Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
When you are preparing a presentation, an important question to consider is: Do I really need to use slides?
The answer, of course, is it depends. It depends on your purpose, your message, the time limit, the audience and the technology available. Consider the question carefully before you ... Views: 1482
If you’ve decided to use slides in your presentation because you believe they will help your presentation, it’s crucial to think about what to include in your slides.
Resist the temptation to write your script out in the slides. Not only is that boring for the audience to see slides full of ... Views: 1595
Is money, or the lack of it, giving you heartache? Needing it, spending it, and attracting it can certainly be a fun game. Yet, you may not be experiencing any joy at all.
Even when you have a sufficient amount in the bank, money can still stir up emotions and give you instant stress. Most ... Views: 1075
If you want to live your life with meaning, you must reflect on the things that are important to you, and then act on what you discern. This goes for your professional life as well as your life overall. Every once in a while, put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and document your beliefs ... Views: 1611
Why is it that when you need money the most, it seems the hardest to get your hands on it? The answer is because, most likely, you’ve got most of your attention on the fact that you don’t have enough money. It’s an instant log jam in the money-attraction process and it’ll make anyone a nervous ... Views: 1287
Even though you may have relationships that can connect you with your potential next job, it’s ultimately your interview with one or more of the players at the new company that will make or break the possibility of your being hired. So it’s essential to have a well thought out strategy that will ... Views: 1068
Let’s say that you want to reach the level of Director, or V.P. or maybe even get to a C-Level chair. As much as you say you want to follow this trajectory you have doubts. You question whether or not this is the right path and you look for evidence to prove, to yourself, you know what you want. ... Views: 1051
Over our many years of executive coaching, it’s been clear that many people are unable to give themselves fully to creating a robustly successful career. There are many underlying reasons for this pattern, most of them caused by unconscious beliefs that were developed very early on and now ... Views: 1048
In 1969 Lawrence J Peter and Lawrence Hull published their humorous work, The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong. As Wikipedia describes it, "They suggest that people will tend to be promoted until they reach their ‘position of maximum incompetence’". And since that time, most people ... Views: 1173
Doing almost anything, besides meditating, is easier when you have two or more of the right people. So, why aren't more people asking for help in their business or creating joint venture relationships?
Doing it alone is the trap of a self-employed mentality. Leveraging the resources, skills ... Views: 998
I’m sure you’ve heard people say things like “I was taken out of context,” “They took her statement out of context” or “You can’t take people out of context” because if you do you will distort their message and misunderstand what they are saying. And then blame them for whatever you don’t like ... Views: 1030
As men and women alike climb the ladder of success, they too often suffer from the inability to delegate well.
Isn’t one of the payoffs expected from achieving leadership status the freedom to no longer have to do the "daily grind" work, the "menial" work, the "frustrating calendaring and ... Views: 1045
There’s a huge difference between externally imposed limits, like not enough resources or too small a budget, and self-imposed limitations like self-doubt, or lack of confidence, or inaccurate beliefs that create blocks which appear to be coming at you from out there when in fact thy are arising ... Views: 999
Until recently it’s been understood that we come into this world with pre-set DNA and we’re stuck with it. In fact, most people - if their genetic markers contain positive predispositions for things like heart disease, cancer, or early death - have felt like victims of their DNA.
But recent ... Views: 994
I've been doing joint ventures (JV's) for well over a decade. Three years ago I had a major aha moment that changed the future of every JV I do.
"A joint venture is a strategic alliance where two or more parties, usually businesses, form a partnership to share markets, intellectual property, ... Views: 2953
All it took was asking my Uncle Jim once and he said yes to skydiving with me. He said he'd wanted to do it since I did my first jump. The day gave us beautiful, clear skies and no wind. He chose to do a tandem skydive so he could be harnessed onto an instructor who wears the parachute.
I ... Views: 1141
From Jim:
In 1960, when I was 19, an abscess developed at the back of my upper left jaw such that I had to have three teeth pulled. The dentist administered Lidocaine numbing my jaw and with pliers and some effort extracted all three teeth during that one visit. As he finished he warned me ... Views: 965
From Judith:
A recent review and analysis "Coaching: A Global Study of Successful Practices - Current Trends and Future Possibilities 2008-2018" commissioned by the American Management Association demonstrated an expanding interest in and use of executive coaching worldwide, primarily aimed ... Views: 993
From Jim:
“Leverage” has become a significant if not dominant concept in the corporate lexicon and it’s now a buzzword used every day in many ways. Here are examples of how I’ve heard “leverage” used: “He carries a lot of leverage” and “You’re not exercising the right leverage” and “How do we ... Views: 1185
From Jim:
Knowing the difference between what is urgent and what is important can make or break your day, can make or break your career, can produce a lifestyle, at work and at home, that is effective, productive, and rewarding---or not. The difference between “urgent” and “important” can ... Views: 1086
From Jim:
It may seem strange to start with the story of Cinderella but the story’s millennial popularity sets the ground for the idea of “saved from being saved.” The stories of Cinderella and Aladdin, her male counterpart, focus on the main character who possesses excellent qualities and ... Views: 982
My husband Jim Sniechowski, PhD and I just completed a series of interviews dedicated to discovering what makes career management so difficult for most people. And the majority of the answers we repeatedly received fell into these three categories:
* I shouldn’t have to toot my own horn. My ... Views: 910
Numerous studies have been conducted exploring and testing the power and promise of expectations. And it’s been proven that many people make their decisions and understand themselves in the light of what others expect of them. When we know someone expects something from us---our attitude, how we ... Views: 945
Hear Yea! Hear Yea!
Let it be known across the land:
Receiving Praise and Compliments for Your Excellence Does NOT Make You Big-headed!
Yet, in a recent workshop "Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous: It’s Time To Shatter Your Inner Glass Ceiling" (which my husband Jim Sniechowski, PhD ... Views: 967
That’s a rather audacious claim, right? But it’s true. You can make your communications compelling. How? By understanding the difference between “features” and “benefits.”
A simple way to understand the difference is: features are about you and benefits are about the other person. When you ... Views: 993
Forget the idea that a "glass ceiling" only applies to women crashing into and getting slapped down by the "boy’s-only-club of top corporate leadership." That’s not the issue here.
What’s far more serious, and gender neutral, are the internal glass ceilings that hold back both women and ... Views: 1137
I’m sure you’ve heard it said that to be a good listener you should "walk a mile in the other person’s shoes." Okay. But exactly how do you do that? And how can you know that you are walking in another person’s shoes? How can you be sure that your perception is not mistaken or maybe it’s just ... Views: 977
- You did well in school with practically no effort.
- You’ve always been well-liked, even in grammar school.
- You’ve aced every employment interview you’ve ever had.
- Your people skills feel like second nature and people have always come to you for help.
- You ... Views: 982
We’ve come a long way since office employees in the 1800s were expected to fill lamps, clean chimneys, wash windows, bring in coal and water supplies, make their own pens, and work 13 hours a day.
However, during the recent fast-food workers strike it came to glaring light that while James A ... Views: 1141
From Judith:
It’s easy enough to say that everyone should "own their own career"—but how do you do that?
Assuming you desire upward advancement, here’s a get-started checklist:
* Ask your manager or Human Resources for the criteria for promotion to the next level
* Determine the ... Views: 1069
From Jim:
Have you ever thought about or tried to create your own reputation? That doesn’t make sense, does it? Reputation isn’t created. It’s attributed to you by the people who know and associate with you. That’s the whole point of a reputation: it’s based externally and arises from people ... Views: 955
From Jim:
What’s the difference between your identity and how you are known in your profession, in other words your professional brand? Ideally they align across all aspects of your personality. Nevertheless your identity and your professional brand, no matter how closely aligned they are, ... Views: 1004
Slightly sweet, sometimes favorite and most satisfying treat and energizer is 72% organic free trade dark chocolate.
Why give such a specific description? Because each element can be translated into some of "the stuff" that can set you up for greater success. This may sound like a ... Views: 982
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about "authority"? Is it a great writer you admire, your boss, your doctor, your parents? Or is it you?
Chances are pretty good that you were NOT first on your list. Why not? After all you are an authority about all kinds of things. You ... Views: 1068
From Jim:
What’s your immediate response when you hear the phrase —You Need to Create a Pitch? Most people cringe in one way or another because the word “pitch’ when used in a business context smacks of hard sell. Someone wants to get into your wallet. They say they care about you. They have ... Views: 1149
Judith here. Do you or your friends and/or work colleagues struggle with frustration? Anxiety? Insecurity? Breaking promises? Missed deadlines? Puzzling, even maddening behaviors?
What’s going on?
My husband Jim Sniechowski and I call it The Fear of Being Fabulous™ and it’s the result of ... Views: 1363
Jim here. Have you ever walked into your house or apartment and smelled something that caught your attention—an odor that was striking but you couldn’t immediately identify it? Was it the remnant aromas from dinner the night before? Could it be the sweat drenched running shoes from that ... Views: 1226
Judith here. Recently I was speaking with a young woman in her mid-twenties who had just been let go from her position at a start up in the UK. She was disappointed and not sure where to turn. The clear problem she was facing was that she had never looked at her work as a milestone in a career, ... Views: 1022
Jim here, as I set down to write this post I asked the question—“What inspires me?” I then listed a number of options. Soon I realized that the items on the list weren’t real. They were just concepts. More precisely they were just my attempt to make a list and I hoped something on the list would ... Views: 1070
From: Judith
Hear Yea! Hear Yea!
Let it be known across the land:
Receiving Praise and Compliments for Your Excellence Does NOT Make You Big-headed!
Yet, in a recent workshop “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous: It’s Time To Shatter Your Inner Glass Ceiling” (which my husband Jim ... Views: 982
It was almost time for me to be wheeled into the surgery room and the surgeon came to see if I had any questions. He got into the details of what was going to happen and my heart started pounding! I had a tumor in the palm of my right hand and he was going to make a larger incision than ... Views: 1131
To the onlooker, John's life was idyllic. He was a vice president at a large financial services company. He earned great money and appeared to have a successful life. At the age of 43, his mortgage was paid off and his kids' college educations were funded. His wife did volunteer work as a member ... Views: 1080
Chronic insecurity? Drug and/or alcohol abuse? Procrastination? Those are just a few of the symptoms that can haunt your life and your career when The Fear of Being Fabulous threatens to undermine your newly acquired success. Mind you, those are only the symptoms—not the cause!
To expand your ... Views: 1153
We’d all like to think that we are good at being rational and that we conduct our lives with deliberate awareness. And why wouldn’t we? That’s what the professional world rewards---conscious, well thought through, efficient, predictable results. If we can’t predict we can’t control. If we can’t ... Views: 1243
Have you ever had the experience of achieving a substantial goal, receiving applause, high-fives, and maybe even a bonus — but you didn’t feel any joy or even happiness?
You looked forward to giving that training for a major conference. You worked hard on it. It was even a pleasure to create. ... Views: 1105
How can compassionate collaboration lead to higher productivity and more effective results? The answer is housed in the words "compassion" and "collaboration."
The defines compassion as: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, ... Views: 1126
When you reach for the panic button every time you think about money ... pause. This is not the time to contemplate getting a job. Don't go to your nearest friend or call mom for soothing. Stay away from consulting your team members and spouse, too. And for goodness sake, don't leak your worries ... Views: 1143
A confident mindset will make or break your dreams. Yet, sometimes action breeds confidence. So should you work on mindset or take action?
I say both. (But never take action while in resistance unless the action is intentional to get you out of your funk).
If you're familiar with my Speed ... Views: 1025
'Tis the time of year to rethink your business model and upgrade. The easiest way to do this is to revisit (or create) your money funnel. Even if you’re a newbie, this is a great way to visually see where you want the money to funnel into your business.
And for goodness sake, put the fun in ... Views: 1342
For over forty years, Lou Tice helped corporations, non-profits, sports teams and individual athletes achieve success. As the founder of the Pacific Institute, Lou's thinking on the subject of personal development led to his creating tools and technology that supported people like Kirk Gibson, ... Views: 1247