One of my Ezine subscribers recently sent me this question:
"I really struggle with the highs and lows of field sales. Most days I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. In this economy, especially, it's difficult to stay positive. Any suggestions?"
This is one of those rarely ... Views: 1109
Dave, I am finding it difficult to manage my personal finances. As a commissioned salesperson, my income varies from month to month. It seems like I'm always struggling with finances. Do you have suggestions for me?
Congratulations for having the courage to ask that question. Do I have ... Views: 1141
One of my Ezine subscribers recently sent me this question: "I really struggle with the highs and lows of field sales. Most days I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. In this economy, especially, it's difficult to stay positive. Any suggestions?"
This is one of those rarely ... Views: 1151
Q. What do I do when my goals don't match the company's goals for me?
A. This is a question from our recent Virtual Seminar on setting goals. Since I hear this, in one form or another, almost every month, I thought it would be worth responding to again.
I can look at this is in two ways — ... Views: 1055
Dave, I am finding it difficult to manage my personal finances. As a commissioned salesperson, my income varies from month to month. It seems like I'm always struggling with finances. Do you have suggestions for me?
Congratulations for having the courage to ask that question. Do I have ... Views: 1340
Good time management for salespeople has been an obsession of mine for more than 30 years. In the last decade, I've been involved in helping tens of thousands of sales people improve their results through more effective use of their time. Over the years, I've seen some regularly occurring ... Views: 1206
Every client I deal with, in one way or another, eventually asks that question. The words may be different, but the question is the same. In this turn-of-the-century economic environment, it's a universal question. If you haven't confronted the issue yet, it's only a matter of time before you ... Views: 1327
"Selling is more difficult now that it was just a couple of years ago." Most of the participants in my sales seminars nod solemnly when I make that statement. And then they begin to fidget in their seats when I follow that up with this: "And it will be more difficult next year than it is today." ... Views: 1338