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We all want to eat healthily and be fit but sadly our aspirations turn to dust and dream never come to fruition once we think of celebrity and model-style bodies. If you've always struggled with changing your eating habits, we've got you covered.
Take these three tips to heart and put those ... Views: 821
Healthy Food is the Foundation for a Healthy Life
There is absolutely no doubt that the steps you take to eat well throughout your pregnancy.
Not to mention during times of breastfeeding will build a solid health foundation for your newborn love and for you as well, Mum.
To give your baby the ... Views: 1314
Do you like the fried food? If the answer is yes than fair play to you as most of the people have no idea about the quality of food they eat. Today we are mostly going to the oily fried food. These oily foods are little hazardous to our health though we all like this food very much.
But the ... Views: 1018
If you want a better memory, you can do a number of things. For example, studies have shown that your risk of developing Alzheimer's is reduced if you do crossword puzzles on a regular basis. You can also do other types of puzzles. Love to read? It's a great way to exercise your memory. Try to ... Views: 792
Through the nutrition we get, the body gets used to a certain energy level. When we go on a diet, we tend to eat too little food.
Now the strategy is likely to backfire. Over time, the body would send starvation signals to the brain. One then tends raid the fridge at midnight. This may at ... Views: 1227
One is just about sure to have heard about millets or may even have tried out millets at some time in the past. But it very often happens that people are caught unaware of the qualities that this food grain is possessed with.
Nutrition content of millets may take one by surprise. If one makes ... Views: 1594
Fruits are good for one's health! These are rich in vitamins and minerals, so these act as a fine way for one to overcome deficiencies of vitamin C and A.
It is even known that if you consume fruits as a part of a well balanced diet, these can allow you to prevent a number of chronic ... Views: 1201
Lifestyle disorders such as irregular hours of sleeping and unhealthy eating habits take a toll on our being. Resulting from the same, minor health disorders such as body aches and headaches have become the order of the day.
Taking care of one's health is important. This not just boosts the ... Views: 1115
A banana strawberry smoothie makes a perfect energy boosting breakfast or mid-day post-workout snack. Since both fruits are incredibly healthy and nutritious, incorporating into your daily meals only mean a positive thing for your health.
So if you are in need of a quick healthy treat, give ... Views: 903
The most difficult task for every parent is giving healthy food to their kids. Healthy eating is important for proper growth in kids. Parents want to give a healthy and balanced diet which is important for them to grow stronger and healthier. This is important as they develop the eating habits ... Views: 774
What do you need more when you get a bowl full of oats with milk and topped with some your favorite nuts? You want to start your day with a healthy meal. Oatmeal is one of the healthiest to start your day. Oats are considered as the superfood which can fulfill all your needs. Whether you want to ... Views: 668
Do you sometimes struggle, wanting to avoid sugar, yet feeling like something sweet. Wanting to avoid fats, gluten and dairy.
Well here is a Great recipe for you, that includes the spice sumac & cinnamon to help balance sugar levels, turmeric your wonder anti oxidant, anti inflammatory ... Views: 1408
Tea is a globally accepted beverage. There are many varieties of tea which are consumed all over the World in different ways depending upon their taste and also the tradition and regional influence. Amongst the various varieties of tea Rooibos tea is a specific category which has remarkable ... Views: 1033
If you are suffering from gastroenteritis, there’s a good chance that you are almost afraid of food. You may be afraid that if you take in food, you won’t be able to keep it down one way or another. But are there foods for gastroenteritis? Yes, there are!
There are many foods that may not ... Views: 1025
Constipation is a condition that everyone in their lifetime goes through. This problem, which comes under the field of gastroenterology, is not serious most of the time. Older people, however, are more likely to and more frequently get constipated, which can affect quality of life in addition to ... Views: 1987
Top 4 Powerful Cancer-Fighting Juices & Smoothies That You Should Know
Have you ever thought about drinking cancer-fighting juices and smoothies instead of a cup of coffee because of its wonderful benefits?
Cancer is considered as one of the most feared diseases for the human. There are many ... Views: 1067
Obesity is a great cause of concern these days. Because, overweight can lead to a lot of serious ailments like heart attacks, cardiac arrests, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart blockage, cholesterol deposition in the blood and many more. Excess accumulation of unwanted fats in ... Views: 1512
Diabetes is also referred to as diabetes mellitus. It may broadly be classified as a category of ailments wherein a person has high blood glucose levels.
The key underlying causes of diabetes pertain to:
- Insufficient production of insulin in one's body.
- The body not being able to ... Views: 1415
Leaky gut syndrome is a gastrointestinal condition that occurs due to intestinal tight junction (zonulin) malfunction. These “intestinal tight junctions” act as the guardians between your intestines and your bloodstream. Your GI tight junctions keep “bad” things out of your bloodstream.
If ... Views: 974
Thyroid disease has been relatively common these days. There are now an estimated 200 million people with forms of thyroid disease around the world. Researchers realized that women frequently suffer from hypothyroidism in comparison with men. Many symptoms of thyroid disease include weight ... Views: 1073
It’s widely recommended that we drink at least eight glasses of water every day, yet a study undertaken in 2014 with 30,000 people found that less than 1% consumed that amount. In fact the majority of the participants struggled to even drink two glasses! This is a surprising statistic, when you ... Views: 1214
Ever cooking was a true art that was transferred from generation to generation. Nowadays, for many people, it's the norm to get everything out of a packet and make it easy for you to give to all your lazy impulses in the kitchen. Cooking seems to take a lot of time, but cooking a meal with fresh ... Views: 750
Are your regular dentures causing you trouble? Do you want your dentures that are easy and comfortable to handle and don’t slip when you talk or eat? Well, dental implants can be a boon for the ones that suffer from bad teeth or gum disease. Let us now explore some of the facts and important ... Views: 959
Sedation dentistry is a type of dentistry that uses medication helping the patients to relax when their dentists performs dental procedure. It is sometimes even referred as “sleep dentistry”. These types of sedative drugs help patients to get free from anxiety and stress making their dental ... Views: 743
Healthy lifestyle is a blend of different components like food, sleep, exercise and leisure. All the components have to be in order to have a balanced and a healthy lifestyle. Let us have a look at different ways in which we could maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Consume food with low sugar ... Views: 797
There’s an increasing number of people switching from their usual, not-so-healthy lifestyle to healthier, organic alternatives. The reasons behind this are fairly simple: the soil we use to grow our crops is filled with pesticides that seep into our food and water sources, while ... Views: 1973
Everybody desires a healthy and fit body but the knowledge to do so is limited and so are the people who possess this knowledge. Sculpting a fit body is not an overnight task. It needs a lot of time and patience to get where you want to be. It is a step by step process that happens 24 hours a ... Views: 1130
Is the Olive Oil in your Cabinet Real?
There was a study done at UC Davis Olive Center in 2010 that discovered that 69% of the olive oils tested were not exactly what they said they were and did not meet legal olive oil standards in the United States.
There have been several additional ... Views: 963
By implementing some dietary changes combined with herbal medicine you can save your gallbladder.
Chances are if you are reading this that you have been diagnosed with Gallstones.
When suffering from gallstones you tend to have severe pain in the upper right abdomen soon after a meal.
The ... Views: 1230
Essential oils continue to increase in both popularity and availability for emotional, spiritual and physical wellness. However, one area you might not have considered using essential oils is in your favorite recipes. Here are five healthy options to help get you started.
Fruit Infused ... Views: 1604
As members of my community, I am sure you are learning that food will always be your Best Line of defence.
Whether that be from prevention of disease to supporting your body to function optimally.
Your skin is the largest organ of your body so whatever you put into place to improve the health ... Views: 1203
It’s not surprising to know that people consider you fat if you have a chubbier face. You can change the appearance and weight of your face if you’d like. It’s entirely possible. However, you can’t just lose fats in the parts of your face. You need to work on the overall weight loss. With right ... Views: 1487
There are many people today who want to improve their physical appearance. With all of the different options out there today for weight loss, many people are confused about which strategies work best. The good news is that there is a lot of new research in this area. If you want to lose fat and ... Views: 1079
Raw Food Risks We’ve Already Accepted
Raw oysters eaten especially during May through November in Florida when water temperatures are high can cause a big health problem. A bacteria called Vibrio vulnificus grows rampantly in the Gulf Coast during this time. The result if you eat the raw ... Views: 865
Sushi made with steamed rice, veggies, and fish is undoubtedly healthy, but the variations in the original recipe which try to make it more appetizing with sauces and fried ingredients make it fattening. Also, there are some health concerns being raised based on the type of raw fish used in ... Views: 806
Eggplant is also known as aubergine, and it belongs to the Solanaceae family of the plant kingdom. Other veggies in this family include potato, tomato, and peppers, which are considered nightshade vegetables. Most of these veggies, except for tomatoes, are usually cooked before eating, and ... Views: 899
The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet that has a variety of advantages in the body when it comes to nutrients. Apart from nutrients, ketogenic diet also has benefits in the body physique and functioning. In the ketogenic diet overview guide, we can look at the major benefits of a ketogenic diet ... Views: 812
Health is probably the most important aspect of every individual’s life. This is because no matter what you have in life, you can’t really enjoy it or take advantage of it if you’re in bad health. There are many things that can help you stay healthier from prescribed medicine all the way to a ... Views: 698
The root of many diseases is the blood. It occur either when the blood is infected or the toxins levels raised in the blood. There are several ways through which blood is being impure. It all depends on our life style, food habits, pollution, microbes, and many other factors. To be healthy, we ... Views: 1887
Coconut oil vs. Butter, which one is better than the other? Coconut oil has been touted by many celebrities and the likes to be beneficial for health in many ways. Both coconut and butter have saturated fats which have been linked to the cause of heart disease by the American Heart ... Views: 760
Want to gain weight? Well, it is not required to binge on butter and oily diet to gain extra pounds. There are many natural and refreshing Smoothies for weight gain, which rescues and helps you to meet ideal weight goals. It is difficult to lose weight; similarly gaining weight is also difficult ... Views: 718
I have often been asked by clients as to whether it is necessary for improvement with their health to become a vegetarian.
Any positive changes that you implement to improving your diet such as eliminating processed, takeaway and other fast food choices will bring about positive changes to your ... Views: 1294
These days, we’re inundated with food fads and fabulous diet trends. Raw, vegan, paleo, alkaline, whole30, the list goes on (no really, it does). It’s hard to know what lies beneath the hype: what’s beneficial, what’s effective, and what’s not.
So, here’s a helpful crash course in one of ... Views: 1366
Before we address the question, let’s talk about the benefits of consuming guava. Guava is said to have many health benefits. The fruit is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. It is high in vitamin C and also contains vitamins A, B, and E. It has a good amount of fiber and a relatively low ... Views: 1556
Coconut oil is derived from mature coconut kernels. Coconut oil is now considered a superfood. It has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Coconut oil is resistant to rancidity and has a good heat stability. Hence, it is used for cooking. However, saturated fats are unhealthy and ... Views: 670
Eating less and moving more are the basics of weight loss that lasts. For some people, prescription weight loss drugs may help.
You'll still need to focus on diet and exercise while taking these drugs, and they're not for everyone.
Doctors usually prescribe them only if your BMI is 30 or ... Views: 1346
Peaches belong to the genus Prunus which includes almonds, cherries, apricots, and plums in the rose family. Since peaches have a short shelf life, you should consume as soon as they are ripe. But, how to tell if a peach is ripe?
Peaches are most flavorful when they ripen on the tree. They ... Views: 630
Mushrooms are fleshy and edible fruiting bodies of fungus that appear mainly above the ground. The one’s that appear above the ground can be picked by hand. So, do mushrooms go bad? Yes, mushrooms, like all other perishable goods, have a shelf life and do go bad. So, how do we differentiate the ... Views: 640
Who doesn’t like watermelons? The bright red, sweet, and juicy fruit is a pleasing treat in summers. But, is watermelon good for diabetes? Watermelon has a lot of natural sugars, and so people assume that it isn’t good for diabetes.
According to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million ... Views: 630