: It's not the time for modesty or withdrawal. Any opportunity to grow, display talent or be in charge should be taken.
The moon is in the mutable water sign of sensitive Pisces today, where it supports abundant and stabilizing Jupiter in Taurus through a sextile aspect. For the majority of the day, the Pisces moon joins Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius, and together, this trio of planets amplifies the melodramatic, bleeding heart, victim/savior/martyr, guilty or "poor me" traits of a Pisces moon. The negative side of Pisces may also be triggered by a square energy pattern that is in effect between moon/Chiron/Neptune in Pisces and Venus conjunct Mercury in cavalier Sagittarius. An opposition between Mars in child like Leo and Neptune in erratic Aquarius can add some plain old "WTF?" to the day's smorgasbord of planetary energy. If you are a parent, you know how amusing a young child can be when he or she is in the middle of an emotional outburst colored by immaturity or only a partial understanding of something. Well, expect big people to behave a bit like little children today. On the positive side of things, if you keep your mind open today, look at all the options and potentials that are available to you and try just one appealing thing and stick with it, you make grow up a bit and change in a good way. Be willing to laugh at yourself, but try hard not to laugh at others - help them to get back up if they fall down.
Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at
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