Let's take a look at how to build your self-esteem during hard times.There is a financial crisis all over the world as you know it. People are loosing their jobs, can not afford to pay their mortgages or credit cards and having difficulties to make a living. Everybody is having hard ... Views: 1232
Developing self confidence is a learning process. Constant studying, improving your skills, building your knowledge and accepting yourself and others are the main characteristics of developing self confidence.
Self confidence is having faith in yourself and your ability to handle whatever ... Views: 2935
One of the major challenges we face in the 21st century is handling the amount of choices we have. It’s very complex. When you have hundreds of things to choose from you tend to hesitate and being clueless what direction to go. You do not know for sure what would be the best to do, what ... Views: 606
When you mention high self-esteem many of us think of some “over-confident”, egoistic person who has lost the sense of reality and trying to appear more than who he really is. In my opinion there is no such a thing that being too confident, having too high “amount” of ... Views: 985
Developing self-esteem is hard work and changes don’t happen overnight. People with low self-esteem don’t feel good about themselves, they are not happy with their life the way it is. But you can change and give a different direction to your life right now. You just have to decide to ... Views: 811