Children remain 'bundles of joy' all over the world. We love their innocence, and their need is our command. But have you every been exposed to their healing powers? You might be thinking that I am out of their minds and possibly am over-influenced by films like Matilda where the little girl had ... Views: 1631
The only feature of life which is permanent is change. Whether you accept it or not, whether you are prepared for it of not, people, situations, values, beliefs, in fact, practically everything both inside and outside us change. When you visit your old home town after years, you look around and ... Views: 2550
The self image of a person is the rudder that determines every single aspect of their lives, to include career, friendships, martial partners, hobbies, and physical health. When a child grows up with a damaged self esteem, their rudder constantly sways them towards negative and toxic ... Views: 1581
Each of us are the way we are due to several factors out of which our upbringing, our beliefs and values formed during our formative years play a major role. Thus when with interact with others, there is exchange of views and values which if they match results in a 'harmonious' relationship and ... Views: 899
Surely you have met them. I had in my office one guy who always seemed to know what is going to happen in the future for our company, our promotions, the market in which we operated, the fate of the government along with inflation rates. A wise guy you may call him but personally I felt ... Views: 1102
While I was starting to share some of thoughts with you on the topic of how to take tough times in your stride I suddenly remembered a cartoon I saw long time ago. It was that of David and Goliath where, David sees Goliath tinier than him though the picture of Goliath is hundred times magnified, ... Views: 1049
Have you seen a toddler cry for food and what happens when the mother turns a deaf ear to his plea for food? The child tries to drop a thing on the floor to draw attention. Soon the mother or another family member rushes to the child who is then comforted and given something to satiate his ... Views: 1468
Debating as a vocation, in my school was a big thing. Students who were good in this segment of the school curriculum were praised, rewarded and those were not too adept at it, were ignored. Unfortunately I belonged to the latter group and it would not be an understatement to say that I did feel ... Views: 3805
Even if you put all the sense of benevolence and innate goodness of character that you possess and put them into action, to ‘help’ someone, who you think is in distress or living in a dysfunctional world, it is likely that you and your gesture would be turned down. Any one who has tried to help ... Views: 1225
One of the biggest confusions which rest in most peoples’ minds is that they can not understand the fine line of difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness. According to my experience, assertiveness comes from supreme self-confidence, knowledge about the subject and overall ...One of ... Views: 14394
I do not quite remember who said this but one of the most familiar quotes which I found nearly everywhere I went when I was getting into college was ‘when the going is tough, the tough gets going’. Impossible, as it seemed to me then, the saying was in picture frames, was hung behind doors in ... Views: 1574
When was the last time that you went to a party and watched someone walk into the room to bring in a fresh aura of enthusiasm and cheerfulness? The new visitor seemed to be having an electrifying presence, captivating those in the room with his or her personality, body language and overall ... Views: 2206
Come to think of it life would be pretty monotonous if there were no obstacles or failures. Success begotten without any hard labor or without crossing any insurmountable barrier is hardly remembered even by the most successful people. To compare it with something which we experience every day, ... Views: 6055
A good leadership style is often difficult to define as it is more qualitative than quantitative. Some say that a good leader gets the job done, while others argue that a good leader simply inspires and motivates his team. In other words, a good leader gets the work done by inspiring others and ... Views: 4763
Fear is perhaps one of the most chronic and debilitating ailment that is affecting people today. This self-made hell where most people live in is crippling relationships and careers, damaging homes and organizations and creating unparallel harm in personal and professional growth to millions ... Views: 1321
The power of self-image is incredible. How you think about your self and your capabilities can actually be a deciding factor on what are and can deliver. While most people have self-image, often this poses as a limiting factor. We have built-in fears, apprehensions and doubts about our ...The ... Views: 1709
One of the biggest confusions which rest in most peoples’ minds is that they can not understand the fine line of difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness. According to my experience, assertiveness comes from supreme self-confidence, knowledge about the subject and overall ...One ... Views: 1118