We can all say we have been obedient at some point in our lives to our parents, in our jobs, in certain situations or in our spiritual lives; however, obedience never stops. We don’t just obey once a day by reading God’s word and then go about doing whatever we please. We don’t just do one thing ... Views: 926
Many times, as we get older, we begin to feel our bones and muscles ache sometimes for no reason except for the fact that our body is getting older. Or it may not be that we are old at all, but we may have done something to strain our bodies and we are feeling that pain the next day. However, no ... Views: 1153
When we sacrifice we may feel as if we are giving up part of ourselves to help someone else. We often tell other people how we sacrificed for our children to have the things they have. We may say we had to sacrifice in our marriage or in our work. We all have to make sacrifices but God tells us ... Views: 1708
Nothing good in life is easy. There are times when we are trying to do something and we get stopped along the way for whatever reason. We may have struggles with our health, our families, our finances or our career. Things continue to come up time and time again which try to beat us down when we ... Views: 932
It is always toughest to do the things that should be done when we don’t want to do them. We may have other things on our mind to do. We may not feel like doing what we should. We may wonder why we have to do things when others don’t have to do them. We may try to put them off to do ... Views: 1679
We all want things to be different in many areas of our lives. We may want others to have a different attitude when they are dealing with difficult situations. We may want to our children or other people to act differently and listen more. We may want our boss to recognize our hard work and give ... Views: 1174
We often see others who get so wrapped up in what they are doing they forget about everything else and everyone else around them. We can get wrapped up in our thoughts. We can get wrapped up in our work. We can get wrapped up in our health issues. We can get wrapped up in our money situation. ... Views: 1277
Technology is so great now that we can play games with each other through our cell phones. There is a popular game out where friends can create words and connect to other words their friends play. They play against each other and try to get the most points so they can win. Playing on each ... Views: 1086
When other people do wrong or act in a way that is not pleasing to us, sometimes we feel hurt and want to retaliate or we feel if they can do these things, why can’t we. How many times have we wondered why some people get away with things they do and we don’t? How many times have we tried to do ... Views: 967
Why is it we find time to do the things we want to do but we can’t make time for the things we should do? Why is it when we know there are things that need to be done, we do everything but those particular things? We put off doing what we know we should do. We make excuses why we can’t be at a ... Views: 1007
There are times when things just don’t go the way we want them to go. We want to help others but we aren’t able to for whatever reason. When someone needs us to do something for them and we aren’t able to due to time, money or other obligations, we may have to turn them away.
Sometimes we ... Views: 1012
There are times when our daily routines seem to drag us down. We get sidetracked and then feel guilty we didn’t get something completed like we always do. We get too focused on the process or the routine trying to make sure we don’t leave anything out. Then we are distracted by our concern of ... Views: 994
Although we live in an instant world where information is available at our fingertips and we have the option to carry around devices that keep us in immediate contact with others, the real things, the really good things take time. The steps to get the good things in life haven’t really changed ... Views: 1037
Days are not just made up of mornings, afternoons and evenings. They are moments of time in our lives that we choose to do certain things. We work, we spend time with our family and friends, we worship. These moments in time are not to be taken advantage of. Each thing we do is something we can ... Views: 1082
Before we even realize we need to clean, we have to recognize something is dirty. We see or feel the dirt and grime and we know we have put off cleaning long enough. We can look and know, in just a glance, what we need to clean. When we put off cleaning these things, dirt and grime begins to ... Views: 1279
When opportunities present themselves for us to make a difference, we may not realize it until the time has come and gone. We may be so wrapped up in the events or the conversations with the people we don’t realize God is presenting a moment for us to share. We can share by openly saying how ... Views: 957
We can’t depend on others to make us happy. Others will say and do things which will disappoint us. They will say things out of fear, jealous and pride. People are unkind and wicked at times. They will not do things we believe they should do. How we react to what others do is really all we can ... Views: 1726
We may believe we are good people and we tend to get along with everyone; however, we need to examine our thoughts and judgments we have about others more closely. We need to recognize that our first impression of someone may be based on something we heard they did or something they said we ... Views: 1541
When we have to let others down easy, it is usually because of something that happened they weren’t expecting. Something that happened out of our control and we have to tell them what they were hoping for didn’t come through. It is not easy to let other people down and give bad news to them; ... Views: 917
When God gives us something to do, why do we need to wait for man's permission to do it? God can give us all the supplies we need. But we tend to go to man and say, look at this for me and let me know what you think. While we are waiting, we are doing nothing. If it takes a while to hear back we ... Views: 1290
We know others watch us and learn by the actions we take and the things we say as well as what we don’t do or say. Our responsibility to do the right thing is not only for ourselves but for others who are looking to us to make the right decision. When we do the right thing we are setting an ... Views: 878
2 Corinthians 1:6-7 “Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also ... Views: 866
Psalm 119:4-5 “You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully. Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees!”
When we wake up in the morning, we possibly think that we would like to do something we don’t have to do. We may wish we could stay in bed another hour or so. ... Views: 969
When things happen to others everyone seems to want to reach out to help. When countries are hit with devastations, when families lose a loved one, or when people are in need for whatever reason, we all want to pitch in and do what we can. It is great we are people who care but why do some of us ... Views: 998
Psalm 119:17-20 “Be good to your servant, that I may live and obey your word. Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. I am only a foreigner in the land. Don’t hide your commands from me! I am always overwhelmed with a desire for your regulations.”
There are many times ... Views: 1010
Exodus 3:11-12 But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” God answered, “I will be with you.”
How many times do we protest to God or ignore Him because we don’t believe we are good enough. We think we don’t have what it ... Views: 1184
How can we be serious about doing God’s will when we aren’t willing to change? We think every day or once a week at church about getting serious for God and making a difference. We have a revelation that we are going to do better and we are going to be better for God. However, we get caught up ... Views: 912
Exodus 6:9-10 “So Moses told the people what the Lord had said, but they wouldn’t listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the increase burden of their slavery. Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Go back to Pharaoh, and tell him to let the people of Israel leave Egypt.’”
Moses was ... Views: 1304
Why is it we keep going back to places and situations we know are wrong in God’s eyes? We have heard the saying “been there, done that” but sometimes we keep going back and repeating bad mistakes. These mistakes come from our own desire to do wrong. These desires come from our past of what we ... Views: 1168
Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
We are so blessed to have God to lean on. When others have left us or let us down, we still have God. When we feel others don’t care, God ... Views: 1144
Acts 20:22-24 “And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race ... Views: 1296
There are times when others come to us with something they are trying to do and sometimes we tell them we just don’t know or we don’t have time. However, we should stop and try to help them any way we can. It will benefit them and us if we take an extra step to try and help. We need to help them ... Views: 1264
When we start something new and are all excited about it, we think about it day and night. We talk to others about it and we want to work on it all the time. If it is someone we just met, we may want to be them all the time and we enjoy their company. If it is a project we are working on, a new ... Views: 911
Sometimes God slows us down. He creates quiet time for us when we think we should be doing something else. Just as he stopped other people in the Bible in their daily lives, He stops us in the middle of our routines. When He does this, He is turning us away from worthless things in the world, ... Views: 1525
We have many areas of our lives where we can make a difference. Usually they fall into the categories of our relationship with God and with others, our finances, our health, our careers or school and how we help others. In each area of our lives we do have the opportunities to help others. ... Views: 1015
We have a book of instructions from God. The Bible gives us instruction on what to do in hard times. It gives us instruction on how to live. The Bible teaches us from history about men and women who faced problems we face now and how they handled them. We can use the Bible to help us or we can ... Views: 1362
We are creating problems in our relationships, with ourselves and with God when we choose to hide something. We are hurting relationships because we are not building trust and honesty. We are hurting ourselves because we are more than likely going to live in a world of guilt and distraction ... Views: 1284
When we think about all the things we have in all areas of our lives, we may not see how much we really do have unless we write it down. If we were to write down all the money we have made in our lifetime, if we were to calculate all the time we have accumulated or all the friends we have made, ... Views: 1032
When we try to hang on to our lives, we are trying to control the things and people in it. We need to realize that we have no real control over anything or anyone but ourselves. We have instructions how to live the best life in the Bible. We are instructed turn away from our self, take what we ... Views: 1389
When we go into a home improvement store, we see aisles and aisles of purposeful things we can use for our homes. Some gadgets are small, some are large and some have funny looking shapes. Many of us don’t have a clue what all of these items are used for in the home but each of these things has ... Views: 1015
There are times we need to get something done and we aren’t quite sure how we are going to do it. We may not have the knowledge and skills. We may not have the time or talents. There are situations when we are so busy doing things we may not see there is someone who can help who is really close ... Views: 1113
If we were to stop and think how we really feel right now, we would probably use words such as okay, good, been better, or fine. Some of us may even say we are bored, tired, distracted, or aggravated. We can easily turn our feelings from poor or average to above average. To do this, we have to ... Views: 1246
We all know we can’t get everything done in a day, but we can take action on some things in our lives that will help us move forward. What we decide to do and what we decide to put of one more day is an important decision. We need to be sure that whatever decision we make is not to satisfy our ... Views: 1106
A gentleman who is a new neighbor came over yesterday and introduced himself to me. He saw me working out on the garage and wanted to let me know he and his wife would be moving next door soon. He told me a little about himself and his family. He told me he had some experience in home repair and ... Views: 1267
There are some days when we are tired for whatever reason. Days come where we feel like we are drained both emotionally and physically. Nights come where we are so tired that we can’t fall asleep. When we are tired, we are not much use to ourselves or others. Sometimes we can’t think straight, ... Views: 1132
We all have things that we really don't want to do or things that we are just not looking forward to. Rather than dreading them and thinking about how we can get out of them, we need to look at the bigger picture of how we can use them as opportunities to serve God and others. Missing out on ... Views: 978
When we tone up our bodies we are getting them into shape to make us stronger physically. We do this by exercising, eating right and staying away from things that will hurt our bodies. By toning up our bodies, we are getting rid of the fat and strengthening our muscles to prepare ourselves for ... Views: 1046
When I was younger and couldn’t go to sleep at night, my dad told me when he couldn’t sleep he would close his eyes and imagine a big black chalk board. And every time something was written or drawn on that chalk board, he would quickly get his eraser and erase it so he could focus on nothing. ... Views: 732
Acts 17:27 “His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us.”
When we get overwhelmed with all there is to do, we can easily give up and shut down. When we are rushing to finish something last minute, ... Views: 738