I have spent the last few days unable to tear myself away from watching a dreadful series that I am streaming instantly on TV. There are thirty-two episodes and I am almost finished with the lot. I am annoyed with my behavior and what a waste of time it is. Yesterday I tried to stop and ... Views: 1723
The holiday season is upon us. Do you greet it with trepidation? Festivities bring us together with family. Are you dreading that experience because you have to act as if everything is peachy when it isn't because you are really having an awful time and can't wait to find an excuse to leave? In ... Views: 2025
Recently I was using EFT with a client I'll call Marie while she was exploring stress about some serious problems in her family. Thoughts and feelings about family members came up as she tapped, and tearfully she said, "I want love." She told me that she didn't feel loved by her mother and in ... Views: 2266
Do you settle for relationships with people because you secretly believe that you can't do better? I once knew a wonderful and loving minister who used to tell a story about one of his parishioners who came to him for guidance. She was a lovely woman who was having trouble financially. She told ... Views: 5688
When it's time for the holidays or a family reunion do you cringe at the thought, but go anyway? Your mom will find fault with your hair, your job or the way you are bringing up your kids. Your dad might pick a fight with you or boast about how much money your brother makes while you are barely ... Views: 2230
Most of us are so used to living with stress that we aren't even aware that it's there. Here's a quick way to eradicate stress in two minutes or less. You can perform this procedure, called EFT, any time and anywhere.I enjoy doing it while stopped at a red light. It is safe and good for your ... Views: 2279
If you are a compulsive overeater you may have mixed feelings about eating out in restaurants. Although you enjoy eating, perhaps you feel fearful about being tempted to consume certain foods you love that you believe are "bad" because they lead to binge eating. Your inner dialogue sounds like ... Views: 1838
Do you fall in love with the same person over and over again? The name may change, but when the honeymoon ends you find yourself in the same old rut with the same problems you had before. Even if you have a PhD and tell yourself that you know better, there you go again. You can learn from your ... Views: 1719
In the last few years I have created a new niche in my practice, counseling parents of adult "children." Perhaps it is a result of the fact that people are living longer that my clients are often over 65 and are as frustrated over their relationships with their grown-up sons and daughters as ... Views: 14272
Procrastination is a widespread problem that never seems to go away. For many, this pesky habit began in childhood. Although we may look back on childhood as a carefree time, a child’s life is structured around school. Parents and teachers rule, and children must obey.
Procrastination is all ... Views: 1746
Procrastination is a widespread problem that never seems to go away. For many, this pesky habit began in childhood. Although we may look back on childhood as a carefree time, a child’s life is structured around school. Parents and teachers rule, and children must obey.
Procrastination is ... Views: 1012
Most of our stress arises from negative thoughts and beliefs. We tend to think that what we think is the truth. What if it isn’t? If your thoughts are making you depressed or stressed try these three helpful tips to brighten up your day.
1. Get into a cosmic perspective.
A very creative ... Views: 1308
An amazing acupressure technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can take cravings away in minutes. Whether it is cigarettes, beer, donuts or chocolate, just touching or tapping a few energy points on the face and upper body allows the urge to disappear effortlessly.
Most people who ... Views: 1655
Is there someone in your life who is spending compulsively, and you feel frustrated and angry with him or her? You don’t understand why they do what they do, and you can’t understand why they can’t just use a little more willpower. Perhaps you have tried bribery, threats, punishment, rewards, ... Views: 5086
Have you ever been complimented on something you have done and wondered why since it was an ability you took for granted? Have you ever complimented someone else about what they do that impresses you because you couldn’t do it no matter how hard you tried, and they do it so well?
Many years ago ... Views: 968
One of the most common reasons people come to see me for psychotherapy is to eliminate fears. Fear of flying is one of the most widespread. Fear of needles keeps many people from going to the doctor or dentist, and many women avoid mammograms.
Nevertheless, ever since 9/11 I have been ... Views: 1100
When you can’t control when you start or when you stop a behavior or substance you are suffering from a compulsion. We are all familiar with compulsive eating, drinking, and spending. Compulsive behavior begins as a solution to another problem, a way of using pleasure to mask pain. Sadly, over ... Views: 4076
The other morning I got out of bed before my husband and, as I was brushing my teeth, I saw him get up and make the bed. Making the bed for my perfectionist husband means throwing the blankets willy-nilly back over the bed, period. What is wrong with this picture? Is that the way a perfectionist ... Views: 998
I should get my car washed. I should pay my bills. I should eat less. I shouldn’t sleep so late on the weekend. Our lives are filled with shoulds. Shoulds keep us on the straight and narrow path to goodness. What are shoulds and where did they come from? Of course we can trace them back to ... Views: 960
When you can’t control when to start or stop a substance or behavior, you have a compulsion. Compulsive overeaters have the urge to gorge until they feel sick, shopaholics can’t control the urge to buy all sorts of stuff they don’t need. Many don’t even open the bag once ... Views: 1862
Compulsive spending is a problem that affects millions of people from all walks of life. In a society that actively promotes conspicuous consumption, credit card abuse has reached epidemic proportions, causing untold heartache and ruined lives. Shopping is a pastime that hooks us into spending ... Views: 1138
What is the difference between compulsive spending and the kind of spending most of us do?
My definition of compulsion is if you can’t control when you start or when you stop a behavior you have a problem. Most of us splurge occasionally, but compulsive spenders find the urge overpowering and ... Views: 2357
Many people work with me to overcome the after effects of traumas like rape, auto accidents, childhood abuse, war experiences, etc. These terrifying, often life threatening events leave them with what is called Post Traumatic Stress. They can’t stop reliving what happened, often have ... Views: 1447
Did you ever have a problem or emotion that was so upsetting you wanted to call your best friend because you needed a friendly ear? But what happens if no one answers? You are stuck with your feelings and misery. I have invented a simple EFT variation to help you help yourself when you feel this ... Views: 3058
“I’ll start on Monday” is the dieter’s excuse for putting off beginning a diet. I call this the Weighting Game. There seems to be more to gain from losing than from gaining. Putting off taking it off is a common behavior. Yet people who want to lose weight seem to be motivated by a strong desire ... Views: 964
Putting an end to procrastination is not about being smarter; it is about creating smarter goals. You may have heard this advice about time management, “Winners Focus, Losers spray.” Procrastinators often get off into distractions and land up doing many other things than what they intend. Thus, ... Views: 1177
Some people think that going to a therapist is like going to a car mechanic: they expect the therapist to diagnose a specific problem and fix it just as the mechanic puts in new brake pads or readjusts the carburetor. These clients expect something to happen to them. That is not the case. Don’t ... Views: 950
Doris was so fed up with her messy desk that she finally sought my help. No matter how many times she promised herself that she would clean it up and clean it out she found lots of other things that came first. “It’s not a big desk. I should be able to finish the job in a few hours,” she whined. ... Views: 1258
The other morning I got out of bed before my husband and, as I was brushing my teeth, I saw him get up and make the bed. Making the bed for my perfectionist husband means throwing the blankets willy-nilly back over the bed, period. What is wrong with this picture? Is that the way a perfectionist ... Views: 1848
When my daughter was 2 we lived in a house with a mural on the bathtub wall. It was a Polynesian scene with a palm tree and some strange looking Tiki figures. One day, for some reason, she became terrified of the scene and refused to take a bath. I tried everything I knew then (I wasn’t a ... Views: 2759