We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Self-Esteem and Self Confidence". If you have expertise in Self-Esteem and Self Confidence and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The ability to think on one's feet is the most prized attribute in the American consciousness. Its mastery is a prerequisite to elected office. Its proficiency is the simplest path to wealth. People land promotions when they inspire confidence, they get women when they're charming. It's the ... Views: 1386
MEN LIKE WOMEN WHO LIKE THEMSELVES. It sounds so simple. Like two plus two equals four. Simple. Yet most women know from their own personal experience that the 'mathematics' of love and relationships are rarely this simple. Indeed, they know that love and relationships can be painfully ... Views: 6646
“When you feel rejected, how do you keep from rejecting yourself?”
Sometimes when we feel rejected, it brings up all the other times in our lives that we felt rejected. The worst part is that when we feel rejected, we tend to reject ourselves.
Many of us spend a great deal of time seeking ... Views: 2529
The thing is . . . I love a mystery . . . not a mystery novel . . . the mystery. When I was a child I would play games delving into the darkness, submerging myself into places where a normal child of eight would be afraid. But not me, I feel safe there, I surrender to the darkness and allow ... Views: 1175
"What would happen", my mother once winkingly asked me, ramming my backside with her vacuum, "if an irresistible force met an immovable object? Move your butt!". I was ten at the time, sprawled in her path over the comic page and under vacuum cleaner attack. I grumped, yielded the floor, and ... Views: 579
Question: I used to be a very confident person. I was self-assured, socially adept, and believed in myself. I am now 35, have a wife and child and a good career. Last year I was laid off from my job. Even though I got a new job right away at the same level, I lost my sense of confidence and ... Views: 678
Personal Development - Why Is It Important?
A lot of people look at life as being unfair at times and they think that life is a series of disappointments. Why are some people more “lucky” than others?
What about you? Does life seem unfair? Would you consider yourself as a happy person? Do you ... Views: 885
Simply put, self-esteem means placing a value on oneself, on one’s performance. We’re constantly estimating our self-worth—usually based on whatever happened five minutes ago. Strange how if someone looks at us funny, our self-esteem can suddenly plummet. Self-esteem is less stable than any ... Views: 686
Have you ever wondered what unconditional love actually means, or what it would take to give yourself or someone else this kind of love? We believe everything in your world is a reflection of YOU. And that's the good news! Why? Because if everything starts with you, then you don't have to FIX, ... Views: 1499
Most of us suffer occasionally from a lack of self-confidence or self-esteem. But some people have chronic low self-esteem that nearly cripples them personally, professionally, and socially. Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life, describes low ... Views: 699
I should get my car washed. I should pay my bills. I should eat less. I shouldn’t sleep so late on the weekend. Our lives are filled with shoulds. Shoulds keep us on the straight and narrow path to goodness. What are shoulds and where did they come from? Of course we can trace them back to ... Views: 960
When was the last time that you went to a party and watched someone walk into the room to bring in a fresh aura of enthusiasm and cheerfulness? The new visitor seemed to be having an electrifying presence, captivating those in the room with his or her personality, body language and overall ... Views: 2217
At some point in life, usually as young children, we forget who we really are. We acquire a self concept based partly on what we feel inside and partly on what others feel about us. In greater or lesser degrees we begin to accept what others tell us about ourselves. Sometimes we grow up with ... Views: 700
Avoiding and pretending are acquired skills. For some it’s an art. Both overlook and ignore what you don’t want to deal with, allowing you to believe you’re okay when you’re not. An ostrich is great symbol for avoidance. Sticking his head in the sand, he pretends to be invisible. He believes ... Views: 707
Shutting up that restless chatterbox is impossible. When things go awry judgmental clatter attacks hurling reminders of worthlessness and stupidity without mercy. It poisons thoughts with self-condemnation, feelings of inadequacy and failure. Everybody knows the drill. Disgrace and shame ... Views: 620
In my last article, I discussed the role that fear plays in our lives and introduced the idea that we can transform it into a positive force that works for us. Fear often creeps up when we are ready to pursue a compelling, juicy goal. Sometimes our fear is so big that it rears its head before ... Views: 952
We all know the feeling. You have just set an exciting, compelling goal for yourself. Maybe the goal is to climb Machupichu or to create a new career or to begin dating again or to finally tell that less-than-supportive friend how she has hurt you. Whatever the goal is, it is something you know ... Views: 816
I will be writing mostly about keys to a healthy and balanced life.
The first key is self acceptance. This key seems obvious and simple yet for some it’s one of the hardest to implement .
We are constantly bombarded with images that state how we should look, talk, dress and even smell. ... Views: 1518
For the last few days I’ve had a couple of lines of music stuck in my head. It started when I heard a brief clip of it on the TV and after that it went round and round so I found myself absentmindedly humming it throughout the day.
What was irritating was that it was only 2 lines – ... Views: 703
A lot of people feel crappy about who they are, where they are and what they've got. If you want the same results, here's how to do it:
1. Take criticism personally.
When someone tells you that you've done something wrong, that a piece of work isn't up to scratch, that you look tired, that you ... Views: 1177
What’s stopping you from being as confident as you would like? When asked sometimes people say that it is the memories of what others have said and done in the past. The following article invites you to play with what’s written here and if you want modify any of it to see how it makes a ... Views: 676
It has been 29 years since I first started healing research and to facilitate healings. We used to help people one at a time recover from self-esteem issues. We saw that there simply was not enough time to help everyone in need. There had to be a better way. We reasoned that if we could develop ... Views: 2916
My clients frequently ask me how to find happiness. Over the years I've noticed that a common characteristic of people who are happy is self-awareness.
Self-awareness is a deep understanding of who we are. It literally impacts how we treat ourselves and others and what kind of life we live. ... Views: 2228
For many years, I was a lone ranger, doing things on my own, resistant of others’ help and support. Although always friendly and well-liked, I never let anyone get too close. I never felt good about sharing my deepest thoughts and feelings, perhaps for fear of ridicule. Somehow, during my ... Views: 1187
In our coaching sessions, clients often discuss struggles or frustrations they’re experiencing. Struggling is characterized by that feeling of trying to place a round peg in a square hole. It’s a stressful place to be. It’s also energy draining, time consuming, and it distracts you from the ... Views: 1149
Have you ever put together a puzzle? First, you open the box and dump all of the pieces on a table. You spread them out. Then, you pick up each piece one at a time, turn it over, observe it for shape, color and a glimpse of something that might be useful, and then place it face up on the ... Views: 1296
Have you ever had anyone speak to you in a tone that made you feel uncomfortable? And yet, you said nothing. Have you ever done something for someone or with someone that you really didn’t want to do? And yet, you did it anyway, only to become resentful later.
Every time you say nothing, every ... Views: 1109
Change is often very difficult for people to accept and yet it’s happening every minute. The only thing certain is change. When you find that things are not as you want them to be in your life, it’s time to get comfortable with change.
The Comfort Zone
Change means many things to people. It ... Views: 1091
In 1776, when John Hancock (and 55 others) signed the Declaration of Independence, they were well aware of the fact that "the pursuit of happiness" is vital to the welfare of individuals. The following list constitutes some of the important lessons I have learned in my own pursuit of happiness. ... Views: 1102
Come to think of it life would be pretty monotonous if there were no obstacles or failures. Success begotten without any hard labor or without crossing any insurmountable barrier is hardly remembered even by the most successful people. To compare it with something which we experience every day, ... Views: 6065
A good leadership style is often difficult to define as it is more qualitative than quantitative. Some say that a good leader gets the job done, while others argue that a good leader simply inspires and motivates his team. In other words, a good leader gets the work done by inspiring others and ... Views: 4777
The power of self-image is incredible. How you think about your self and your capabilities can actually be a deciding factor on what are and can deliver. While most people have self-image, often this poses as a limiting factor. We have built-in fears, apprehensions and doubts about our ...The ... Views: 1720
Self esteem the elusive energy or feeling that many people believe is hard to come by and may not see the use for it in their lives.
Is it about if only you could, in other words is it about wishful thinking?
It is about bragging and making yourself to be more than you are?
Getting angry
Is ... Views: 734
The Journey-Building Self-Esteem
My life is not perfect. I make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes, I stumble and fall. I am a work in progress. And when I remember that simple fact, I am better for the experience.
It's easy to start on a path of change and get so busy doing what we need to do that ... Views: 656
Actively participate in your healing. Below is an exercise for you to recite aloud and/or record on audio in your own voice. Listen to it daily as you also read along with the recording. This will help clear you of self-limiting beliefs and replace them with thoughts that support growth and ... Views: 1246
I go crazy when I do nothing for extended periods of time. It can wear very thin. Very often, life is just the opposite, I do not have the time to just do nothing, and nothing can be therapeutic.
Can you relate?
Back in the “old” days being hyper active all the time, meetings, ... Views: 683
This article will illustrate on the great tips to improve your self confidence. The first things that we need to focus on is that self confidence are most effective to gain through ourselves, all we need to is believe and learn the techniques to do that.
Self confidence brings out the best of ... Views: 885
"What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination."
- Zig Ziglar
In this article, rather than add to your "to do" list with more ways to improve your current situation, I thought I'd take a different approach. I ask you ... Views: 877
When we look closely at a beautiful quilt we realize that the individual patches are usually made from various materials and are from many different sources; such as hand-me-down clothing, baby jumpers, and hand stitched pieces made by grandma. Yet, sewn together they result in a ‘feel ... Views: 2870
I knew I had to change my lesson plan aggressively when one of my students came screaming into the room, frantically stating that he would kill the person who had raped his mother the night before. Other young boys quickly chimed in, also exclaiming that they would kill the drug dealer who had ... Views: 1281
People who struggle with setting boundaries for themselves often struggle with saying "no." Using that word can literally bring up discomfort for them. For this reason, they over commit, don't end up with any time for themselves and can even be taken advantage of by others. Their friends, ... Views: 1814
Good boy
Lots of parents mistakenly try to control their children’s behavior using the "Good boy approach". If the child did what was asked from him he becomes a super hero and a good boy and if he did something else the controlling parent responds with anger, threatening or with the ... Views: 1110
I attended a business women's event last week and was amazed at how many of the attendees presented themselves.
This was a business event and the way in which many of them dressed you would have thought they were going to a local football game!
I met a 'coach' who raved about how successful ... Views: 922
Mary is a typical small business owner, she keeps herself busy doing the 'hands on' work. In her case it is doing beauty treatments and she told me she keeps doing this because she really enjoys it.
Her clients constantly tell her how great she is, which makes her feel appreciated. However it ... Views: 947
There was a time when all people were created equal. No one was better that the other person. There were no nasty eyes looking over you, judging your hair, your eyes, your clothes. Unfortunately, most babies only live in the hospital for a couple of days and once they are discharged from that ... Views: 749
Developing self-esteem is hard work and changes don’t happen overnight. People with low self-esteem don’t feel good about themselves, they are not happy with their life the way it is. But you can change and give a different direction to your life right now. You just have to decide to ... Views: 811
Did you have a dream of what you wanted to do when you grew up? Did you live these dreams through your imagination and make believe play as a child. Are you living those dreams now? Unfortunately when we grow up those dreams seem impossible, and we end up doing things that are far from where we ... Views: 683
Creative Spark Within:
I have often heard adults wistfully express that they are not creative, although they wish they were. My belief and response to their lament is that every one of us has a creative spark within, which can be ignited and fueled. How can we encourage children to believe in ... Views: 2673
Change is good. Some people are afraid of change, but change is the invitation of experiencing something new that may affect your life in a positive way. Change is inevitable and will happen in all of our lives. In most cases, change is the way to move forward to success. Dealing with change is ... Views: 1847
Lack of focus is the contributing factor towards constant distractions that plague our lives. Distractions will make you unproductive and stuck with bad habits that are not a step toward progression. You may need to take an inventory of your life to see what are your time wasters; whether they ... Views: 1181