Just finished an amazing 5 Day Facebook Retreat for Mindful Moms! I loved it so much that I’m going to keep the group going!
If you’re a Mindful Mom, you can send my team a message asking to join at https://maryannehorsman.com/connect/
The framework for the week was P.E.A.C.E. because I ... Views: 1052
Sacred drops falling from the heavens
Renewing earth, cleansing souls...
Water brings life
Water serves growth
Washing away impurities
I bathe in the magnificence of water
The Wisdom of Water
It flows. It goes. It does not resist.
It shows us movement, free and ... Views: 1091
Fall fashion trends are popping up all over the place.
Every season calls for new, fresh looks...
There’s the temptation to get swept up in the wave of want...
That sense that you need what you don’t have...
Which is why it’s important to focus on what you do have.
(Isn’t it ... Views: 911
The traditional economic model gives the power to the market.
Supply and demand.
The producers/manufacturers supply the stuff.
Then the marketing system informs us, the consumers, in order to create demand for the products for sale.
Essentially, we are offered things we may or may ... Views: 937
I recently wrote about my vision for creating Utopia.
If we can imagine an ideal society, I believe we can also bring it into reality.
And then it struck me that the first step in this process is actually starting on a personal level.
Before we can even begin to think about solving ... Views: 1014
I think it’s fantastic that Love gives us such simple, easy-to-use tools.
Smiles, laughter, skipping and dancing...
All ways to bring Love to life!
The focus of today’s Post is another biggie in Love’s toolkit: The hug.
What a beautiful way to create a more Loving world!
What’s ... Views: 990
As Marianne Williamson says,
“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. The world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.”
And as Gabby ... Views: 1056
I heard talk today that acted as though the world was done for.
I just don’t believe it one bit.
For every dark act, there are countless acts of Love, courage, faith and friendship.
Of course, it’s the negative event that gains much attention in the mainstream media.
This focus ... Views: 1403
I’ve Loved the idea of Utopia since I heard about it as a girl.
Looking up the definition, based on Sir Thomas More’s 1516 book by that title, it’s an imaginary place. Literally translated as “Nowhere”.
My definition of Utopia is the ideal society...
Individuals living to their full ... Views: 891
From one perspective, it may feel like there are a whole lot of pieces to the happiness puzzle.
And the nitty-gritty of the human adventure can manage to get pretty heavy sometimes.
But looking at it from Love’s point of view, everything is just as it should be.
Whatever is going on, ... Views: 1018
Our troubles seem the heaviest when we feel alone.
But the truth is, we are never alone.
We’re all part of the Oneness of Creation. And whatever human suffering we may be experiencing is something that others can relate to.
That’s why it’s vitally important that we seek the support of ... Views: 871
We’re made of energy.
And energy is all around us.
Different frequencies are like different radio stations that we can tune in and listen to.
And when you find yourself receiving vibes that make you feel less than stellar, recognize that it’s time to change the channel.
The Love ... Views: 869
Love is gaining momentum!
There is so much positivity in the world. So many people want to create a future full of Love, Peace, Joy and Prosperity...
And not just for themselves.
But for those they Love and for everyone. Because there’s a growing understanding of our connectedness... ... Views: 788
You are the cause of all your effects.
The results in your life are a reflection of what is going on inside you.
So if you’d like to change things in your life, you’ll actually want to focus on your inner world. Because this is where change begins.
Ask yourself, “What’s my ‘mindscape’ ... Views: 870
This week, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying Dr. Wayne Dyer’s audio program, Excuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong Self-Defeating Thinking Habits.
In it, Dr. Dyer walks you through a process of increasing your awareness and examining your beliefs so that you can experience the positive change ... Views: 845
I asked the family what The Love Post ought to be about tonight...
And my five year old said, “Love supports you all the time. It’s in your body.”
Wise young lady, don’t you think?
I asked how Love helps us, and she said, “Love your body. Love yourself and Love others.”
And when I ... Views: 792
Just watched an amazing presentation by the great Brian Tracy last night.
He really tells it like it is.
He’s a self-taught professional on several subjects, including economics, psychology, sales and marketing.
A lot of what he had to share was really about making your life a great ... Views: 859
Are you here with me now?
How mindful are you of each moment?
And how aware are you of the infinite possibilities that each moment offers?
I’ve been reading a book called, est: Playing the Game* The New Way (*The Game of Life) by Carl Frederick.
It’s been a ... Views: 742
So I made a mistake.
It seemed like a good idea at the time...
I decided to “Change things up” at the Love Post.
Several months ago, I thought re-focusing on creating other content would provide more value to you, my reader.
And I’m working on some exciting stuff that I’ll be sharing ... Views: 737
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young maiden.
And she believed with all her heart that her True Love would find her...
And she dreamed of the day when he would arrive and wrap her in his warm embrace. They would live happily ever after...
The maiden waited through many lonely ... Views: 780
People are amazing, aren’t we?
We can do such incredibly wonderful things and live such extraordinary lives...
And some of us do!
The question is, “What leads to greatness?”
Ask the Experts
My continuous study of life and Love has me surrounding myself with some of the greatest ... Views: 770
I had the fantastic experience of (virtually) attending a Tony Robbins presentation last night.
Not surprisingly, I’m a changed woman.
Tony is a master of helping individuals improve their lives by teaching practical psychology, as he called it.
And I left that session feeling more ... Views: 1044
I finally did it. I gave up my favorite TV show. The only one I watched, in fact.
Because it doesn’t make the cut for The Love Diet.
(Find out more about The Love Diet here: https://maryannehorsman.com/lastdietvideo/ )
I enjoyed watching the show (Which will remain nameless) because I ... Views: 824
As a human being, you’re really a great adventurer.
As Sting says, “We are spirits in a material world.”
We’ve got these incredibly complex Minds and we’re interacting with all these others complex creatures in an ever-changing environment.
And because we have such amazing creative ... Views: 762
I’ve told you how powerful it is to imagine your ideal Love, your perfect life.
But what do you do after you have those clear images of your desires in your mind?
How do you get from where you are now to that ideal state of being?
Plan Your Dream
Planning is a crucial piece of ... Views: 798
There are few experiences quite as exhilarating as making Love.
And I don’t just mean making Love in the conventional sense. Sacred sex is definitely on the list, of course.
Uniting physically, spiritually and emotionally with another person is one of the Great Pleasures of life.
When ... Views: 855
Love is awesome.
That’s why I’m so dedicated to teaching how we can use Love to live the lives we dream about.
There are so many amazing benefits to making Love our top priority and our guiding force.
Love is supremely wise and intelligent. And because we come from Love, we can ... Views: 929
“Have some Love and call me in the morning.”
*Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice.*
The Scenario
Put together your body, your brain,and your emotional, energetic self, and you’ve got quite a ... Views: 776
What drives you?
How do you make decisions?
If you aren’t paying attention to your process, you’re missing an opportunity to make improvements in your life.
It’s how we interact with ourselves that makes us who we are.
And, thankfully, we’re free to change this relationship whenever ... Views: 832
♥ This edition of The Love Post is dedicated with Love to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of the great Love teachers of our time, in thanks and appreciation for his tremendous service to humankind. ♥
As I dig deeper into the message that I came to share, I find that it’s really about helping you ... Views: 851
Love is our most powerful resource.
It’s the boundless energy that connects all matter and draws like to like.
We are living at the exciting time when quantum physics is aligning with spiritual teachings. We are witnessing the enlightenment of minds around the globe.
Synthesizing ... Views: 841
If you focus on looking for the positive, you’ll find that there’s a whole lot of Love in the world.
For the most part, people are doing their best to take care of themselves, their family and their friends.
People are searching for health and happiness. They’re looking for ways to ... Views: 759
Personal development.
It’s at the heart of all achievement and accomplishment.
From athletes to entrepreneurs, becoming a high performer requires consistent attention on self-mastery.
Those of us who seek to improve our lives understand that, first and foremost, we need to work on ... Views: 739
I was recently asked a wonderful question about opening up the heart chakra to All That There Is.
There’s obviously a whole lot to take in, especially in these times when we have access to so much information.
As is sometimes the case, the answer here lies in the question itself.
It is ... Views: 946
Let’s admit it.
Life can get pretty intense some times.
Even though we may live a life of relative ease with all of our modern conveniences, there’s a whole lot of stress that comes along with our cultural expectations.
There’s potentially a sense of obligation to act, look and talk a ... Views: 810
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill‘s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Learn From Adversity and Defeat
"Each setback is a seed of ... Views: 897
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill‘s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Creative Vision
"Unleash your imagination upon the world.
You are far ... Views: 856
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill‘s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Maintenance of Sound Health
"Your most valuable asset.
You have nothing ... Views: 875
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill‘s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Budgeting Time and Money
"Maximize these valuable, finite ... Views: 773
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill‘s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Cosmic Habitforce
Fulfill your dreams… automatically.
Napoleon ... Views: 755
I find lists to be very helpful, don’t you?
And when it comes to Love and happiness, it may feel like a rather vague concept.
That makes it hard to put your finger on how you can improve your situation, should you find yourself unsatisfied.
So I’ve put together a 21 point Love Checklist ... Views: 876
Love’s got a Cosmic perspective. She sees it All. And She knows that everything’s unfolding in due time.
So when our limited perspectives give us the feeling that things aren’t going so great, it’s important to remember Love’s Secret:
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows.
If you haven’t ... Views: 902
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get answers to your most puzzling questions?
What if you could gain a whole new perspective on something that’s been troubling you?
How would you feel to discover a solution to a problem that you have not yet been able to overcome?
Love says, “Bring ... Views: 871
When others questions your abilities to succeed in your passionate pursuits, re-double your efforts.
When family and friends look at you like you’re crazy for signing up for “one of those pyramid things”, just smile and keep working.
When you feel tempted to quit because there are so many ... Views: 753
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love. The first principle is covered in Love on Purpose.
Today we will ... Views: 1806
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
"Action is the first requirement of all faith.
Faith is an active state ... Views: 834
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
"To expect more, you must first do more.
This dynamic principle is more ... Views: 766
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Embrace Your Pleasing Personality
What makes you You?
How you look? ... Views: 785
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Personal Initiative
"The power that starts all action.
Personal ... Views: 809
This edition of The Love Post is part of a series. We’ll be reviewing Napoleon Hill‘s 17 Principles of Success and how they relate to creating a life that you absolutely Love.
Why a P.M.A.?
"Success attracts more success.
Always keep your mind ... Views: 772