Where can I find a genuine online psychic reading? written by the well known clairvoyant Beth Shepherd.

Anyone who has searched on the web will find that the more they look the more they become confused. There are thousands of websites purporting to be offering truthful, helpful web psychic readings. Very few of them really do. Some are set up by people who hope to make money easily and fast and then fall by the wayside when they realise it is not as easy as they had expected. Others are perhaps a bit more genuine but not reliable or skilled enough to be able to cope and sustain the service - a good example is a lady I know - who is not at all psychic - who thought she could get someone to do her a free website and then get hundreds of offers to work and pass them all on to other people to do very cheaply.

She really expected the website developer and the real psychics to put in all of the time and effort - and money - and for her to get most of the money while she sits back and does very little! She was not even a well known psychic where people would be drawn to her site because of her name. So how on earth did she expect this to work?

There is a ripple of contempt that goes throughout the World towards psychics. I know because I get emails from women who I have never ever done a reading for, they write to my office, thinking I will read it. Sadly I am too busy reading emails from genuine clients to read theirs too. But apparently they tell my staff that I must be a con artist if I charge etc. Really? Strange that. Because the man who does my website charges a great deal and I do not consider him to be a con artist, I think it is normal that he works and gets paid to. Likewise the women who sit in my office sorting out my consultations, who have no expenses whatsoever, should get paid for their time and help and quite rightly would refuse to do it otherwise. They would then move on to a paid job somewhere else. Why is it different if the psychic also gets paid for her help and time, especially when she has the expenses?

The excuse such people make is that it proves you are genuine and your motives are honourable. This is a very black and white statement. Because doctors, priests and many others who help people get paid and nobody questions their motives. Anyway, does it really matter if they do it for the money or for the glory, so long as they do it well.

But clients should also be genuine. When one of my staff told me this morning that we had had a nasty email from a woman (or someone pretending to be a woman ) who told us that if I did not do her a long, detailed, free reading she would write a nasty review about me and pass the word around that I should not be consulted I thought really? Blackmail. Trying to force me into working for free is hardly genuine or nice. But we have heard it all before. Unlike many of the websites up there mine has been there a long time. I am not new to this, I am not naive and gullible and blind to the ways of the World. If I was I would be out of my depth when helping clients.

As to this idea that if a person free it proves they give a genuine online psychic reading that makes no sense either. It simply panders to their meanness and greed. They like to think they are somehow doing the psychic person a favour if they let them read for them free! As if the psychic has no life and no job and no other things to spend their time on.

The truth is that if a clairvoyant psychic is really any good they would be getting people flocking to them. They cheaper they are the more people would flock to them. If they were free they would get thousands go to them simply because it is free and good, those people would have much to gain and nothing to lose. And because people can be very selfish and self centre those people would often expect to have a reading every other day and always want the longest most detailed of readings rather than opt for a basic short one (because it saves them money). There is no such thing as a genuine online psychic reading which is free because if that person were any good they would already be so swamped with offers to do readings they would be too busy to be looking for more people. And how would they cover the costs of their website if everything to do is free?

Please have a look at my website and see for yourself http://www.accuratepsychicreadingsonline.com Beth Shepherd

Author's Bio: 

Beth Shepherd psychic and tarot reader http://www.accuratepsychicreadingsonline.com