We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Autism". If you have expertise in Autism and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
It had been a rough twenty-four hours for Mom, Dad, Lisa, and myself worrying about Ace. He had run away from home! Mom and I got down on our knees to pray for divine intervention. None of us realized just what Ace was dealing with after he graduated from high school. He started college, ... Views: 1306
Our mission is to provide the finest oral health care with genuine compassion, warmth and commitment to quality to individuals and families. We excel at maintaining a caring environment that is respectful of all people. The goal of our unique, multi-faceted practice is to provide total patient ... Views: 721
History is filled with creative individuals who “thought outside the box.” Often ridiculed, labeled as troublemakers, or initially discounted as unintelligent, many went on to make huge contributions to society. And yet today many of those people would probably be said to have Attention Deficit ... Views: 995
Hearing loss has become one of the most common health conditions that people in today’s world have to face. It is extremely common among seniors. With hearing loss, you will be subjected towards a variety of negative health consequences. Hence, it is important to have a clear understanding on ... Views: 747
The healthcare service provided to children by a pediatric chiropractor Wall Township is a very vital approach in keeping them safe and healthy as they grow from infancy into adolescence. Pediatric chiropractors are medical professionals who provide child centered care to young children. ... Views: 530
The oil can help reduce negative feelings and increase optimistic ones. In particular, it is imported from the UK and the US. Anxiolytic means that CBD oil will help to lessen anxiety. It has also been linked to lowered levels of anxiety. It comes in several distinct strengths and can be used in ... Views: 1314
No one plans for an injury. No one wishes for their body to suffer unexpected changes that result in creaky joints, fractures, headaches, among other symptoms. Residents of Wall, NJ suffering from an injury or healing from a surgery can greatly benefit from the assistance of a ... Views: 622
MTHFR mutation is a health condition, which can take place as a result of poor enzyme and methylation production within the body. MTHFR defect or MTHFR mutation affects different people in different ways. Some people with MTHFR defect will not experience any symptoms at all. However, others will ... Views: 976
Many parents of autistic children will be well versed with the issues of Echolalia; they are the things that they deal with on a daily basis and many, many times each day They can be exhausting, frustrating and repetitive for all involved, both adult and child alike. Echolalia refers of course ... Views: 1019
Being a parent calls for being precise in whatever your kid is using-from feeding containers to their clothing to the baby crib mattress that they are utilizing. Selecting the appropriate baby crib cushion is more essential because your infant invests the majority of their time below and a god ... Views: 1070
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Homeopathy for individuals suffering from gastritis in Mumbai - by Gastritis is irritation, burning in the stomach which can occur due to any of the reason. Gastritis can be cured by medicine prescribed by a doctor but taking those medicine usually, give side effects.
Gastritis is irritation, burning in the stomach which can occur due to any of the reason. Gastritis can be cured by medicine prescribed by a doctor but taking those medicine usually, give side effects. An individual can use homeopathy treatment for gastritis which is slow in showing the result ... Views: 1063
According to the Lie Detector Guru, former Federal Agent and Police trainer J.J. Newberry there are certain signs to look for that reveals untruth. For instance successful liars have a way of getting someone to trust in them. Moreover, it is a natural habit to look into the eyes of someone and ... Views: 1624
It is a dream of most of the women to become pregnant or to have a baby. Some women believe that a woman’s life comes to its full shape when she becomes a mother. However, not everyone isas lucky, as there are some women who cannot become pregnant.
When it comes to infertility, there are ... Views: 1598
Insights from a different world:
· Do You have a Photographic Memory?
· Do you Know how to Manage your Brain?
· Is you Mind Clear for Decision Making?
The following is a television description of documentary content I am editorializing:
The series exploring remarkable tales of human experience ... Views: 3490
Ricardo Beas, a concerned citizen and parent of three school-age children in California seeks to do the impossible. He is shedding light on the illegality and health hazards of mandatory vaccines, believing compulsory vaccination will be overruled by public opinion.
Citing our ... Views: 1710
The CDC is a vaccine company; drug companies own Congress & MDs who break their oath; drug makers lie and parents pay the price, says Richard Ruhling, MD who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University.
“The CDC owns dozens of vaccine patents and sells vaccines, $4.6 billion/year. A US ... Views: 1514
According to the Mayo Clinic, autism is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder which impairs a child's ability to communicate and interact with others and with the environment and can significantly impair his or her social skills, behavior and overall function. However, it has been found that ... Views: 1864
Autism is part of a group of developmental disorders referred to as autism spectrum disorders or ASD. While the number of ASD cases is increasing, there remains a lot to be learned about ASD and its causes. This lack of understanding as contributed to a number of myths regarding ASD.
Parents ... Views: 1490
Did you ever think that understanding your child’s behavior and responses to sensory information may be telling you so much more about your child than you can imagine? Could those so called “behaviors” be communicating something to you about who they are and how they perceive the world? ... Views: 1865
Joseph and Rose Kennedy’s third child and first daughter was born in Bostonin 1918, just two months before the end of World War I, while an epidemic of Spanish flu was raging. Inundated with flu patients, the attending doctor, Dr Good, arrived late and, although it was not a difficult birth, the ... Views: 1754
Playing pretend games with children can be a very fun and special thing to do. All it takes is a little imagination and the willingness to act a little silly. Among all of the pretend games I have played with children, two or my favorites are Fishy Fish and Unwrap the Present.
Fishy fish is a ... Views: 1901
. . . all such institutions are unnatural, undesirable and very liable to abuse.
We should have as few of them as possible…’
Samuel Gridley Howe - American physician and philanthropist
For those of you not based in the UK I should just explain the meaning of this title. It arose from ... Views: 1729
A different tale this time: of mystery, child abuse, deprivation, political intrigue and murder all rolled into one. A tale of a young man who suddenly appeared in Nuremberg in 1828; walking painfully and clumsily - as if uncertain how to walk.
The young man, found to be one Kasper Hauser, ... Views: 2343
My last article on DSM-5 looked at the loss of one important diagnosis - that of Disintegrative Disorder. And yet reviewing the situation there is another aspect of major concern. And that, as you may have guessed, concerns the sensory differences.
Why so? Let me explain.
John Langdon ... Views: 2059
My last article looked at the effects of the changes in the DSM one year on, focusing on the deletion of Asperger's syndrome but, of course, there was also another omission that attracted little attention; possibly because Asperger's syndrome took precedence. And yet that omission too is of ... Views: 1892
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
Asperger's Disorder is often misdiagnosed as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), though evident as early as age 3 (while pathological narcissism cannot be safely diagnosed prior to early adolescence).
In both ... Views: 2315
It's a funny old world.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) produced by the American Psychiatric Association (APS) is one of two main international sets of diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders: the other being the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), ... Views: 1889
The last article assessed the impact of referring to ASD as a learning 'difference' or even a 'personality trait.' As I said then, I believe that both terms can potentially cause problems. That is particularly true in relation to abuse, making it far too easy for abusers to justify ... Views: 1656
Today people generally try to be politically correct but, while a good thing in theory that can have some drawbacks, especially in relation to Autistic Spectrum Disorders as you will see. Thus nowadays it people commonly refer to ASD as a learning 'difference' or even a 'personality trait' ... Views: 1697
Time now to turn our attention to the USA where the arguments surround one particular vaccine additive - thimerosal - rather than the vaccines themselves. This mercury based product has been used as a preservative in many vaccines since the 1930s - before being removed from many of them ... Views: 1775
There are two different aspects to this so I'll begin with the ongoing saga of the MMR a triple vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella.
In the past it had been postulated that the triple jab and in particular the measles part, could cause encephalitis, the speculation being ... Views: 1441
One of Dr Down's contemporaries was Dr Isaac Kerlin, then considered a leader in the field of 'mental retardation'. He was the superintendent of the Pennsylvania Institute for Feeble-Minded Children in the US for many years: a school whose pupils included those with intellectual and ... Views: 1529
Another battle in the autism wars began with the apparent increase in ASD in the late 1980s, which some people believed - as some still do - was really the beginning of an epidemic. And that is where we find the first battle: a hotly debated argument as to whether the increase is/was real ... Views: 1422
Regrettably the past two decades have seen the rise of the autism wars. One such battlefront is linked to the idea that autism is triggered by some 'external force': an idea that has led many parents to buy into the idea that 'curing' autism would return to the child to 'normal' and one ... Views: 1660
The 19th century too seems to have had its fair share of children who might fit the criteria for ASD today: children who, in keeping with those times, and depending on the severity of their problems were often classified as fools, idiots or imbeciles.
As ever some survived in the ... Views: 1535
I was always told that if you want to learn something you should ‘ask an expert’ and so when I set out to write a short booklet on anxiety in the late 1980s, I decided to begin my research by reading books and articles by or about people with ASD themselves.
It was then I ... Views: 1833
Many myths and fallacies are attached to ASD but perhaps one of the strangest is the idea that it only actually began in the 1940s, when Leo Kanner in the US and Hans Asperger in Austria both wrote papers on the subject; describing similar but apparently different symptoms which gave rise to ... Views: 1642
With the constantly increasing amount of children being diagnosed with autism it appears this disorder is reaching almost epic proportions worldwide.
While there are many theories as to its origins there has not been a culprit found for its cause. Also what works for one child’s development ... Views: 3132
The increase in anti social activities nowadays has resulted in growing concern for a reliable solution and to manage these activities. There are all sorts of legal amendments and other steps implemented to curb the menace of criminal activities but it is not just enough to provide a solution. ... Views: 1806
I have always been astonished by the amazing abilities individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder have. Sometimes these gifts are hidden and I have to help parents dig for the treasure that lies within. Other times this extraordinary talent is obvious to all, which makes it easy for parents to ... Views: 1503
It’s NOT your fault. Don’t be a receptacle for guilt; address your feelings of guilt instead of letting them fester. Guilt is something that will always be waiting in the wings; you just have to learn how to deal with it when it wants to make an appearance.
Once your child is diagnosed with ... Views: 2772
Medical record review requires the minutest attention to detail and should be carried out only by skilled medical review professionals. Select the right medical review firm to enjoy all benefits.
Any kind of selection is to be done with great care if you are to enjoy all the benefits of your ... Views: 1471
Children do not come into this world able to care of themselves. In the beginning they are dependent upon their parents for everything, but gradually they learn to wash, dress and feed themselves. Typically, a child will master daily self-care skills with relative ease. Many are self-motivated ... Views: 2521
Did you know that anxiety symptoms and disorders are the number one health problem among children and adults in America? Anxiety disorders are more common in children today, than in their parent’s generation. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America states that one in eight children are ... Views: 1809
This is referred to as a complicated disorder in the development of a human body which mainly has an impact in the brain, nervous system, social well-being & the communication skills. These factors are mainly analyzed in the initial part of life up to 3 years of age.
• Symptoms:
Certain ... Views: 1416
As parents we would all love to have a quick and efficient way of changing some of the negative behaviors our children display. There are behaviors that irritate us, embarrass us and exasperate us, and ones that present a safety issue at times. And then there are those unique, repetitive ... Views: 1584
Medical reports from patients plus clinical findings implicate antidepressants, like Zoloft, in several serious and even life-threatening side effects. Among the harmful effects of antidepressants that have come to light is the probable risk for autism in a child, based on a July 2011 CNN ... Views: 1535
Does parenting exist without guilt? Let’s face it - guilt comes with the territory. Whether or not your child is on the Autism spectrum, guilt is a difficult emotion to avoid no matter how hard a parent tries. If you are a seasoned parent you may have had more than a few encounters with guilt ... Views: 1638
A man’s look is never complete without a fine and clean haircut. Be it a short, medium cut or a long one, it is very important to ensure that the style suits your overall appearance. There are few hairstyles for men, which never lose their appeal, irrespective of age group. Given below is a ... Views: 1449
Do you have a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that is just not interested in the holiday fanfare? Unfortunately, many children on the spectrum may be tuned out or just not interested in some or all that comes with the holidays.
We expect the holiday excitement we develop as ... Views: 1492