Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
It's that time of year when business plans are made, goals are set and new practices are put in place. But of all the things you can do to increase your profits this year, there is one strategy that blows all the others away.
Focus Frequently On Your Vibrational Frequency! (If you want a ... Views: 1244
My business seems to make major leaps in growth whenever I get fed up with the long lulls of the same ol', same ol'.
Growth spurt #1 ...
After my first couple of years coaching, I plateaued at $60k a year. It was covering my bills but I was working a lot. Coaching clients and teleclasses ... Views: 1245
Entrepreneurs seem to have an endless supply of ideas for new products and services. What they often lack is the follow through to take an idea into a sellable format and the marketing 'know how' to back it up.
You may be living this experience right now. You have a pretty good solution to a ... Views: 1344
The key to understanding how we all end up being limited by Unconscious Allegiances and Forbiddances—that result in what we call The Fear of Being Fabulous—is rooted in every child’s earliest beginnings and driven by the environment that child grows up in.
That is a psychological and ... Views: 1598
When I was early on in my private practice as a clinical psychologist some 30 years ago, I kept noticing how so many of my clients suffered from a pattern of anxiety as they pursued a goal that they desired (their frustration with not achieving the goal was usually the reason they had come to me ... Views: 1464
When one is a baby and then a child, they are completely dependent on their parent’s responses to them. Through their caregivers responding, one will be able to have their need for food and nurturing to be met.
And this also goes on to include one’s self image and how they view themselves. ... Views: 1745
Jim here, a favorite cartoon of mine shows two lab-coated scientists standing before a white board filled with scientific notation. Between the first part of the notation and its conclusion there is a space filled with the words “And then a miracle occurs.” One of the scientists, pointing at the ... Views: 1156
From Jim:
Creative Intentionality (CI) a major element in the construct that is your success in any area of your life and yet so few people know about it let alone understand how to best use it.
To say it directly, CI is about how you frame things. But that’s not a sufficient explanation. ... Views: 1221
Judith here. A former client (“Matthew”) went from executive position to executive position, each time hoping that his new employer would allow him to shine. Each time, as he explained to us, he started out feeling empowered by the hope that this time his boss would respect his intelligence, ... Views: 1125
Too often, especially for entrepreneurs, our lives become complicated and exhausting. There never seems to be enough time in the day for all of the responsibilities on our plates, much less extra for the activities which may improve us or our businesses. We get so caught up in the day-to-day ... Views: 1528
Understanding Your Cash Flow Statement
For many business owners, interpreting their company’s cash flow statement is a confusing process. What the majority of these entrepreneurs don’t realize is that it does not have to be. What exactly is your cash flow statement and how does it differ ... Views: 1456
Several years back, I hosted a prosperity forum where several people were chatting about how frustrating it was to not have enough sales in their business. All of them said they were focused positively, taking all the action they could think of to reach their business goals, yet it wasn't ... Views: 1007
Do you want to know the single best way to pump your profits and skyrocket your success? (Wow! That’s a good bullet point for a future marketing campaign!)
I’m going to give you a hint. It’s an inner game technique.
Make a solid decision that you will indeed get exactly what you want in ... Views: 1126
Being predictable is a part of being human. Our brains are actually wired to embed habits, increasing the number of things we can do on autopilot. Our ability to operate on autopilot, to be aware of our environment and solve problems, has been the key to our survival. John Medina describes it ... Views: 1197
“The market is changing, and not for the better,” Grant said, at the start of our coaching session. “We used to get a ton of leads from our website, and now we’re lucky if we get one a week.”
The business world is in the midst of a revolution – and lately I’ve been hearing a lot of anxiety ... Views: 1412
Purpose and Greatness. These are two very powerful words. These are words that when used in proper context give meaning to us. The question I have for you is: Are you operating in and releasing Your Purpose and Your Greatness?
Your Purpose and Your Greatness go hand in hand. When you are ... Views: 1476
Today’s working environment has the hands of managers full with so many responsibilities and doing big things that cause the organization to be disorganized and chaotic instead. They deal with pressure of deadlines, quotas, and stiff standards and so they end up achieving less rather than ... Views: 1079
I was standing in a line at the grocery store. The person in front of me was paying by check. At what I thought was the conclusion of the transaction, the cashier called the manager to her workspace. I watched quizzically as he initialed the check without even pretending to see what was on it ... Views: 1122
Sometimes it seems the Universe is not hearing your requests. Your powerful self may feel like it's on vacation because you can't hear its voice. Loneliness sets in. This sets the stage for all the mischievous, lying, bad news Gremlins to come in talking their smack.
These are the moments when ... Views: 1621
Corporations and other companies are in the trend of trimming their staff to bring down operational expenses. In an attempt to move on the path of progress, enhancement and betterment the management took on reducing their expenses by removing many people from their jobs and asking the people ... Views: 1092
Digital marketing is not as simple as many of you think. You cannot attain the desired result by sending too many emails, or by posting too many articles about your business in various sites. It needs a lot of planning and initiative to develop business through online.
When we say digital ... Views: 984
As a part of an engagement with a client (an insurer), I walked the executive leadership team through a discussion of company strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. I stood at the white board posting their answers as the discussion migrated to an assessment of ... Views: 1147
This much ignored activity is at the heart of success in fitness endeavors, or any other personal endeavor for that matter, business included. It has gotten a bad name over the years because it has been asked to do things beyond its range of usefulness by people who are unconscious to its ... Views: 1019
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”
~ Sun Tzu
Strategic thinking is a systematic draft of steps or actions that help company not only sustain its current position but ... Views: 1366
The concept behind a Fantasy Football Confidence Pool involves you choosing which teams you believe will win each game that is played and then you rank the game in accordance to your confidence in that particular team winning. You can do this either using the
point-spread or straight up, ... Views: 5314
"You know nothing about me. I was lost long before the [Berlin] Wall fell. I was once destined to become a man much like yourself: true-hearted; determined; full of purpose, but … character is easier kept than recovered. We cannot control the things that life does to us. They are done before you ... Views: 1313
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What is the one thing that every success story has in common? It is, “I was here in this circumstance and I went to there in a new circumstance.” From here to there has a thread that you can follow. Successful people think a certain way. ... Views: 1953
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Behind every good success there is a story. You may know some of the “BIG” ones, such as, Richard Branson’s approach to success is based on his personal experience with something he thinks can be improved – usually a service or product ... Views: 1604
Since this publication may be read by many CEOs – “Chief Energizing Officers”–, I’ve chosen the above title for the article. The truth is: we all suffer from CEO disease and need motley fools. Feedback from motley fools is the breakfast of champions. I will ... Views: 1175
Are you a world leader?
Depends on which world we're talking about.
All the world's a stage...
Shakespeare had that right, but if you are bold enough to redefine your world then you are also redefining what it means to be on a world stage. If you know you were put on this earth to serve ... Views: 1437
Expectation and disappointment are often two sides of the same coin but the experience between expectations in our businesses as opposed to our personal lives can be very different indeed.
In business, we actively invite positive expectations from our ... Views: 1361
"Between stimulus and response is a space, in that space is our freedom to choose, and what we choose in that space determines our success and happiness." - Anon
I hope you find yourself well as you embark upon reading this blog post for the next 5 minutes. If you’re reading this then it’s ... Views: 1369
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
~ Zig Ziglar
For the CEO, it is always a challenge to motivate his employees and also keep them motivated. Motivated employees are at the forefront to take up new challenges, adapt ... Views: 1885
Succumbing to the new technology and changes in the industry is not an option for any business owner. With the help of an executive coach make use of the changes to your benefit and rise above your competitors.
Body: We all follow our leaders without a question. Having complete faith in what ... Views: 1120
A lot of Business Owners can enjoy the benefits of business coaching. The important point is to make certain you are engaging with a Business Coach so that you can identify the bits of your business to work on.
Most people actually have a pretty good business, it's just the small bits that ... Views: 999
When establishing your company’s culture your goal should be to find and build upon the shared values of your team. Companies that say what they are, and mean what they say, foster a more tuned-in and trusting workplace. Aligned with this ideal is the concept of transparency, where changes, ... Views: 1249
I had a coach who told me I was much better than I thought I was, and would make me do more in a positive sense. He was the first person who taught me not to be afraid of failure. ~ Mike Krzyzewski
Have you ever experienced any event in your life where someone was behind you, supporting and ... Views: 1560
Regardless of what you think, you need to be a leader. That means everyone: solopreneurs and employees, too. And no matter what stage you find your business in, start thinking of yourself as a leader if you want to see increased profits.
Each of you is a 'leader of self;' the leader of your ... Views: 1589
According to Wikipedia, “Customer satisfaction is defined as the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals."
Customer satisfaction is a great indicator of customer ... Views: 1696
As the world turns on its axel our society is moving forward at a break neck pace due to technological advances. These innovative solutions are great on one hand yet are also a main culprit to diminishing customer service experiences. It is time to change the way we do business in the new ... Views: 1585
What benefit is it to the organization if short-term goals are met but a leader’s behaviour contributes to employee unrest, sabotage, or high turnover with loss of skills and knowledge? Leaders must be aware of how their behaviour impacts on the motivation and performance of their ... Views: 1786
My new client, Tony, had some "issues." (Don’t we all?) A superb thinker and analytical problem-solver who astounded his co-workers with his intellect, he also got periodically derailed. When his boss (the CEO) criticized his work, Tony would "shut down" for prolonged periods of time. ... Views: 1473
“To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition.”
~ Albert Einstein
Growth – an ever-evolving and continuous process – is an outcome of a successful innovation. As a thing of creativity evolves from an Idea, the ... Views: 1920
Now that you have invested in a new company, is the CEO doing what is necessary to maximize your investment? Success does not happen by accident. It takes a lot of hard work and a commitment to a set of core principles, which become a foundation and pathway during times of development, crises, ... Views: 1434
No one likes having the difficult conversation whether it is in his or her personal life or at work. Unfortunately they often are essential.
What makes the interaction scary is the unpredictability of the response and reaction of the receiver as well as your issues about the topic at ... Views: 2636
No matter what type of workplace you choose to operate in, you undoubtedly have to manage people. They might be direct reports, clients or customers, interns, freelancers, vendors, colleagues, and of course the often most challenging of all, your boss or business partner. Here are a few tips on ... Views: 1626
How to inspire others to motivate themselves in the workplace
Recently more people are asking me how they can motivate their staff to: do more, take more responsibility, care more about the end results they produce, take more initiative and so on. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you ... Views: 1487
How To Feel Better Instantly
January 11, 2013 Posted in: MoHow Posted by: Dr. Mo
Today’s Momentum Strategy Tip (MOST)
Are there times when you feel crumby and stuck in a negative feeling rut? If you want to quickly and powerfully turn your situation around here are three ... Views: 3013
Corporate organizations across the world are turning towards executive education programs offered by reputed universities across the length and breadth of globe, for the development of their business leaders and workforce. Business leaders and executives are able to face greater workplace ... Views: 1375