Aries: Nothing & nobody can prevent you from following your dreams today. The moon in your sign fans your fire higher.
Taurus: Creative work you are doing for a friend or just for fun has "winner" energy & leads to personal recognition.
Gemini: Friends can be a source of both fun & ... Views: 1996
Happy Mother's Day! The moon is in the sensitive, dreamy, inspirational sign of Pisces to
day, which is feminine, fruitful and perfect for nostalgic moods or making memories. Even better - the Pisces moon joins Neptune, and together they are part of a Grand Trine involving affectionate Venus ... Views: 1085
Aries: Be discerning when sharing unique view points or original ideas. You may be seen as too weird, or ideas are stolen.
Taurus:You may be successful by other people's standards, but having "made it", you are restless to excel & explore further.
Gemini: Take time to retreat & reconnect ... Views: 2106
The full moon of May 6, 2012, occurs in the fixed water sign of intense, intuitive, Scorpio. As I looked at the aspects occurring in the chart for the full moon, the sense of something hidden, which must be faced or found, came to me, as well as the full potency of potential fertility and ... Views: 2401
Aries: Details, fussy, or antiquated rules may hold up progress, but you must untangle knots in order to knit new things together.
Taurus: Every Taurus is an artist of some kind. Indulge in that art today, show the world what you can do or market that talent.
Gemini: Keep your sights set ... Views: 2004
Aries: Some may not get your humor or take things the wrong way. Easier to hold your tongue than explain or apologize.
Taurus: If you've done the preliminary investigation, go ahead & invest or spend without fear or guilt. Why limit your pleasure?
Gemini: No matter how you work at ... Views: 2020
Aries: Sacrifices of time may be made at work, home or in relationship in order to keep all balanced & productive.
Taurus: You may find that your creative ideas don't look the same in reality as they do in your imagination. Keep refining.
Gemini: New avenues of profit are only profitable ... Views: 2021
Due to the extremely active planetary energy and multiple houses activated by the aspects today, I find the writing of individual horoscopes to be extremely challenging - not to mention - I was in and out the door unexpectedly this morning due to a science poster that didn't make it to school ... Views: 1872
Aries: Rapid fire words & ideas put you on the podium or at the hub of a group. You move, shake & inspire others now.
Taurus: The golden Midas Touch is with you when you follow intuition or do creative things that make you happy. Smile!
Gemini: Work, socializing & romance are on your ... Views: 1954
The new moon in the fixed earth sign of sensual, materialistic, grounded Taurus arrives in the very early morning hours of the 21st, but I am posting a look at the energy today, because it feels like a new moon energetically and this serves as a heads up for tomorrow, as well. I am in the midst ... Views: 2127
Aries: New plans for work or self improvement? Examine them realistically, write them down & wait to launch next week.
Taurus: Spend most of the day writing, reading or creating art of some kind. Startling insight follows creative expression.
Gemini: Becoming suddenly popular or having ... Views: 1723
Aries: Dreaming is free but you know it takes money to make dreams come true. You work body, mind, soul for a goal.
Taurus: Every time you slip into negativity because things are not happening fast enough, indulge in something happy.
Gemini: You seek ways to modify your work, so that you ... Views: 1687
Aries: Opportunities, surprises & genuine fun come being social & connecting today. Attend an event or visit friends.
Taurus: Spend money on yourself or in self promotion. This will increase your self esteem & draw more abundance to you.
Gemini: Communication relating to money or ... Views: 1483
Aries: Unexpected events or the need to complete a task may bring overtime. Be sure to let a waiting mate know.
Taurus: Clarify ideas at work or follow up on communication surrounding health concerns, doctor appointments, etc.
Gemini: Have you filed your taxes yet? An awareness of ... Views: 1753
Aries: Thoughts of income, career & your future are strong & positive. They help you overcome blocks or resistance.
Taurus: Continue planning a trip, writing, teaching or learning. The "how" or the funds arrive after the commitment.
Gemini: A blessing of some kind arrives. Appreciation & ... Views: 1603
Aries: A boost of energy & determination in the work areas of your chart along with passion for your ideas equals success.
Taurus: You may have good news arrive about financing that will be used for a vacation, new tech toys or a creative idea.
Gemini: A business, investment or real estate ... Views: 1538
Aries: Travel or communication related to work will yield good results by the end of the work day. Relax & play tonight.
Taurus: A friend may tell you to think reasonably, but best results come from feeling things intuitively. Trust your instincts.
Gemini: Think beyond what YOU want to ... Views: 1578
Aries: Gather what you need to help you formalize plans or prove something. Inspiration must mix with information.
Taurus: Business or money issues make you turn fey today. An ounce of craziness may be worth a pound of profit.
Gemini: The idea that you CAN have it all seems crazy, yet ... Views: 1615
Aries: An awareness of the connection between all beings is with you now even though there are many paths & beliefs.
Taurus: Consider sharing personal thoughts with a friend or acquaintance. Someone may want to be a matchmaker for you.
Gemini: You are protective of home & family life now. ... Views: 1555
Aries 4/7: A welcome sobering energy helps you get down to emotional essentials - choosing what you can or can't live without.
Taurus 4/7: You have a hopeful view of the future, even though you're aware of the "crocodiles in the moat". look straight ahead.
Gemini 4/7: Work on creating a ... Views: 1399
Goodby Mercury retrograde in Aries, hello full moon in Libra! Have the last few weeks been as intense for you as they have for me? Even though the Mercury retrograde is behind me, I still feel like I must tread carefully, especially when it comes to issues of relationship. The temptation to ... Views: 1462
Aries: Believing comes before seeing, but your mind is telling you otherwise. Don't focus on the problem - imagine perfection.
Taurus: The advice or support that you seek from a friend or organization is not what you expect. You can take it - or not.
Gemini: Both family & mate want ... Views: 1268
Aries: Writing, speaking, teaching or traveling consumes most of your time today. Despite interruptions, you get a lot done.
Taurus: Do the things you've been avoiding. Overcome procrastination or get answers through process of elimination.
Gemini: It's not that family or friends don't ... Views: 1158
Aries: A spiritual or metaphysical understanding of how life works helps you take redirect the energy of any adverse situation.
Taurus: The only thing that could get in the way of happiness or success would be a reluctance to claim your personal power.
Gemini: More inner work must be done ... Views: 1084
Aries: Your money smarts are working overtime. The ability to see a profitable move in business or investment comes easily.
Taurus: Looking for love? The partner of your dreams may appear - be open & alert. Potential fulfillment of a secret desire.
Gemini : A project at home could finally ... Views: 1192
Aries: Just when you would most like to be in charge, you must work as part of a team or group. Be graceful, polite & classy.
Taurus: The impatient energy of , "Something has to give", can bring positive change when you give your energy to creative fun.
Gemini: You cannot force business ... Views: 1203
Aries: Taking on a new role, thinking or behaving in a completely different way than what is normal for you is the right thing to do.
Taurus: A friend or organization may have information or support than can get what you want or need when others say no.
Gemini: Know that you have ... Views: 1211
The full moon in Virgo arrives today, and it may be intense for some of us because it brings attention to needs and necessities, illuminating areas where we don't have it together yet. The feeling that the list is long and time is short may also creep in because Mercury is poised to go ... Views: 1276
Aries: A bold move or following through on an unusual idea can score you profit, popularity or a promotion. Setting precedent.
Taurus: A hunch, or intuition shouting at you loudly, can turn into a productive or profitable "sure thing". Nothing to lose.
Gemini: If you think you can't be ... Views: 1236
Aries: "Nothing but the best" is your motto today in work, creativity or leisure activities. If you are dating, you aim to impress.
Taurus: Share new things you've learned with friends. You may find that you're a natural teacher & there is a demand for a class.
Gemini: Put your creativity ... Views: 1196
Aries: Where there's a will - and desire - there's a way, even if it seems costly or is a gamble. You can't stop what's in motion now.
Taurus: Speaking your own truth or standing firm in your principles is vital, whether you please others, fit in, are popular, or not.
Gemini: Desiring ... Views: 1371
Aries: You put your own plans or pleasures on hold for a partner or family. This evening, your sense of humor can dissolve tensions.
Taurus: It's too easy to slip into "Woe is me" or feel thwarted in plans. Tonight, an energizing burst of radical thought arrives.
Gemini: You may feel ... Views: 1115
Aries: Communicate honestly with a mate or anyone you must work with who is helping you toward a goal & dreams come true.
Taurus: The things you enjoy doing or your personal tastes may not be the same as a friend's, but you love them anyway.
Gemini: A friend, possibly female, may have ... Views: 1142
Aries: Personal or spiritual transformation is accelerated if you can love & thank the parts of yourself you want to change.
Taurus: You feel most complete when you can be of service to others. If you have psychic or healing skills, accept & share them.
Gemini: People want your skills ... Views: 1085
Aries: The moon stirs imagination & increases communication but you may be planning something difficult or improbable.
Taurus: Physical energy or work hours may be what keeps you from doing what you would like or expanding. Wait or adjust.
Gemini: Family or friends take your attention away ... Views: 1175
Aries: It's time to present something you've kept under wraps. Starting a new trend or fashion gives you an edge in business.
Taurus: A friend or organization gives you information that can increase your income, or you apply for a grant or loan.
Gemini: You could be very excited about a ... Views: 1044
Aries: A compromise might have to be reached in order for you to see a dream or personal plan accepted or completed.
Taurus: In order to honor yourself or have your needs met, you may have to release a friendship or change some other alliance.
Gemini: You would like to turn your energy ... Views: 1148
Aries: Creating a long term business or career growth plan & a spending budget helps you see success as a series of steps.
Taurus: You like to do the work by yourself, or for others, but mastering something also means applying delegating skills.
Gemini: Eliminate doubt or vacillation, stay ... Views: 1126
Aries: A deep feeling of personal well being, harmony in relationships & an inner knowing that things will go well increases.
Taurus: Work with friends, an organization, or online is pointed in a profitable direction or gives you great satisfaction now.
Gemini: You could find the right ... Views: 1159
Aries: A pampering spa day, with special attention paid to the head or face, makes you feel rejuvenated. New hairstyle?
Taurus: Time spent alone in creative endeavors helps you plan a project or develop your personal mode of expression.
Gemini: Visiting friends or family, hosting a group ... Views: 1192
Aries : Quotas to meet at work or a deadline on a project can make you feel wired, but goals are met. Limit caffeine intake.
Taurus: You may be asked to teach or write on a subject you know well. Self publishing or self promoting is the way to go.
Gemini: You follow hunches or intuition in ... Views: 1060
Aries: You take a chance on love, a creative idea or something entirely unique to you. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
Taurus: A surprise could come at work or through a friend or organization. You also may be called upon to use an unusual skill.
Gemini: Keep tweaking business plans, ... Views: 1173
Aries: Listen to your intuition & no second guessing when it comes to work or health. You have an inner wisdom - trust it.
Taurus: Do what feels right to you, even if it is not popular. Tell a friend the truth if they ask for your opinion or advice.
Gemini: An at home business or your ... Views: 1024
The approaching new moon energy may be highly energizing early today, much like the feel of an electrical charge in the air that accompanies an approaching thunderstorm. The moon continues to move through the fixed air sign of inventive, intelligent Aquarius until later this afternoon, when it ... Views: 1186
Aries: Give freely with an open heart today & you will receive abundantly or be surprised to find a secret wish is granted.
Taurus: A worry is forgotten as you succeed in your aims. A friend, group or company may be the source of beneficial aid.
Gemini: You share or teach something that ... Views: 1074
Aries: A relationship status could change, you desire some space, a mate & friend don't mix well, not all want to do the same thing.
Taurus: You may hide your genius or unusual thoughts to maintain popularity or to avoid being burdened with additional work.
Gemini: You may have to tell ... Views: 1077
Aries: Recognition, promotion, a raise or some other thing you've worked hard for or desired a long time happens now.
Taurus: Persistence pays off. You meet the right people or organization who will help you advance if you expect to succeed.
Gemini: Your psychic abilities or esoteric ... Views: 1119
Aries: You may be the one everyone comes to with problems this morning, distracting you from your tasks. Socialize tonight.
Taurus: You may have to do something you would rather not do early today. Think well of it & reward yourself when it's done.
Gemini : You & a partner may be on ... Views: 992
Aries: In business & in friendship, you may work extra hard to be heard or get your way. Are you trying to move too fast?
Taurus: Even if you have who or what you want, Valentine's Day may stir poignant feelings of impossibility or unrequited love.
Gemini : You may just want to escape ... Views: 1036
Aries: As you contemplate Valentine's Day approaching, you may feel more love for business & career success than romance.
Taurus: Someone introduces you to a new philosophy, changes your world view, or challenges you to follow a hidden passion.
Gemini: You feel that your hard work is not ... Views: 1089