Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
Think for a moment of a time when you felt truly connected to yourself – you were on purpose, knew what you needed, had a plan to get it, and felt passionate about doing so. Although many of us have experienced times when we felt we were acting from our true selves, aligned with our interests ... Views: 1489
American psychologist Henry Murray (1893-1988) described needs as a, “potentiality or readiness to respond in a certain way under certain given circumstances” (1938). Human needs are the source of intrinsic motivation for all behavior and social interaction. We all have needs that we strive to ... Views: 1997
Leaders no longer have the protection of a structure of given authority behind which their vulnerabilities remain unseen. The new social norms have transformed organizations into social democracies where leaders are expected to reveal themselves and their irrational side to their staff, to ... Views: 1350
People need to feel a sense of belonging in order to find meaning in their work and to engage the power of their emotions. The more employees discover links between personal ideals, a meaningful organizational mission or intention, and larger social values, the greater their commitment to their ... Views: 11375
The Striving Styles System goes deeper than other systems of typology by looking at the predominant needs of each of the Styles and how they behave when they are self-actualizing and self-protecting.
The Striving Styles System can be of enormous benefit to human resource professionals, leaders, ... Views: 1185
The Striving Styles Personality System, an evolution of Carl Jung’s Psychological Type, was developed in 2008 by Dr. Anne Dranitsaris, Ph.D. It is an easy, yet profound way of understanding what motivates different personalities and the predominant need that must be satisfied for them to achieve ... Views: 1212
Featured in the Globe & Mail business section, Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Much of what we read about employee motivation suggests that this is the job of leaders and managers as though employees are incapable of doing so themselves. The assumption that people are naturally unmotivated has ... Views: 2084
The benefits of online safety training
A number of companies are now turning to online safety training to help their employees meet the health and safety requirements of their industries. While the concept of online learning has been around for many years, it is only recently that many ... Views: 894
The executive education becoming a norm instead of an expectation is now on the rise. Whether a person happens to run his own business or happens to work as the CEO of a particular company, even the executives at the higher level are the beneficiary from various courses that are designed ... Views: 896
Customer satisfaction – I’ve heard it… you’ve heard it a gazillion times. Businesses, large and small, striving to fulfill their customers needs and desires. Doing everything they can to meet the customer’s expectations or demands; seemingly believing that as long as they have content ... Views: 1491
Don’t you just love the holiday feasts? There are very few things I enjoy more than eating and drinking with reckless abandon over the holidays. When wine is freely flowing and the air is pregnant with temptation, it feels great to grab that extra scoop of cheesy potatoes. Or eat apple pie ... Views: 1272
People-watching is an insatiable craving in my life. People are beautiful, compelling and fascinating. With willing eyes and an open mind, we have so much to learn about how people choose to make their mark.
While walking the beaches of Maui, Melinda and I were fascinated by an overwhelming ... Views: 1087
Today, I’m feeling profound sadness and intense self-reflection as I heard the words of Harmon Killebrew telling the world his cancer is no longer treatable. Here are the Hall of Famer’s wise and precious words shared through the media:
Harmon Killebrew: hero for how he lives his ... Views: 2220
Training – an Expense or an Investment?
Many entrepreneurs seem to view employee training and development as more optional than essential...a viewpoint that can be costly to both short-term profits and long-term progress.
The primary reason training is considered optional by so many business ... Views: 3607
Just running a company is hard enough. But building, expanding and enhancing the company and executing a strategic plan toward achieving set targets is much harder.
Typically, a company experiences 5 stages of growth and development. Depending upon how the people at the helm handle these 5 ... Views: 1324
Anthony Robbins once said that “It’s in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”. And I completely concur with Tony as your decisions are ultimately going to make you… or break you. In all likelihood, you have not viewed your every day business or life decisions which such ... Views: 1325
Employee disengagement is a malaise that can strike any organization at any point of time and it is best to stem the rot at the inception rather than end up fire-fighting.
In the first part of this series "The Warning Signals of Employee Disengagement", we looked at the factors that incite ... Views: 1760
Your job is to create, align and sustain aspiration, inspiration and perspiration! Many of today’s leaders, however, have become convinced (often times with the instigation of OD gurus), that management is no longer important, and that aspiration and inspiration are sufficient to propel ... Views: 1141
My mission is “to help business leaders discover and achieve their potential.” One of the things that I discover is that many business leaders – more than half – limit their success because of inadequate attention to reflection and self-examination.
My clients would say that I’m not prone to ... Views: 1532
Our perceptions sometimes get us in trouble. We might believe someone is thinking something about a situation, only to realize we were completely off base. Communication is the key to determining what someone is thinking, but absolute communication is not always possible. As business owners, it ... Views: 1529
Are you contemplating starting your own business? Have you been contemplating it for months, years even? If the idea of having a business is appealing but you are still hesitating regarding the area or sector of your business, read on, as the following points might just provide you with the ... Views: 1954
One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs, managers and business owners face is retaining good employees and curbing employee disengagement. As the CEO, you may be banking on some of your high performing team members to achieve certain targets, only to find to your dismay their resignation ... Views: 2567
These days, selling a business requires as much planning as starting it. After all, you spend a great deal of your precious money and time on setting up a business; and obviously, you would not like to sell it for a loss. Not surprisingly, experts say it takes a business owner a minimum of 5 ... Views: 3505
These days a growing number of people are joining CEO peer groups in the hope of getting insight and expertise of other CEOs that can help them tackle crucial business and strategic management issues and make their organizations more successful and productive. However it is extremely important ... Views: 2487
You must have heard of the phrase, 'It is lonely at the top'. Well, this phrase holds so true for CEOs and other top ranking people of an organization. When you own a business it is highly unlikely that you will share your fears or challenges in front of your employees. And even if you do so, it ... Views: 2346
This is first in the series of Top 10 Basic Business Principles, and it is important that you get this one right.
One of the more difficult decisions to make in business is what am I going to do within the business, and even more importantly, what am I NOT going to do. This decision will ... Views: 1604
Leadership Strategy Number Eight
Treat the mail clerk and the secretaries and the waiters and waitresses who wait on you with the same courtesy and respect as you do the CEO. People who are rude to people they deem beneath them and nice to people they deem above them are phonies and as a ... Views: 1611
Companies, big, medium, small or startups, have one thing in common – try as hard as they might, they can be, at any point of time, get hit by a crisis. The crisis or problem can strike at any time, in any form – be it product-related, financial, human resource, public relations, legal, market ... Views: 2806
As an executive coach, I’ve seen all kinds of leadership styles. Effective leadership is essential to every organisation—big or small, young or old.
We know from Harvard’s research on the Service-Profit-Chain and our Scores on the Board system(tm), that employee satisfaction brings ... Views: 3253
Written by: Dr. Bob Rausch
As someone who has experienced a panic attack before can attest to, it can be very alarming, especially if you are in a leadership position of running a small business. Small business can bring many stressors, so it’s important to keep your cool and keep your ... Views: 1211
‘Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.’ Napoleon Hill
Procrastination is perhaps one of the biggest issues that business owners and professionals experience on a day-to-day basis. In this article, we ... Views: 1399
At some point in your career there may have been a time when you took a pay cut or downgraded to a less skilled position as a way to "pay the bills" or for resume continuity sake. But eventually you come to a place of frustration or you feel as though you are "stuck" in your position and really ... Views: 1251
Have you ever noticed how you are drawn to beautifully packaged and branded products? I wondered at this phenomenon recently, and questioned myself as to the real reason behind why companies are always re-branding and re-packaging their products. And upon reflection, there were several things ... Views: 2343
What is business coaching?
Business coaching helps businesses make improvements and bring about necessary changes in order to not only perform better, but to also perform at a much higher level and to continually keep growing and expanding. Business coaching helps businesses improve and grow ... Views: 1098
I’m going to fill you in on something many leaders don’t get: You must fulfill five very basic requirements if you expect people to perform.
You MUST give your people an explicit sense of the overall organization’s mission and values, and why they should care about them.
You MUST develop ... Views: 1122
I really like "real time" strategy (RTS) games and i love massively multiplayer (MMO) games. Fuse them together straight into one free-to-play game also, you have Evony - some free MMORTS. Basically, you make your own kingdom and tackle other players, or non-player characters, for resources and ... Views: 3205
I seriously hated the idea of creating a marketing plan the first time I was advised to create one. I didn’t know where to start, it sounded hard and I honestly didn’t know what it meant.
After a few years I changed my mind about the marketing plan and I began creating one every year. As ... Views: 1467
FEAR is the number one reason that holds you back! Where in your life are you playing small and letting FEAR take over? Are you in a job that you hate and feeling unfulfiled and frightened to move on? Are you in a relationship that you know in your heart is not for you however you're frightened ... Views: 1235
Why didn’t the Skeleton go to the party? Because he didn’t have any body to go with.
Okay joke over and now down to business.
Skeleton didn’t realise that he was the most important aspect of the physiology of coaching.
The body is a wonderful thing and is made up of a range of ... Views: 2228
If you’re not a baseball fan, you may not know his name. Here’s a primer: He’s the best pitcher in baseball. That’s not only my opinion; it’s the overwhelming opinion of his peers. Complete games – Halladay. Innings pitched – Halladay. Earned run average – Halladay. Average wins per season – ... Views: 2188
So, you are commencing a fabulous occupation? Nowadays in this jobs market place, it’s most critical than previously to demonstrate your personal worth in your new job as fast as possible. It's a true problem, however executive career coaching may help you find your feet and try to get the best ... Views: 985
Coaching is now being adopted by far more UK Companies and is one of the most effective ways to develop the ‘business,’ the business leaders and managers. Coaching service provision includes helping businesses to be more creative in their financial management systems, improving poor performance ... Views: 1313
“Surprise occurs the moment we realize
our view of the world no longer matches reality.”
-Wayne Burkan, author, WIDE ANGLE VISION
Blockbuster, Eastman Kodak, and Borders - what do they all have in common? All these business giants failed, but why? Like many analysts, you could come ... Views: 2026
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there - Lewis Carroll
It doesn’t matter whether I’m working with Entrepreneurs, Executives or Business Owners the question WHY always comes up at some stage. The context normally arises when we begin to look at what drives the ... Views: 1149
It can be argued that no organization in the National Football League has had more success than the Pittsburgh Steelers. In the “modern era” of professional football, your organization’s accomplishments are measured with one metric – winning the Super Bowl. Nobody’s done that more than the ... Views: 1988
Dig Deep
My friend Susan became a kind of surrogate mother to a young woman called Kate. When she about 4 years old, Kate’s natural mother died tragically. Susan helped Kate in all ways possible. She was there for her throughout and Kate loved her as much as she loved her own mother. For ... Views: 1479
The typical path in a sales career goes something like this; start out in customer service, then get “promoted” to inside sales, outside sales, and if you’re still doing well, onto sales management. This is a track to failure for the company, employee, and their customers.
The employer can’t ... Views: 1430
If you're involved with any group of people who are trying to achieve common goals, you soon become acutely aware that those goals will be achieved only through the work of the people in the group.
Yes, all work is done through relationships and wisely managing these relationship is critical ... Views: 2190
In these uncertain times many otherwise powerful professionals are becoming paralyzed by fears and insecurities. They want to overcome the challenges to their executive presence, their leadership brand, their professional image, and the advancement of their career. But to get to where they want ... Views: 1632
I hear so many leaders express impatience about where they are right now in terms of their careers. Attitude and perspective have a direct effect on everything around you, though, so frustration with your present situation only serves to amplify the feelings of stagnation and dissatisfaction. ... Views: 1053