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Aries: New moon brings thoughts of mortality. You may change how you view future business or investment strategies.
Taurus: New moon highlights romance & relationship. Who you attract is only a reflection of your own energy. Be your best.
Gemini: New moon may slam you with work. You may ... Views: 865
Aries: You may find yourself picking apart fine points of your closest relationships. Consider that "Perfect" may bore you.
Taurus: If you are working on self improvement or home improvement, even a fussy or controlling helper is better than none.
Gemini: Necessity plus creativity under ... Views: 780
Aries: Others may tell you to slow down now or to look at your plans & dreams realistically. Your genius needs guidelines.
Taurus: Go a little crazy, step out of comfort zones today & try new things or do something you've only fantasized about.
Gemini : Your creativity & original ideas ... Views: 774
Aries: Self employment in a creative or service oriented field, possibly with a mate, is possible now. Plans pull together quickly.
Taurus: Enjoy leisure activities with family, mate or friends. The sense that time is short & fleeting makes you savor the moment.
Gemini: Networking skills ... Views: 773
Aries: Money, career, work, reputation & success all get a huge blessing from a Grand Trine in earth signs. Stick to it & achieve.
Taurus: A Grand Trine in your earth element supports you in learning, travel, personal expansion & may bring a burst of luck.
Gemini: Your psychic, ... Views: 861
The Year will be full of scenarios and promises. You are very hard working, well-mannered and intelligent. You will attain a serenity life that you never had before. You would be able to remove the confusion and dilemma that existed last few years. Your inner self would be in agreement with the ... Views: 1547
Aries: You & a partner may spark each others creativity or spend time with kids. Perfect day for conceiving a child.
Taurus: Working creatively at home or working on home improvements & decorating gives you delight & satisfaction.
Gemini: Creative writing & design interest you now. Spend ... Views: 919
This year you will be less cautious. You would get power and will grab progress which gave you so many problems last year. Your social life will be fortunate. This year is ideal to support a change of career, to pass an examination, to launch a legal action, to settle a relation which needed ... Views: 1239
Aries: A burst of creativity, a fresh way of looking at things, a vibrant client or coworker can change your job/work attitude.
Taurus: Wear your crown today - energetically. A royal attitude mixed with humor - "We are not amused" gives you leverage.
Gemini: Whatever it is, you can do it & ... Views: 981
Aries: Sometimes when we can't control things or we are stressed, we point fingers at others. You may be pointer or pointee.
Taurus: Communications with others, especially at work or regarding health, may be disjointed, but eventually it all evens out.
Gemini: Yes, it may cost money to ... Views: 1088
You are ruled by elegance and attraction; you always display a bright and vibrant outlook towards life. The year will start on a bright note and it will continue so for a while. The reduced workplace pressure will reduce your tensions and worries. You will get freedom of thoughts and ... Views: 1564
Aries: You have the extra energy & determined mind set today to overcome difficulties or set your sights on certain success.
Taurus: You control & steer all communications to your advantage now. Others may not even be aware of your persuasive power.
Gemini: Put a business idea you've had ... Views: 975
Aries: Birds of a feather do flock together. You find mental stimulation, support for your ideas & social enjoyment now.
Taurus: An organization may surprise you with a check or bonus for work well done or a good record of some kind. Perfection pays.
Gemini: An optimistic & hopeful mood ... Views: 881
Aries: Ideas for business or financial growth are coming so fast, you'd better write them down. Potential for success is strong.
Taurus: If you are discussing money or values with a mate or business partner, you are the one who knows what's best.
Gemini: This is one busy day where you ... Views: 986
Aries:"If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself" holds true. Your ideas need your nurturing & guidance.
Taurus: Communicate the importance of following your own guidance & upholding your values. You are an astute observer now.
Gemini: The moon in your sign later today ... Views: 998
Aries: Remain courteous, but aware & on guard during financial or business negotiations. Think of it as a fencing match.
Taurus: Demonstrating excellence may lead to an offer of a "watch dog" position. Your ability to make right choices is strong.
Gemini: Monitor thoughts today. You get ... Views: 895
You can get a lot of major changes in your relationships in year 2012. You should be strong as some of your near ones are likely to leave you in shatters. So avoid depending on others and rise and shine. Peace and calm shall triumph then in your life. In the middle of the year you will take an ... Views: 1323
You will try to do something new in your life. You can make new promises, dream hopes, vision and goals. Overall this year would bring mixed result for you. You would feel fresh and vivacious. Yes you will face some oscillations and problems but do not lose your confidence and face the situation ... Views: 1477
Aries: Business negotiations, financial plans, sales work are constructive & profitable now. Determine core essentials, stay on track.
Taurus: Self assertion or expression helps you gain. Believe in yourself - ask for what you deserve or blow your own horn.
Gemini: Your psychic ability is ... Views: 922
Sagittarius personalities are frank, open minded and talkative in nature. Sagittarius daily horoscope suggests that a Sagittarius personality with blood type A likes freedom, he or she is very curious, daring and idealistic. Sagittarius personalities with blood group A are very persistent and ... Views: 6530
Aries: Be patient with others today. It may take them time to catch up with your lightning fast speed. Trust in kindness.
Taurus : Do not think you must be perfect in order to be a teacher, healer or coach. No one can limit your potential but yourself.
Gemini: You may feel you fall short ... Views: 765
Taurus people are generally gentle, easy-going and organised. You don't like being hurried or pressured. You can get ahead on the work-front by being more active, energetic and competitive. You're not one for blowing your own trumpet, but prefer to let the quality of your work speak for itself. ... Views: 1153
Aries: Full moon lights up relationship issues such as honoring yourself while maintaining integrity & honesty with another.
Taurus: Full moon brings an understanding of mind/body connection. You open to self healing or acceptance of who you are.
Gemini: Full moon emphasizes expressing ... Views: 792
Aries: A fresh start is imminent as full moon tension builds. "No better time than now" helps you pursue true dreams.
Taurus: Other people, especially a partner, may push buttons that open up your awareness of yourself & how you "tick".
Gemini: You could be a wayshower for others now. ... Views: 836
Aries: You may reveal things about yourself that you have never shared before with an existing or potential partner.
Taurus: Listening to other people talk about what they like may give you a unique idea for business such as a specialized service.
Gemini: Unusual or creative means of ... Views: 702
Aries: Believing in yourself today can make all the difference, especially when a bold romantic or creative move is required.
Taurus: A friend or organization may offer you an opportunity that gives you a chance to showcase your talents, especially teaching.
Gemini: Express your creative ... Views: 938
The Third Eye is located in the centre of the forehead. It is associated with intuition, imagination, clairvoyance and introspection. By activating the third eye, you can see more clearly into yourself and your needs. The third eye is related to the colour indigo and the musical note A. It ... Views: 935
Aries: Make the most of an incredibly romantic day & evening. If you are in love, have a love fest. Single? Get out & mingle.
Taurus : Doors open & the way to success is made clear. Some may realize their talent as an effective teacher or healer.
Gemini : Luck, intuition & manifesting ... Views: 699
A mysterious element of personality is often observed in people with Scorpio zodiac sign. Scorpio daily horoscope suggests that a Scorpio personality is goal-driven, observant, responsible, organized and well-driven. Scorpio personalities are idealistic and they are act smart to attain ... Views: 2378
Aries: "Plays well with others" applies to you today. Group activities or online connections may introduce you to a kindred spirit.
Taurus: The aspects today translate to "perfect work". Precision, beauty, high minded ideals, cooperation, satisfaction.
Gemini: Enter contests to win a trip ... Views: 744
Aries: Diplomacy or proper rules of conduct apply at work today. You are striving for perfection or mastery & recognition.
Taurus: Leave no stone unturned when seeking information or communicating. Obtain all facts before coming to an agreement.
Gemini: Streamline your work or business ... Views: 868
Telephone psychics can be your hotline to understanding, you only have to ask.
If you decide to seek out psychic readings by phone, then you must be aware that you will need to be personal, and you will need to be honest with the psychic reader. However, that shouldn’t be a problem, as a good ... Views: 882
Leo personalities are very generous and forgiving. They are good at social skills and possess better communication skills. Leo daily horoscope suggests that a Leo person can easily make friends with strangers. Aries and Leo are very similar in nature and often they fall in love at first sight. ... Views: 2106
Leo is the fifth Zodiac Fire sign which represents royalty and grandness. Leo daily horoscope suggests that a Leo personality is confident, patient, daring, adventurous and independent. Leos are generally energetic, optimistic and highly ambitious and they are constructive, well organized and ... Views: 2925
Leo represents the king of jungle and Leo personalities enjoy the natural royalty of this zodiac sign. The distinct blood types also enhance their effective behavior. Leo daily horoscope suggests that a Leo person with blood type A exhibits a mixed personality. He or she can be optimistic but at ... Views: 6941
Gemini personalities are able to exhibit dual personalities. At times they can be very calm, confident and patient and at other times they may feel impatience and restlessness. The different blood types exhibit effective influence on the personalities suggested by Gemini daily horoscope. ... Views: 8937
The latest cosmic event involves the transformational Pluto. If you can think about the events in your life, for the past five months we’ve either been dealing with, or holding on, to much more than we probably thought we could handle, as described in my previous Pluto post ‘Swallowing the ... Views: 6278
There are twelve Horoscope signs altogether. These zodiac signs help us in giving accurate information regarding our day to day life and also the special qualities we possess in order to live our lives properly. With the help of your horoscope you can find out relevant information regarding your ... Views: 728
Gemini daily horoscope can provide insight about possibilities of good relationships of Gemini with personalities of other zodiac signs. A Gemini personality matches with an Arian as both can be highly imaginative and creative. Both Gemini and Arian love to devote themselves in implementing ... Views: 1595
Gemini represents the Mutable Air sign which is dominated by Mercury. The Gemini personality is naturally energetic, innovative, communicative, witty and cheerful. Gemini daily horoscope suggests that a Gemini personality is highly adaptive and can have double personality traits, that is, a ... Views: 3545
Capricorn daily horoscope provides a general insight about the personality traits of a Capricorn personality. A Capricorn is a mature, stable and serious person about his life, profession and relationships. A Capricorn person is very responsible, strong and stable in nature. They are goal ... Views: 3096
Aquarius daily horoscope can prove to be a helpful way to analyze the zodiac sign compatibility between two different personalities trying to develop a relationship. An Aquarius and an Arian are ideal partners as they can comfortably understand and accommodate each other. They enjoy a similar ... Views: 1408
Virgo daily horoscope reveals that a Virgo personality is a serious learner and a perfectionist by nature. Virgo likes to learn and research new subjects however, at time a Virgo may feel less confident. Virgo is family oriented and can easily agree to get married. Virgo is practical, stable and ... Views: 2869
Cancers are emotional, kind hearted, caring and patient. They are good listeners, negotiators and decision makers. Also they are said to be confident, mature and imaginative. These are the positive traits of people born in Cancer, the fourth zodiac sign. On the basis of positive and negative ... Views: 2330
I hear this question often, and the different guesses I get from people are numerous. The most simple and technical answer is that tarot is the usage of tarot cards to answer questions you may have. But the simple and technical answer is never the answer when it comes to actually having a tarot ... Views: 974
To check compatibility of a relationship between Libra personalities with persons of other zodiac sign, one may take help of Libra daily horoscope which suggests that an Arian is an ideal and complimentary partner for a Libra person. A Libra is highly social while an Arian is self-conscious by ... Views: 1796
Sagittarius personalities are very friendly in nature. Sagittarius daily horoscope helps in understanding the relationship compatibility between a Sagittarius personality and other personalities of different zodiac signs. A Sagittarius and an Arian have many similarities in nature. They can ... Views: 2843
Sagittarius personalities are vibrant in nature as they are ruled by god Zeus. Sagittarius daily horoscope suggests that a Sagittarius personality enjoys individuality and freedom and they are very optimistic and positive personalities in nature. Sagittarius persons are perfectionists and like ... Views: 3539
Astrological Trends for September 5-11
Enthusiasm, playfulness, and physical vitality are present the morning of Monday, September 5th, as the moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius trines Mercury in the fixed fire sign of Leo. The moon is also quincunx Mars in the cardinal water sign ... Views: 1085
Horoscope for September 5-11
Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Exploring creative possibilities may expand your courage and your knowledge this week, Aries. You may develop an interest in an art or technology you know very little about or find yourself in the situation by default, such as ... Views: 963