Segal's Law says this:

A man with one watch always knows what time it is.
A man with two watches is never sure.

Many have heard this before reading it here. What does it mean, though?

That was the goal I had in mind when I wrote THE MASTER KEY WORKBOOK ( In a nut shell, it is this (at least in the context of this discussion): When we pursue more than one goal or aim, we rarely achieve either. Rather, we must narrow our focus and select one thing to accomplish and achieve.

All of us have talents and skills, wants and needs, goals and desires. That is normal that is what makes us a human being. If we look around us, though, and look at those who achieve and attain, we will notice a startling thing. That thing is the fact that those who attain massive success, achieve that success in one thing--one specific thing.

Bill Gates achieved his success in computer programs. Rush Limbaugh attained money and fame through radio. Tiger Woods mastered the game of golf and succeeded massively.

One thing. These people--and others like them--took one thing and ran with it. They ran with it until they achieved all of their goals.

Most of us fritter our time and talents by leaping from one toad stool to another. We never settle on any one. We jump around like lost frogs looking for the next fly to eat.

The smart frog, on the other hand, finds his place and lets the flies come to him. And come they do!

It has been postulated, and in my experience proven very true, that it takes ten years of doing something before any kind of success or mastery is to be attained. A person studying for a black belt in karate will study that long before they attain that vaunted level of skill. Microsoft went public as a company in 1986 he fame grew through the nineties, but not until the later half of that decade did he really become a household name.

It takes time and patience and persistence and more than a little perspiration to achieve a goal. What most find the most difficult, though, is finding that one thing to do that they love.

The greats were in many ways most fortunate because they found their passion early. Tiger Woods, Ludwig Von Beethoven, and other like them began studying their crafts while exceptionally young. Does that deny us from the race? Not at all. Einstein was 26 when he published his Special Theory of Relativity. Babe Ruth was older. Many CEOs and executives work many years through the ranks before they begin to see the fruits of their labors.

Sometimes it helps if you daydream a little. Where do you often go? When you realize that, then ask yourself if that is merely a fantasy or a true want--a true desire.

Life is to be enjoyed. We can only succeed at and get what we want with something that we love to do. Don't fritter your life away. Reach inside of yourself and find your love, your passion. Find that one thing that you would look forward to doing every day.

Run with your dream else, your dreams will run from you.

Author's Bio: 

Tony Michalski is the founder and owner of Kallisti Publishing, Inc. - "The Books You Need to Read to Succeed" - . Kallisti Publishing, Inc. has been publishing books since 2000 and has successfully published the entire Charles F. Haanel library, Steven "Rusty" Johnson's book Walk, Don't Run, the US National Security Commission report Road Map For National Security, and others. Tony is also the author of the Master Key Workbook.