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What is the one thing that every success story has in common? It is, “I was here in this circumstance and I went to there in a new circumstance.” From here to there has a thread that you can follow. Successful people think a certain way. ... Views: 1940
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Behind every good success there is a story. You may know some of the “BIG” ones, such as, Richard Branson’s approach to success is based on his personal experience with something he thinks can be improved – usually a service or product ... Views: 1588
We know from the experiences of our lives that what we need comes to us at the most critical times and what we need appears, why is that?
Usually what we need comes because we have finally reached that place where we are completely focused and completely relaxed at the same time. Often the ... Views: 1428
We are so filled with mis-beliefs. We think we are filled with just ‘beliefs’, or maybe, ‘disbeliefs’, but in fact, we are loaded to the gills (as it were), with mis-guided beliefs, many that we are completely unaware of.
How does this happen? How do we spend our lives loading up with beliefs ... Views: 1495
Have you ever felt that there is something major missing in your affirmations? Are they working for you? Well, what if there was a missing link?
A friend of mine and I spent a number of years from 2004 to 2006 complaining about our frustration with the outcome of our affirmations. In 2004, ... Views: 1492
We would appear to be in a time of economic crises, there would seem to be a lot of evidence for that belief. Our legislature seems to be in turmoil, confusion and ineffective and inefficient processes.
So what in the world can we do? How can we influence the ‘powers-that-be’? How can we ... Views: 1592
What if you could not only retrain your brain, but change your physical neurology as well? How about replacing the blueprint for health that has produced an overweight, overtired, overstressed you, for a slim, strong, vibrant you?
We are all actually masters, we have simply forgotten how to ... Views: 1612
If you have been trying to use The Law of Attraction, but somehow, no matter how hard you try, it doesn’t seem to be working, maybe as Yoda says, “There is no try, there is only do.” We have all had situations where we tried, tried, and tried again, and what we were trying to do, just wouldn’t ... Views: 1519
“To be successful, all you have to do is give up everything you know.” Asara Lovejoy
The foregoing quote might sound like the very last thing you want to hear about your life and making it everything you want it to be. But remember the popular quote from Einstein, “The definition of insanity ... Views: 1562
A New Take on the Couch Potato
Making a Living in Your Living Room
“To be successful, all you have to do is give up everything you know”. Asara
We have a little saying, ‘living in your living room’, which has to do with doing what you want to do and if you choose, do ... Views: 1527
Hi I’m Asara Lovejoy, the number one problem solver in the world who guarantees results. I can make this promise because I have discovered something quite amazing about who we are as human beings – that within our brain and our mind we have the capacity to change any idea, limitation doubt or ... Views: 2059
When I was a young girl I lived on a ranch with sheep, cattle, pets and especially my best friends, our horses. I was cautioned many times “to be careful” as an eight year old of the danger around horses, at the same time I was taught how to ride and brush, curry, clean and feed these glorious ... Views: 1804