Aries: Travel, sales, training or promotional speaking revolve around work. Express your passion for what you do & people notice.

Taurus: Gather facts & look at figures related to education, publishing or relocation to advance your career. Weigh pros & cons.

Gemini: Self improvement & finding ways to manifest your dream life or ideal relationship are highlighted. Some may travel now.

Cancer: You may keep your psychic talents secret now, especially when you are applying them to work & business deals.

Leo: A friend or group may request your time & skills. Volunteer without thought of income & money will come from other sources.

Virgo: A work at home business can branch in many new directions or a home hobby holds potential for income & broad appeal.

Libra: Mercury retrograde may affect you strongly today. Take that grain of salt with all you hear, double check travel plans.

Scorpio: Be very careful with money & investments or business partnerships. Something or someone "rock solid" may crack.

Sagittarius: Words of love are not enough. Be sure values are shared. Someone may judge you, or you may judge another.

Capricorn: You could push yourself beyond emotional or physical limits today. Pace yourself, take time for spiritual renewal.

Aquarius: A friend might ask for advice. You can tell it like it is, based on your own past painful experience, but live & learn.

Pisces: Keeping your mind on work when you would rather create & socialize isn't easy. Reschedule work appointments.

The mutable Gemini moon is close to full now. Gemini is the curious, spontaneous, flighty, imaginative, social, communicative air sign of the Twins. Often, the part of your chart that holds Gemini energy is full of doubles or duality. It is ruled by the planet Mercury, and today, the emotional Gemini moon is scattered by an opposition of the moon to Mercury - Gemini's ruler - in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius. Have you ever held a sparkler as it quickly burns out? The sparks flicker in every direction. You may find your emotions and thoughts doing the same today. Some of those sparks may be worth catching and fanning into a bigger flame, but not all. Carry a paper and pen with you to take notes on the keepers or to write down the names and numbers of new contacts you may make in your travels now. Travel and communication may be affected by the Mercury retrograde now. Double check everything and expect interruption or being side tracked. The Gemini moon also forms a quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto always intensifies the effect of a planet it aspects, so emotions may be extremely scattered or child like today. Pluto, itself, is patriarchal in the sign of Capricorn, so you may resent the restriction of authority or rules when you try to do something the easy way or take shortcuts. Allow yourself enough time for distractions and diversions and be patient with other people.

Author's Bio: 

Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at