Aries: Working for a larger company as a subcontractor is possible. Why waste time seeking clients if they are waiting elsewhere?

Taurus: A productive day where you are creative & take action. Wise money choices are made or business plans formed.

Gemini: Trust & rely on a mate or partner now. Take care of the matters at hand while they look ahead at the bigger picture.

Cancer: All your energy could be directed outward now in holiday preparations, chores, communication, caring for others.

Leo: A new source of income or idea for independent business may evolve when you see a need or are asked to perform a service.

Virgo: Prepare your home & your own self for entertaining or travel away. Salon visit? Holiday outfit? Household needs?

Libra: Think the best of a situation or a person & you won't be disappointed. The alchemy for romance or manifesting is right.

Scorpio: If you host friends or family at home, you weather the energy better if you establish a private space for yourself.

Sagittarius: A business partnership with a friend requires caution. What you see, you get - so look at their financial health.

Capricorn: Pay attention to things you hear today. A seed could be planted that grows into a profitable business idea.

Aquarius: If you are asking why something is not how you want it to be, listen & watch for the answer. Signs & synchronicity.

Pisces: It takes mind over matter, attention & concentration to work with a mate, team or group, but the results are worth it.

The moon in the mutable earth sign of Virgo is still being affected mildly by action oriented Mars as the morning begins. You may wake with a list of things to do already forming in your head. Saturn in Libra agrees that there is work to be done or plans to be made as it forms aspects to the sun in Sagittarius, Venus in Capricorn, and Neptune in Aquarius. Agreement could be the thing you strive for as Mercury in Sagittarius forms a strengthening semi-sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. The holiday season can create more work, stress and things to be done before the celebrating and joy can be had. Today is a continuation of yesterday's list making energy, thanks to the Virgo moon. In the late afternoon, the Virgo moon forms a potentially upsetting square to the sun in Sagittarius. I see that list being tossed aside as you give the reins over to the improvisational Sagittarius energy. "What do you mean, you have no more Tickle Me Elmos?!" "What do you mean, you don't like heavy metal anymore - you've gone country?" Checking your list twice isn't about naughty or nice, but availability or changing tastes. If you are doing holiday shopping today, expect a squirrelly afternoon. If you can release the emotional charge around not getting things on your list just as you wrote them, you may find there are gifts that are even better than what you sought to buy. Satisfaction is guaranteed later this evening when the moon in Virgo forms a happy trine to Venus in Capricorn. Whether you are home alone, with family and friends, or out shopping, socializing or attending a holiday event, comfort and joy is in your heart, not just in a Christmas carol.

Author's Bio: 

Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at