Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
How to tell a genuine psychic client by Beth Shepherd clairvoyant, tarot reader and therapist.
Everyone talks and thinks at great length about how an astrologer, tarot reader or clairvoyant must be genuine and must prove themselves but how about if we reverse this and ask if the client is ... Views: 1131
How to Send Global Healing.
We are at this moment facing a pandemic. Many people want to do something to help, but feel useless in the face of the statistics that are hiking up and up daily. I have for some weeks, in light of the current situation, been practising sending global healing. I ... Views: 1166
Taxi drivers can also provide other useful information, such as where to dine or the best clubs to visit during the weekend. Taxi drivers often know more about what is happening in a town or city and where are the best places to visit and what area and places to avoid, so don't pass them up as a ... Views: 965
Where can I find a genuine online psychic reading? written by the well known clairvoyant Beth Shepherd.
Anyone who has searched on the web will find that the more they look the more they become confused. There are thousands of websites purporting to be offering truthful, helpful web psychic ... Views: 1009
Earn £60 per hour doing psychic readings from home by Beth Shepherd relationship expert and clairvoyant.
Hello and thank you for reading this article, I hope you find it rewarding and interesting. For many years I have been helping people with relationship and marriage problems, those who ... Views: 846
Am I really psychic? by Rosemary Price psychic.
Most days I get emails from people, most of them, of course, are women, who claim that they know they are mystical. They know this because? or is it wishful thinking? Do they claim this because it suits them to believe it. Maybe they have done ... Views: 915
FREE psychic readings by Beth Shepherd psychic. Many people go online searching out the best website to get a gift of a clairvoyant reading by someone. They see it as a way to find out more about themselves and their future without spending. But few remember that most of the sites that offer ... Views: 956
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1048
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1098
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1090
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1008
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1033
Valentine’s Day is almost here, but it won’t be all sweets and roses for people who feel heartache over relationships gone wrong.
When people experience a bad breakup, divorce, death of a partner, abuse, or other traumatic events, the pain of those experiences can cause them to close off their ... Views: 1003
Nature-bestowed gems are filled with amazing divine and supernatural powers. When wearing these gems, they enter the rays of the respective planet into the human body and give them healing. This increases the flow of positive energy in humans and they succeed in tasks.
If a couple is ... Views: 814
Objective experience not the ultimate
Kundalini yoga is a part of the tantric tradition. Even though you may have already
been introduced to yoga, it is necessary to know something about tantra also. Since
ancient times, wise men have realized that the mind can be expanded and ... Views: 973
Kundalini Cool Down Exercise
1) Visualize a globe above your head filled with cool, blue energy. Let this energy flow down
(earthwards) to the crown of your head. Note the cooling effect this has.
2) Imagine a hollow tube running down your back, the central channel of the kundalini. Let ... Views: 1160
Kundalini Activation Exercise
1) Sit comfortably on a chair with your feet firmly on the ground. You can keep on your shoes.
Visualize a root is coming out of each of your foot and your tailbone going into the earth.
Imagine these roots go deeper and deeper until they reach the core of this ... Views: 1042
The awakened kundalini enables humans to reach their full potentiality in every area of life. This
can result in a person achieving mega-success and supreme inspiration to become the greatest that
they can be, whether they are writers, artists, sculptors, teachers, doctors, scientists, ... Views: 1013
According to Tantra, the human being is a miniature universe.
According to the philosophy of Tantra, the entire universe is a manifestation of pure consciousness.
In manifesting the universe, this pure consciousness seems to become divided into two poles or
aspects, neither of which can exist ... Views: 1041
There is a lot of prominences given to the gemstones in India especially because it has a unique mythological reference. During the process of Samudra Manthan, there were varied elements that emerged out and one of the well-known elements was poison (visha) which was gulped by Lord Shiva. ... Views: 1226
Directions have been given great importance in Vastu Shastra too. By the way, if the matter is to keep money, then the east and north direction are considered correct, but in other directions also, the importance of the different forms of money has been told in Vastu Shastra.
The north ... Views: 999
The cow has an important place in Hinduism. Devotees attain salvation through its worship and donations. According to the scriptures, even the Vaastu defects of the house are eliminated by cow service.
The Gau Dynasty is considered to be the basis of Hindu civilization and culture. In our ... Views: 996
I offer and teach distance healing in my Reiki practice. And, I think about this stuff a lot, because students as well as clients ask me how this work is even possible.
See, most of us don’t grow up around people who are familiar with distance healing, and therefore, we’re not taught about ... Views: 1025
Ever wondered what is that power that enlightens our senses, that makes our eyes see, even in our dreams?
In Kenopanishad, a seeker enquires to his spiritual master – “By whom willed, does the mind go towards its object - keneṣitaṁ patatipreṣitaṁ manaḥ? Enlightened and directed by what ... Views: 1239
An ordinary light bulb is a delicate physical object with nothing particularly striking about it by itself.
When we put electrical energy into it… almost magically light is created. A rainbow of colors is possible in varying degrees of brightness. Together, the bulb and the energy became ... Views: 854
Qigong Distant Energy Healing sessions can help heal your addictions along with any other physical, mental, or emotional problems you have. The energy works on all levels simultaneously.
The monthly healing program has helped many people with all kinds of addictions, smoking, alcohol, drugs, ... Views: 7026
Most of us were not taught how to understand or deal with our negative emotions appropriately. This may be because we just haven’t known that our feelings have a purpose, or that we can exert control over them.
Old habits and lack of emotional skill may cause us to become overwhelmed by a ... Views: 2096
Thousands of years ago, ancient physicians were astute observers of the human body. They determined that people whose lives were dominated by a certain emotion would have corresponding physical ailments. For example, people whose lives were ruled by anger seemed to suffer from liver and ... Views: 2192
We are all in the game of life and we are all doing the best we can in our relationships, professional and in our life. #VishwasHealingCentre believes that winning and happiness have become the central core of society and everything that we do revolves around these dynamics. #PastLifeRegression ... Views: 1041
Do you struggle with sadness, worry, loneliness, or other emotional distress? Fighting these feelings day in and day out may be harmful to your health and well-being.
Research has linked feelings of isolation and loneliness to higher risks for high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, ... Views: 2244
Do you remember the last time you ran barefoot through a field, or laid in the grass to look up at the clouds? What about the last time you slipped off your sandals and got sand between your toes?
In the field of health, this type of activity is known as “earthing”. Earthing involves placing ... Views: 905
Yoga, A Way of Life!
Yoga, derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, ... Views: 834
Chronic stress puts our health at risk, damaging our body’s systems and contributing to irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, and other diseases and ailments. But there are ways we can disarm the harmful effects of stress naturally and holistically.
At its root, stress is an ... Views: 1801
How much power does a Solar Panel Produce? How many solar panels are required for my electricity demand? What are the factors that affect efficiency of solar panels? These are some of the frequently asked questions that every solar enthusiast asks. It’s quite obvious too as it factors into the ... Views: 1088
I was recently asked a wonderful question about opening up the heart chakra to All That There Is.
There’s obviously a whole lot to take in, especially in these times when we have access to so much information.
As is sometimes the case, the answer here lies in the question itself.
It is ... Views: 931
What is on Your Agenda?
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon
We attract into our lives that which we think about all day. Are our thoughts working for us or against us?
I have given many talks and classes on "Designing a Life" with a focus on ... Views: 863
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12 percent of women ages 15-44 will experience difficulty getting pregnant and carrying a baby full term. About 1/3 of women older than 35 will experience fertility problems. The CDC lists aging ovaries, smoking, health ... Views: 1174
I have worked with clients from their 20s to 40s with many fertility challenges. Reiki works for a lot of these women. Recently I had a new client who had a different challenge to getting pregnant. She is in her mid-30s and very healthy. Her labs showed that everything should be working for her ... Views: 1100
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1081
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1132
I was quite delighted to hear Dr. Oz tell his millions of viewers on his show that he, not only, promotes Reiki, but he also believes Reiki to be ,“Ultimately, the most important alternative medical treatment of all.”1 I knew this way before Dr. Oz espoused the healing powers of Reiki. As a ... Views: 1015
Grounding after attunements can help reduce symptoms of feeling light headed, dizzy and a little disorientated, whether you have received an attunement or have given one, grounding is important to anchor you back to Mother Earth.
When you give or receive attunements you are working with ... Views: 1071
It’s fun to turn to heaven and earth for guidance and support. That’s what we do when we learn about our zodiac signs (heaven) and when we use crystals (earth) to improve our lives. Our sun signs can tell a lot about us, and crystals can help us play up and better manage certain aspects about ... Views: 978
Smudging is one of the most common and potent ways to cleanse the mind, body, spirit or physical spaces. We cleanse to get rid of negative energies, emotions, habits, attachments or entities. It's a great ritual to perform daily or before/after events in order to raise vibrations and connect ... Views: 912
A wonderful healing technique, where you connect yourself with the source, the universe and too the center of the earth through all the spiritual center by establishing a constant flow of energy.
You Will Learn: Meditation for empowerment, Self & Others Healing, Distant Healing, Absent ... Views: 813
People ask me all the time if I am going to let in anything that’s bad. Well, first of all, bad is in the eye of the beholder.
Am I going to let in demons, goblins or ghouls when I work with you?….no! Absolutely not!
The reality tho, is they exist. So how do you keep them at bay? Lower ... Views: 965
This is in response to a letter from a college asking for monetary ‘help’ for the Native American people that the President of that college is in charge of. As a Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher, and Magnetically Attuned Healer by the Great Mountain of Light, Caeayaron I prefer ... Views: 1203
Over the past twenty years it has become increasingly clear to me that rituals involved with any healing process are not necessary, because it is only your intention that matters, and I’d like to share some examples of how and why I believe this is so.
First, let’s look at the concept of a ... Views: 1163
Let us start by identifying just who is the Great Father, okay?
He is the Creator or the Great I AM that has been hidden away.
You may wonder at this statement as to who hid who in disguise.
The answer is the god of this world is not the Great Father in the skies.
That tiny entity acts ... Views: 1060
Hi everyone, and welcome to April! To be honest, what I have to share with you about April is somewhat of a repeat of March, as the core energy, frequency, and vibration for the month was derived from the number 1 energy. However, there is one slight difference for April, as back in March, we ... Views: 971