Mercury entering Taurus on the 13th fine tunes your negotiation skills with handling money matters. Flashes of intuitive insights can help you get a better grasp on increasing business. Some extra strategic planning with professional decisions may be in order.
The New Moon on ... Views: 935
Monthly Astrological Forecast May 2018
Mercury entering Taurus on the 13th will endow you with some very brilliant almost off -the-wall ideas on how to increase your income and savings. A big investment tip out of the blue from an extremely unlikely source could wind up ... Views: 874
URANUS'S TRANSIT THRU TAURUS: Beginning May 15, 2018
Be prepared to start having your existence radically transformed when Uranus enters Taurus on May 15, 2018. He has rightly earned his title of “The Great Awakener.” He’s the zodiac’s revolutionary bad boy, whose sworn mission is to ... Views: 1071
The New Moon on the 2nd offers many opportunities for you to expand both your personal and professional social circles. New friends acquired under these rays will prove to be loyal. Plus, they’ll inspire you to stretch your underlying creative talents. With Mars entering your zone of ... Views: 1130
Monthly Forecast : August 2016
With the New Moon lighting up your Love and Creativity Zone on the 2nd, August should prove to be quite a romantic month. Rams involved in the arts professionally can be showcasing their talents to tremendous applause too. This is not the time to hide ... Views: 1175
Monthly Forecast : August 2016
With the New Moon lighting up your Love and Creativity Zone on the 2nd, August should prove to be quite a romantic month. Rams involved in the arts professionally can be showcasing their talents to tremendous applause too. This is not the time to hide ... Views: 967
You will be rejuvenated by the New Moon on the 4th by developing a new battle plan for your career goals. Try not to limit yourself at this time but reach for the brass ring. Both Venus and Mercury are united in your Career sector to keep your scales balanced in facing any competition up ... Views: 1172
Monthly Forecast : July 2016
Since April 17th, you probably have experienced constant setbacks or restraints. This was largely due to your ruling planet Mars going retrograde in the heavens. However, on June 29th Mars stopped his backward spin. Now your powers are unleashed and ... Views: 1196
On February 8, 2016 the exciting and vibrant year of the Fire Money begins.
The Monkey is known as the Trickster in the Chinese zodiac. Beware of his ability to seduce you into his “monkey business”. If you’re gullible, his antics can prove to be quite costly for you financially and ... Views: 1877
On Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 10:51 PM EDT, we will experience a Total Lunar Eclipse. There is much publicity surrounding it. This is primarily due to the fact that it will be a Super Moon. The last time we had this combo was about 30 years ago. Also adding to the drama of its arrival, is the ... Views: 1083
For many decades I have instructed my clients and students on following their personal High and Low Lunar Cycle. It’s never failed to work for any of them!
My late mentor, Charles Jayne, who has the illustrious title as “The father of modern technical astrology”, firmly believed in the validity ... Views: 1690
If you want to turn your life around for the better, follow the times of the Void of Course Moon
December 19th 2014 - We all have the late and brilliant astrologer, Al H. Morrison to thank for his ground breaking work and promotion of the Void of Course Moon. Al spent well over 40 years of his ... Views: 1587
Discover some of the mischief Mercury may have in store for you, when he goes retrograde! The ancients gave the planet Mercury the title of “The Trickster.” On October 4, 2014 when he goes retrograde, you’ll discover why! You may even come to suspect the very Heavens are aligned to be playing ... Views: 1421
With the constantly increasing amount of children being diagnosed with autism it appears this disorder is reaching almost epic proportions worldwide.
While there are many theories as to its origins there has not been a culprit found for its cause. Also what works for one child’s development ... Views: 3145
Feeling a bit drab and unstylish lately?
Do you desire a greater sense of vibrancy in your life experience?
Has the recognition you’ve worked so hard for been constantly out of your grasp?
If you’ve answered, “yes” to any of these questions, it may be time to incorporate some peacock ... Views: 5774
Without even realizing it, you may be guilty of sabotaging your own dreams and aspirations! This can all be due to not following the unique set of laws in feng shui on the type of art in the bedroom.
There are many layers to why bedroom art is treated differently than art in other rooms in ... Views: 5059
Better fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a bumpy ride on the road to romance and money!
Venus, the planet of love, beauty and financial security will go retrograde on May 15, 2012. The journey to maintaining balance in these areas will not be an easy one. Many roadblocks and detours ... Views: 3041
Have you noticed a change in your life since Mars went retrograde on January 24, 2012? This astrological occurrence only happens roughly every two years and two months. Whenever Mars goes into a seemingly backward spin, it may seem like your life is following suit too!
Mars is essentially ... Views: 2261
Are you ready to capitalize on the upcoming opportunities beginning January 23, 2012? A dynamic cycle of rebirth will be set into motion with the arrival of the Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon.
To be a recipient of the tremendous benefits of the Dragon, you must first eliminate all the ... Views: 1442
The image of Buddha seems to be literally popping up all over the place! Due to increased popularity in Feng Shui and yoga, more homes and businesses are now displaying the Enlighted One.
Do you desire to develop inner qualities of peace, beauty, and harmony? If so, welcoming Buddha in your ... Views: 30656
Whether you’re planning a fun filled vacation or an important business trip, don’t forget to practice Feng Shui!
To start off right, at check-in request a room with good luck numbers. Because numbers emit a vital life force, drawing both good and bad experiences, make sure your room number ... Views: 3991
If you’re constantly battling unattractive pounds but can never seem to win the war, let Feng Shui come to your rescue! Incorporate the core principles of feng shui, which are harmony and balance into both your psyche and personal space. Then you will not only achieve your desired weight but ... Views: 2503
Did you know the clocks ticking away in your home or business right now can be your best friend or one of your biggest foes according to Feng Shui? A clock lets you know the time and delegates how much of it you have. Knowing what time it is can make you happy or it can make you anxious. Just ... Views: 15375
While Feng Shui may be about moving your “stuff” to a better place, sometimes the biggest object to move is yourself! Last week I was on the phone with a good friend who has followed my Feng Shui advice for at least 15 years.
Years ago when I did the first analysis of her place, I suggested ... Views: 1641
Just as it is almost next to impossible for us to honestly see ourselves objectively, it can be doubly difficult for us to judge our home’s initial impact on others! Why? Because we become so accustomed to all the sights, sounds, and smells of our home. They become second nature to us. ... Views: 1263
In China most of the feng shui masters are quite horrified with our Western practices of treating a dog as a member of the family. To them, it’s like having livestock live with you. However, they are not alone. Few cultures outside of the United States and Europe understand our close bond with ... Views: 4047
Since correct feng shui encompasses all who reside in a home, the next two articles will be about some of the most important members of a family - the pets. Often forgotten about in books on the subject and sometimes even by professionals analyzing a space, they are family to those who share ... Views: 6235
During the past couple of weeks I’ve gotten a multitude of requests from readers who own townhouses and apartments. They’ve all petitioned me to devote one article to their situations. Since they are not allowed to paint their doors, they’ve all wanted to know if there is something they can do ... Views: 9293
The “face” your home presents to the world can be compared to a woman. She can either attractively enhance her natural beauty by using the right make-up and clothes or look like a potential candidate for “What not to Wear” by being sloppy and ill put together. Right attention to detail can win ... Views: 3898
Two weeks ago I was up in Westchester County, New York performing a feng shui analysis for a new client. Before we got to discuss the color of her front door, she proudly exclaimed she knew I would be very impressed with her bright green door. After all, she read in a book because her home faced ... Views: 5609
If you want your life to take off rapidly in a more positive direction, get your paintbrushes out. After this article you will be armed with accurate info and be able to pick the very best Feng Shui-friendly color for your home. Having the right color outside is an extremely important and ... Views: 2106
Ever paint your front door or made some other changes to your home or office on the advise specifically given in a book or web site on Feng Shui? Then you waited and waited in expectation like a kid for Santa, praying he’d deliver the gift of auspicious chi. However you got the Grinch instead ... Views: 1531
To many children, the closet is feared at night. To them behind its closed door there may be lurking a monster waiting to jump out!
As one grows up, the closet loses its power to strike terror. However, without even realizing it, many adults try to punish it for their youthful traumas. As a ... Views: 4027