A stent is a small, criss-cross shaped, metal tube that is placed into an artery to help hold open an artery for better blood flow. During a coronary angioplasty, stents are placed.
Uses of Stents
The function of the coronary artery is to supply blood rich in oxygen to the heart muscles. ... Views: 846
Known as, “king of spice,” black pepper is one of the popular spices, since ancient times. The health benefits of black pepper, are many, the intake of pepper improves your health condition as well. The origin black pepper is tropical evergreen rain forest of South Indian Kerala state, later it ... Views: 702
Do you know an hour of stair workout will burn up to 930 calories? Know the list of stair workouts commonly clone with your daily workout where there is no access to gym or other.
General Workout for Everyone:
Here is the list of general workouts for everyone who is willing to exercise ... Views: 643
The best medicine prescribed by nature is Laughter. Many studies scientifically proved Laughter as an amazing medicine which helps in curing many health problems.
What is Laughter Therapy?
Laughter therapy is also called as Humor Therapy and some people call it as Laughter Yoga. It helps in ... Views: 689
The root of many diseases is the blood. It occur either when the blood is infected or the toxins levels raised in the blood. There are several ways through which blood is being impure. It all depends on our life style, food habits, pollution, microbes, and many other factors. To be healthy, we ... Views: 1888
Are you a diabetic? Worried about foods that contains high glycemic index? Don’t worry. Well, there are some Fruits for diabetics, which won’t cause any harm to their health. Let’s have a look on them.
Diabetics Mellitus (DM) is also known as Diabetes and it is a chronic disorder. This disease ... Views: 1036
Hiccups are most commonly seen in every individual at some or other time, but they can be embarrassing and annoying in public.Usually, bouts of hiccups go away by themselves without any treatment. However, there are few simple and quick cures for hiccups.
The sudden and involuntary ... Views: 633
Want to gain weight? Well, it is not required to binge on butter and oily diet to gain extra pounds. There are many natural and refreshing Smoothies for weight gain, which rescues and helps you to meet ideal weight goals. It is difficult to lose weight; similarly gaining weight is also difficult ... Views: 720
Are you a diabetic? Worried about foods that contains high glycemic index? Don’t worry. Well, there are some Fruits for diabetics, which won’t cause any harm to their health. Let’s have a look on them.
Diabetics Mellitus (DM) is also known as Diabetes and it is a chronic disorder. This ... Views: 706
Anulom Vilom Pranayama is also known as “Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique”. It is considered as the best technique to handle stress, anxiety, and other mental pressures. It relieves from every tension.
The benefits of anulom vilom pranayama are infinite as they have healing power of many ... Views: 10065
Best Cardiologist in Hyderabad is hard to find as we have many doctors, but this article will give you the idea on how to choose the best cardiologist. How to find top cardiologist in Hyderabad? Is the biggest puzzle to many of the people who are either new or old to Hyderabad because everyone ... Views: 991
Adolescent is the other named used for teenagers. Generally, the age between 11 – 18 years is considered as Adolescent. Here is the healthy diet plans for teenage girl.
In the adolescent age period both men and women will experience many physical and mental changes. When there is no special ... Views: 1170
Now-a-days due to different types of changes in both external environment and internal body structure every human is surrounded by many diseases irrespective of age, gender, country etc. in which kidneys are the most common affected disease all over world and there are many signs your kidneys ... Views: 1247
Now-a-days due to different types of changes in both external environment and internal body structure every human is surrounded by many diseases irrespective of age, gender, country etc. in which kidneys are the most common affected disease all over world and there are many signs your kidneys ... Views: 2052
In the recent times, unbelievable amount of people are suffering from acidity. If you are also one among those, well, there are numerous natural Home remedies for acidity, to get rid of this problem. Acidity is a painful experience that affects tens of thousands of people all over the globe. ... Views: 670
Having a dry skin is a problem most of the women and men face. You can always try home remedies for dry skin and improve the texture, softness of your skin. Usually, dry skin is a hereditary problem or caused by hormonal fluctuations. In some women, skin tends to become drier and sag due to ... Views: 611
Hello, folks! You may be surprised to see this article title, as it is related to building a home. But building a healthy home doesn’t mean only a house construction with good quality construction products like cement, bricks, etc. It means to be a happy, healthy home with family. To know more ... Views: 689
Health Benefits of Bay Leaves:
Bay leaves uses are known to us only through food. But do you know there are amazing health benefits of Bay Leaves. Till now we only know bay leaves are used directly in the form of leaves in food. But it can also be used in different forms such as powder, ... Views: 702
Would you like healthy & glowing skin? No need to purchase expensive creams just do yoga for glowing skin and face.
Every individual wants to have a beautiful skin. According to the recent studies individuals need not to use costly creams to get a glowing skin, just a regular yoga can assist ... Views: 713