Smudging is one of the most common and potent ways to cleanse the mind, body, spirit or physical spaces. We cleanse to get rid of negative energies, emotions, habits, attachments or entities. It's a great ritual to perform daily or before/after events in order to raise vibrations and connect with good energies of the universe. Smudging rituals have no restrictions or set rules. However, basic common-sense precautions should be observed:
-Be in a positive and grateful state of mind (keep in mind that like attracts like and thoughts become things). If you feel persistent negative thoughts, acknowledge them, send them love and move on. The more you resist a feeling or a thought, the stronger it will come back at you. For more information, I invite you to read, “Thoughts become Things” on
-Focus and visualize your intent.
-Smudge in your personal or workspace. If you are sharing the space with someone, ask for permission first.
-Clean and organize your space.
-Always open a window and do not use near infants, people with respiratory problems or birds, as they can be sensitive to smoke.
-You may want to place sand at the bottom of your bowl to help contain the ashes (I like black sand for this purpose as the ashes blend in easily).
-Never leave burning sage unattended
-Safety is number one! As you smudge, hold a shell, bowl or dish to catch the falling (HOT) ashes.
-Perform before and after you host guests or parties.
What you will need:
-Choice or combination of: smudge stick or loose white sage, cedar, Palo Santo, frankincense, sweet grass or your favorite incense.
-Wooden or cedar matches, white candle, coal (optional).
-Metal, iron, stone or glass bowl container (for the ashes to fall) that you may fill with sand if you wish
Optional: feather to spread the smoke or you may use your hand
You can smudge to cleanse people, places and objects. Smudging can also be used during meditation, readings or healing work.
As you smudge, visualize divine smoke and light filling every corner and crevice and permeating your entire environment. Repeat a meaningful prayer as you go through the entire space. I ask the divine to “Purify, cleanse and bless my home and make it a sacred space.” On any given day you can alter your prayers to fit your situation.
My favorite prayers:
Fill my home with love and light,
Bless my soul with peace and might.
Fill my heart with gratitude,
Make my star shine oh so bright.
-Maria The Medium
Some other favorites:
“I cleanse myself of all selfishness, resentment, critical thinking for my fellow beings, self-condemnation, and misinterpretations of my life experiences.
I bathe myself in generosity, appreciation, praise and gratitude for my fellow beings, self acceptance, and enlightened understanding of my life experience.”
~ Lidia Frederico
"Creator, Great Mystery
Source of all knowing and comfort,
Cleanse this space of all negativity.
Open our pathways to peace and understanding.
Love and light fills each of us and our sacred space.
Our work here shall be beautiful and meaningful.
Banish all energies that would mean us harm.
Our eternal gratitude.”
– The Medicine Wheel Garden, E. Barrie Kavasch
A Smudging Prayer
"Into the smoke, I release all energies that no longer serve me, all negativity that surrounds me, and all fears that limit me. In the name of the Divine, so it is.”
Feel free to customize you prayers so that it feels real and meaningful to you. I sometimes specify what I want to be rid of: all energies that are not mine, entities, fear, anxiety, ego etc… I ask to cleanse and purify my space and command those energies to leave in the name of the Divine.
Hi my name is Maria and I welcome you to explore with me the world of Spirit, our inner-self and beyond. I am a clairvoyant, psychic, empathic medium. I connect with Spirit to bring you messages from our loved ones that passed and Spirit Guides. In my readings, I ask for the highest and best of all, so that we can live a more loving, abundant life.
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