In early 2020 my Reiki practice became extremely because of the COVID-19 crisis. After people started dying from COVID-19, I began getting phone calls for Reiki. What I have learned since Spring 2020 is that Reiki is a valuable tool in helping clients to heal from this devastating illness. I ... Views: 816
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12 percent of women ages 15-44 will experience difficulty getting pregnant and carrying a baby full term. About 1/3 of women older than 35 will experience fertility problems. The CDC lists aging ovaries, smoking, health ... Views: 1189
I have worked with clients from their 20s to 40s with many fertility challenges. Reiki works for a lot of these women. Recently I had a new client who had a different challenge to getting pregnant. She is in her mid-30s and very healthy. Her labs showed that everything should be working for her ... Views: 1117
The reason that I got into energy work in 1989 was due to my daughter who was six years old at the time having eye surgery a year and a half earlier. After the surgery, her eye sight in her left eye was 20/400. The doctor said we will patch her good eye to make the left eye’s muscles strengthen ... Views: 999
The reason that I got into energy work in 1989 was due to my daughter who was six years old at the time having eye surgery a year and a half earlier. After the surgery, her eye sight in her left eye was 20/400. The doctor said we will patch her good eye to make the left eye’s muscles strengthen ... Views: 1001
Jennifer’s story:
The day the fertility doctor tried to call me with the genetic testing results from my embryos, my cell phone battery was dead. Upon plugging in my phone, she called back saying, “You have two genetically normal embryos, Jennifer! That’s unbelievable. I told you there was a ... Views: 1026
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1096
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1149
With the marvels of modern medicine, you would think that there would be solutions to every dis-ease ailment that humans can contract, but there are not. I have been working with Reiki for over 24 years and have had a lot of situations with clients where Reiki was the only thing that resolved ... Views: 898
I was quite delighted to hear Dr. Oz tell his millions of viewers on his show that he, not only, promotes Reiki, but he also believes Reiki to be ,“Ultimately, the most important alternative medical treatment of all.”1 I knew this way before Dr. Oz espoused the healing powers of Reiki. As a ... Views: 1031
Would you like to know a “secret” about how you can expand student enrollment and earn credibility as a holistic health teacher? Read along and find out how becoming an approved continuing education (CE) provider can open doors for you as a teacher. I will share valuable information and tips ... Views: 1867
Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some people would begin. However, there are several inner key factors that set apart those who demonstrate success. Statistics show that 4 out of 5 businesses fail within the first ... Views: 1171
Ever wonder how much work it takes to become a CEU provider? Learn ways to master the process and successfully find your holistic health classes filled with professionals that need to earn CEUs and that seek to expand their knowledge of holistic health. This is what Navigating the CEU Process ... Views: 1512
A big hit in the Holistic Health community is the new book, Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice. It is an outstanding business book written specifically for practitioners and therapists on how to begin or expand their Holistic Health business. Dawn Fleming, the author, shares her 19 ... Views: 1343
Have you ever wondered what set those successful holistic health providers with thriving practices apart from those who are struggling to build a practice? Learn their secrets…
Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some ... Views: 1092
Would you like to feel empowered to reduce stress or make your life more manageable – even enjoyable or peaceful? We can shift our perspective of our life as well as harness some extra energy to sustain and support us on all levels.
If we look at our typical day, we rush out of bed in the ... Views: 906
I recently was introduced to the Egyptian Healing Rods and was very impressed by the powerful amount of energy flowing from them. The rods were used in ancient Egyptian by only the Pharaohs and High priests. They were considered rods of healing, transformation and power. Many of Egyptian ... Views: 5100
Today’s fast-paced lifestyle promotes stress in all areas of our lives. At work, home and play we are pushed to do more in shorter periods of time. Stress impacts both our physical and emotional health and well being. The constant tension created by stress can age us more quickly and wear down ... Views: 937