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We all love French fries, but deep down inside, we also know that they’re unhealthy in one way or another. And the first health concern is the use of partially hydrogenated oils. If hydrogenated oils are bad for health, then what’s the best oil for french fries? In this article, we will ... Views: 614
A serving of three ounces of shrimps cooked with mixed spices contains 84 calories, most of which comes from the protein content and some good fats. It contains 0.9 grams of fat with only 0.2 grams saturated fats.
When steamed, shrimp are quite low in calories and fat, whereas fried shrimp ... Views: 722
Seaweed consumption isn’t exactly high in North America, and you’d be hard-pressed to find it on any menu beyond its role in sushi and miso soup. This is unfortunate because seaweed is extremely nutritious and offers quite a few health benefits. So the answer to the question is seaweed salad ... Views: 793
Soy milk is a rich source of proteins, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals. Is soy milk good for weight loss or does soy milk make you gain weight?It is the only complete plant protein that has multiple benefits.Soy milk contains healthy unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats help lower ... Views: 676
Did you know!Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the United States after skin cancer. A latest study says compounds found in turmeric, red grapes, berries, and apple peels can kill prostate cancer cells.
In fact, resveratrol found in berries has been tested for its anti-cancer ... Views: 768
Crispy French fries are a popular household staple and offered as a side dish at most fast food outlets. It is difficult to keep your hands off of them until they are finished. But are French fries healthy or are they dangerous? There surely must be some disadvantages of eating French fries, ... Views: 988
Almonds are a superfood that contain 28 essential nutrients. The nutrients in almonds include proteins, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, fiber, and much more. Almonds are made healthier by activating them. But what does activating almonds mean? What are activated almonds and are they more ... Views: 1004
What is iron deficiency anemia?
Iron deficiency anemia is a condition when the level of RBCs (Red Blood Cells) in a body is lower than normal, it means that there is not enough mineral iron in the body.
It is one of the most deficiency burdens, more than 12% of people in the world are ... Views: 1167
It shouldn’t be news to any of you that sugar is now a far bigger part of our diets than it ever has been in the past.
It has even been suggested that we eat as much as 19 teaspoons of sugar every single day! More than you realized, right?
It also shouldn't be news to you that this fact ... Views: 619
It’s very important to maintain a healthy weight if you plan on seeing your grandchildren play. People who live up to 100 years have one thing in common. They leave behind some bad habits that are detrimental to their health. They also stay away from foods that are likely to make them obese. ... Views: 724
Five Foods With a Great Dose of Calcium:
Calcium in Kale
Kale, a low-oxalate vegetable, is one of my favorite healthy foods, as it is loaded with beneficial nutrients. And if you are wondering as to how much calcium in kale is, then let me tell you that it’s a lot! A green smoothie with ... Views: 726
15 Health Benefits of Barley Tea
Barley tea benefits are innumerable. Here are listed few of the barley tea benefits:
1. Cancer Prevention
The barley grain contains phytonutrients that may help prevent certain types of cancers.
2. Helps With Blood Circulation
It regulates blood sugar ... Views: 897
When we talk about losing weight, we normally associate it with eating less and exercise. Although doing both can help, did you know that eating the right foods works better? According to research, you can actually shed pounds by filling up with any of these foods.
1. Eggs
Long ago, eggs ... Views: 2100
Nowadays, the number of people who have eye-related issues is globally too high. According to the World Health Organization, in the developing countries there are more than 600 million people who have impaired vision. Furthermore, the National Eye Institute has reported that more than half of ... Views: 1046
Salmon skin has a rubbery texture, so people prefer to leave it behind on their plate rather than eat it.Eating salmon skin is as healthy as eating the fish itself. However, since the skin tastes unpleasant and is rubbery and moist, you have to cook it the right way to enjoy this delicacy. But, ... Views: 1038
Cucumber originated from India whereas zucchini emerged from Italy. Zucchini is classified as a vegetable and cucumber is classified as both a fruit and a vegetable. Let’s look more closely at zucchini vs. cucumber.
Zucchini vs. Cucumber Nutrition Facts
There isn’t much difference in ... Views: 1003
Brown Rice Health Benefits And Nutrition Facts
Health benefits of brown rice nutrition facts include healthier functioning of cardiovascular system, digestive system, brain and nervous system. It is loaded with powerful antioxidants which provide relief from a range of ailments such as ... Views: 739
What single item can literally make you use up more calories, while helping you feel full faster & stay feeling satisfied longer? The single answer is unprocessed foods…and more specifically…the fiber they contain. Unprocessed foods are more difficult for your digestive system to break down. It ... Views: 825
Yogurt contains a good amount of calcium. It helps protect against osteoporosis and helps maintain muscles. It also helps to improve digestive health and boosts the immune system. So, does that mean you can go for a yogurt overdose? Is too much yogurt bad for you?
To answer these questions, ... Views: 2329
If you are looking for health gift ideas that keep on giving, then consider giving tea gifts to your friends or loved ones. Tea may not be the first thing that will enter your mind when finding the perfect gift for any occasion. But what you don’t know is that tea provides a lot of benefits that ... Views: 690
Dates are a superfood and contain a good amount of vital nutrients. This small-sized yet power-packed food is beneficial to health in many ways. However, dates do contain a high amount of natural sugars such as fructose, sucrose, and glucose. So, can diabetics eat dates? Let’s look at the ... Views: 620
Eating yogurt at night snack will not make you feel full and give you a good dose of nutrients and some sleep-inducing amino acids such as tryptophan. So, having a serving of yogurt for dinner or at late at night may help you sleep better. To avoid the consumption of excess calories, you can opt ... Views: 615
Bacon comes from salted and cured loin cuts that run along the back. It is juicy, has a tender texture, and is cured with a large amount of salt or brine. Bacon is cured like deli ham. You can eat deli ham, so can you eat raw bacon? No, you cannot and you shouldn’t even try.
Eating raw or ... Views: 808
f you can drink something that can help with your health, you’d probably think about trying it. Take beet juice for instance; it may not sound like the most appealing juice flavors, but you might be surprised at the numerous benefits that come with it.
In this beginner’s guide to beet juice, ... Views: 680
Researchers at the University of Salford in the U.K. have found that Vitamin C inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
This simple vitamin due to it's powerful antioxidant properties has become extremely effective when it comes to the prevention and treatment of Cancer.
Due to the fact ... Views: 1391
Working hard all long day will make your body a little bit tired at night, especially when there are so many things you have to complete before going to sleep. A commonly bad habit is to eat junk food or drink coffee at late night, this will definitely destroy your health gradually in a silent ... Views: 1559
Why Prune Juice for Constipation?
Prunes, aka dried plums, and prune juice are amazing sources of fiber that can keep you regular. Although they are best known for their laxative effect, they also have antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-hypertensive, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-hyperlipidemic, ... Views: 946
Preparation Time 30 minutes
Cooking Time 20 minutes
Makes 4 Handwas
1 cup jada poha (thick beaten rice flakes)
1/2 cup low fat curds with 1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup grated white pumpkin (doodhi/lauki)
1/2 cup grated carrots
1/4 cup boiled green ... Views: 1361
There are different weight loss methods that are available and they all have different levels of success or failure; if you are obese and you are interested in a weight loss in San Diego program that is effective, you may want to consider medically supervised weight loss. However, before you ... Views: 652
As they say, the key to a healthy and glowing skin is proper nourishment. But before you run to the health store to get a bottle of moisturizer, why not check your home first? You never know that what you are looking for is just lurking in the kitchen.
For a naturally glowing and hydrated ... Views: 1232
Sous vide--sealing food in plastic bags and cooking it in a constant-temperature water bath--is becoming a more and more popular cooking method. Its reputation for making perfect steaks, meltingly tender pork butt, and juicy chicken breast has made millions of people eager to try it. They ... Views: 1160
Business travel has become a way of life. In fact, MMGY Global predicts that the average number of business trips will increase to 7.4 annually per traveler in 2017 — make that 8.6 each year if that traveler is a Millennial. With an increase in office locations, global travel, conferences, and ... Views: 1379
Lemongrass is botanically known as Cymbopogon citratus. It grows well in warm and tropical regions. It is used in a variety of Asian cuisines due to its flavor and the citrus-like smell. Lemongrass has medicinal properties and when taken with tea it can reduce cold and cough symptoms. Lemongrass ... Views: 2692
Apricot seeds are similar to other nuts and somewhat resemble almonds in physical appearance. The seeds are enclosed in a hard shell known as a stone. There are two types; one tastes bitter while the other one is sweet.
Sweet apricot seeds are used as snacks. On the other hand, bitter apricot ... Views: 681
Are bananas good for weight loss? Yes, but not specifically due to the banana itself. Bananas are high in fiber and low in calories so they can make you feel fuller for a longer period of time.
This leads to people snacking less or not eating so much at a meal. However, bananas tend to get a ... Views: 718
When you are suffering from diabetes, some compromises in life become essential. While you might be required to go for an exercise routine, it is also important that you reduce your intake of sweets, salty foods, chips and assorted fried foods.
There are ways to prepare some very tasteful and ... Views: 1108
Some pass it off as aging; others suffer from ongoing health issues; however, there’s a chance your chronic inflammation means something else entirely: poor gut health. It might sound like we’re a broken record, but we’ll never stop repeating it, your gut has an enormous impact on your overall ... Views: 884
As we age, people search for the evasive fountain-of-youth to remain as young-looking and feeling as possible for as long as possible. While there are lots of items on the marketplace that proclaim their youth-retaining capabilities, much of it is simply marketing buzz with no genuine result ... Views: 1674
It has been proven time and again. Coconut oil offers plenty of benefits. That includes moisturizing the skin, hair conditioning, cooking, and balancing digestion, which was elaborated further by Jen Broyles in her article 4 Awesome Ways to Use Coconut Oil.
As years passed, people are ... Views: 1979
There are things you can do to help flatten your stomach. Flat tummy water could trim your waistline and help you flaunt a toned body.
But what is flat tummy water? Where do you buy it? Flat tummy water isn’t available in stores, but you can make it at home.
Flat tummy water contains a few ... Views: 1524
Cacao versus cocoa—it’s not just a typo! While many are familiar with cocoa as a chocolaty treat, fewer are aware of its purer form cacao. Read on to discover just what cacao is and what the key differences are between these chocolate sources.
What is Cacao?
Cacao is the raw form of cocoa. ... Views: 882
Amla is a well-renowned fruit which is known for decades owing to the nutritional benefits as well as endeavoring properties. This fruit is highly renowned for the different antiseptic as well as antioxidant property. This happens to be a rich nutrient product which has shown amazing benefits ... Views: 642
Ayurveda is recognized to be one of the oldest forms of medicine. Ayurvedic Nutritional Health Products concentrate on wellness and health by harmonizing body, mind, and spirit. It is possible to achieve accomplished wellness by the use of these products. Here are the top benefits of these ... Views: 644
The avocado, also known as the alligator pear, is a fruit well known for its properties that reduce cholesterol levels in the body as well as offer many other health benefits.
One of the best ways to enjoy the health benefits of this delicious fruit is as an avocado juice. As a healthy, ... Views: 1465
From preventing cancer to lowering cholesterol—the benefits offered by Olive Oil are too many to count. And, they’re unrivalled as well. The day breaks with newer information derived from scientific researches about this oil. It has become an integral part of urban kitchens in ... Views: 568
Chronic kidney disease is a condition affecting close to 20 million Americans. Kidney specialists (nephrologists) suggest that changing your diet can help protect your kidneys. Diet can also help control other health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which in fact can lead to ... Views: 756
One of the most simple things to prepare is a glass of fresh juice, and every person can get into this quite quickly. The following paragraphs include the information you need to get started.
If you're going to be making juice with dark, leafy greens, throw some cucumber into the mix. Many ... Views: 725
Onions have been used in culinary aspect for centuries in many different cuisines all over the world since they enhance the nice pungent flavor to various dishes and salads. Moreover, onions are beneficial since they contain vitamin C as well as vitamin B, dietary fiber and folic acid which can ... Views: 936