Everything you learn, you either learn from observation, imitation or repetition. This learning, over time gets converted into your habits, which either serve you or keep you trapped in a life of mediocrity. Your habit set, starts to develop, from offhand remarks, fleeting ideas and vague ... Views: 1661
I am sure you have heard the cliché “Life is a Journey, Enjoy the Ride” Bandied about recklessly by people around you all the time. These same people then tell you that they are not enjoying their lives, but when they get the new promotion, their kids go off to varsity or they start to earn a ... Views: 3402
There is a never ending commentary going on in our heads, even during certain parts of our sleep cycle each night. We are constantly talking to ourselves, even though we are seldom aware that we are doing it. This on-going commentary relates to events we experience and our reactions to those ... Views: 1585
Our capacity to learn from birth, until around eighteen is dramatic; this accelerated learning curve equips us to learn a staggering amount in a very short space of time. We learn language, culture, manners, social skills, history, science, and mathematics-everything that makes us human. For ... Views: 1728
I am sure that this is not the first time you are hearing the Jim Rohn Quotation, “You attract success, by the person you become” You can never pursue success; anything that you pursue will elude you. It is for this reason that you must commit to a life time of learning and growth. Fill your ... Views: 1295
If where you started from, was a factor in how your life turned out, then how do you think a child who was born to a 13 year old mother, who was trapped in poverty would turn out. Add to this repeated rapes and physical abuse right up until this beautiful child had a miscarriage herself, at the ... Views: 1209
I have recently been asked the question “What motivates and inspires you”? I found it rather difficult to answer this question at first and got inspired to write this article, now that I have given this issue some deep thought. When my son was 10 years old, I never needed to walk into his room ... Views: 1398
How are you Investing Each Hour that Passes?
Is every hour that passes during the day, the most effective use of your time? Whatever you choose to invest your time into each hour, will determine the quality of life that you get to live. Time is on the wing and it will just continue to fly past ... Views: 1544
I want to help you to make a few small shifts, which will assist you to become far more productive. When I refer to productivity I am not talking about adding more activity, more work and longer hours to your day, which will only add more pressure to your already overloaded schedule. I am ... Views: 1729
One of the most neglected areas of our lives is our Physical health. I can never understand why so many people neglect to take care of the vehicle that supplies their energy and carries their mind. We can never expect to achieve anything meaningful and sustain our level of achievement if we ... Views: 1767
I remember, as a young man, my father used to offer me advice and direction. As great as his intentions were, I never realised that he was speaking from a standpoint of experience and wisdom and that he only wanted to help me avoid, making the same mistakes that he had made. On many occasions, I ... Views: 2977
It often astounds me, how things that are such common sense, are seldom common practice. We all know that history serves only one purpose and that is to act as our tutor. Yet so many people spend an inordinate amount of time reminiscing about what could have been or using the past to justify ... Views: 1810
Our brains are amazing they work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from before you are born, right up until we fall in love. The truth is our brains are far more powerful than any computer ever developed; our thoughts are in fact so powerful that they can either create or destroy. They can create ... Views: 1889
Our thoughts determine the size and scope of our expectations, our expectations drive our creative capacity and our commitment, perseverance and creative energy eventually turn into the reality we get to experience. Are you guarding the thoughts that you are thinking, ensuring that you focus ... Views: 1659
Do you have any idea when the majority of heart attacks occur? It is 9 am on a Monday morning. There is no biological or physiological reason why this happens; it is merely a symptom of the stressful lives we lead. “Most people are so stressed out and dislike their lives so much that they ... Views: 1404
Who you are and the standards you maintain and reflect, scream far louder than what you say. If you want to influence or persuade anyone, then one of the best tools available, for you to use, is the principal of great ethics, in which you reflect a picture of discernment, character, wholeness, ... Views: 2285
Your perceived failures and challenges can only make you bitter, if you allow them to. When you change the way you see challenges or roadblocks, the roadblocks and challenges will change. This shift, will unleash a powerful new tool for you, which will allow you to use challenges as the very ... Views: 1469
Irrespective how clever, rich or talented you are, there is one thing we all receive exactly the same amount of each day. The way we choose to manage this scarce resource, is the single most important factor, which determines how things turn out in our lives. Choose to squander yours and you ... Views: 1561
There is a really great way of foretelling exactly how your future will turn out. It does not require that you visit a clairvoyant, sit under a pyramid and chant or even that you gaze into a crystal ball. All that is needed is a good set of plans detailing how you want your future to turn out ... Views: 1495
How much of your productive work time do you waste in pointless unproductive meetings that seem to meander in a rudderless fashion down a meaningless path of unnecessary blathering and brain numbing pointlessness? These types of meetings are the thief of one of the most valuable tools available ... Views: 1360
Time is only a concept that allows us to rationalize linear changes in our lives. The only reality that makes any sense to me is that we live in a universe without any beginning or end and that we are all an important and integral part of this eternal universe. We exist as intelligent energy ... Views: 1437
The secret to success is not found by trying to shout louder than everyone else out there. The secret is to move away from the crowd and the noise and to begin the process of building connection with the right people, in the right place at the right time. This is a case of going back to basics ... Views: 2051
We all want to make a difference during our lifetimes, to leave a legacy after we have completed our time on this planet. Making a difference is not just about volunteering to assist people that come from a less advantaged background than you do. You should shift your thinking away from seeing ... Views: 2745
Answer the few questions listed below and see if you are living the live you really want:
• How satisfied are you with your career, relationships, health and finances?
• If you won twenty million dollars today, would you change anything or everything in your life?
• If you would immediately ... Views: 1433
Before the advent of the computer age and globalisation, there were only two certainties in life, namely death and taxes. Since we moved into the new millennium and the rate of technological development has sped up even more, there is now a third certainty and that certainty is constant change. ... Views: 1547
Is your pursuit of “SUCCESS” giving you a skewed perspective on what is really important and is it creating imbalance in some areas of your life? Society’s definition of success, fame, fortune and bucket loads of money can be completely misaligned with what is really important to you. This ... Views: 1065
After you have invested time into creating a crystal clear picture of what you want your future to look like, you have set realistic goals that will stretch you and move you towards achieving just that in your life. You have given yourself something to aim for, success is not a destination, it ... Views: 1607
We all have the objective of achieving our full potential, living a meaningful and fulfilling life, filled with joy and happiness. As children we are filled with dreams about our future and we are committed to a notion of excellence and possibility. Yet after observing our adult role models and ... Views: 1521
Are you sabotaging your potential, because you are afraid of success or worse, you have never taken the time to find out what success really means to you? Don’t be too hasty to answer this question. I see people all around me all the time that have incredible skill and ability, but they remain ... Views: 1630
The real measure around whether all the effort, time and resources, you are putting into trying to improve yourself, is working and making real and tangible differences in your life, is easily measured in the improved or better results you are getting to enjoy as a result of all your efforts. ... Views: 1223
It certainly looks like we are going through really difficult times on a global and to a lesser extent a national scale. What seems to be real doom and gloom for some is in fact the greatest opportunity that has come the way of entrepreneurial thinking people with vision. If you are willing to ... Views: 1386
In the article yesterday we explored the necessity of regular rest, proper nutrition and for making time in your day to clear your mind and meditate. The greatest challenge you will face, as you try to introduce these three crucial components into your life, is that you will feel like you are ... Views: 1830
It is possible to change everything in your life with one decision or a single thought. All that you need to do, to start this miraculous process, of creating exactly the future that you desire, is to make that one decision, to begin doing things differently. This single thought can positively ... Views: 3743
Have you ever explored the limits of your potential? Or are you limiting yourself by what you believe is possible for you. There are amazing stories going back through history, where humans have exhibited incredible feats of both physical and mental prowess. One of the stories that really stood ... Views: 1328
Acquiring great success and achievement, often requires you to take on some level of risk. As most super achievers have taken a number of risks in their lives and it is very often that very risk taking that made them successful in the first place, it seems pretty obvious that super achievement ... Views: 2229
Ignite the flame of your unlimited potential by allowing yourself to; explore all the wonders of being a child once again. Permit yourself to venture back into that era of wonder and belief and to re- discover how passionate and driven you were, to be something special. Remember all those ... Views: 1539
This is the second part in the series on how to achieve great results, by doing less of the unimportant things, so that you can free up time to focus on the important tasks that deliver the best results. This strategy is most certainly not about activity, it aims to help you to focus all your ... Views: 1148
Here is a plan to multiply your effectiveness and efficiency that at first glance seems very simple and just plain common sense. Unfortunately just because something is common sense, it is not often common practice. The reason I present this plan to you, is to help you to multiply your ... Views: 1226
The reason most people don’t practice the simple plan for super achievement, that I have described in the previous two articles, is that as simple as these routines are to learn and apply in your life, so easy are they not to use. There are constant distractions, temptations and noise going on ... Views: 1250
Creating a Success Habit Set for Long Term Sustainable Success
Long term sustainable Success is all about having a system that you apply in your life over time, until this new system for success becomes your new success habit set. Everyone that makes achieving their goals look simple and seems ... Views: 1587
Developing an understanding of how millennials or Gen Y-ers (people born between 1980 and 1995) are motivated or inspired has proven to be a very challenging exercise. They are the generation that was raised by overly doting parents who pandered to their every whim, coddled their self-esteem and ... Views: 1409
I believe that it is always the simple option that delivers the best results. To this end I think that leaders therefore have only three main functions in any organisation or company.
To set and measure standards of performance by finding keeping the best possible staff that can support the ... Views: 3173
When you speak to a young child and ask them about their dreams when they grow up, they get so excited about the prospects that await them. They tell you that they can’t wait to grow up so that they can begin to pursue their dreams. Children are filled with passion and excitement about the ... Views: 1520
What is your relationship with money?
I believe that money serves no purpose other than to offer us choice and freedom. We always want more of it and we are terrified by the prospect of not having enough and the devastating prospects of bankruptcy, foreclosure and destitution. Shift your fear ... Views: 1435
Despite the ever increasing rate of change all around us, the most important skill you need to develop in the next few years is your ability to build relationships and real, meaningful connection with people that matter. The way to look into your future and predict how your life will turn out is ... Views: 1129
Happiness, like success is not something you pursue, anything you pursue, eludes you. Invest some time today answering the question I posed above, it is possibly one of the most important questions you will ever answer in your life. When you understand what actually makes you happy and feel joy ... Views: 1100
If you thought about this question for just a second, the first thoughts that would pop into your mind would be, “my family”, “my children” or “my spouse”. Now take the time to look a little deeper, is the way you are living your life indicating that you are actually living your life, like those ... Views: 14913
If you are searching for exceptional results, you will need to be different and to do things in your own unique and special way. This is one of the best ways for you to stand out from the herd. As long as you choose to remain part of the crowd and you keep doing things that are fashionable, ... Views: 2625
No matter how good your eyesight may be, it will be of little value if you do not have vision. This is your ability to see things that may be invisible to other people or to innovate and see things that may not even exist yet. The limitations we face in life are not due to our current ... Views: 1260
The benefits of Giving to Inspiration and not to Desperation
The lasting and most wonderful part of giving to others is not that you only brighten the life of someone else, but that you will actually experience both physical and emotional benefits yourself. The act of selfless giving sees ... Views: 1279