There are times we need to get something done and we aren’t quite sure how we are going to do it. We may not have the knowledge and skills. We may not have the time or talents. There are situations when we are so busy doing things we may not see there is someone who can help who is really close to us. We need to stay aware of not only what we have to do but who is willing and able to assist us.

Just like we have opportunities to help others, we need to realize other people have opportunities to make a difference as well. We can’t do everything nor should we want to try and do everything. We all have the fortunate advantage of having other people with talents and skills who can do things we may or may not be able do. We can make a difference by taking an interest in what they can do to help.

Philippians 2:4 “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”

When we let others do things we know we are capable of doing, it allows them to grow. It frees us to be able to do other things. It creates an opportunity for us to help them to make a difference. When someone wants to help us, and we allow them to do it, we have actually helped them.

When we allow others to do things that we can’t do, it helps us to get something accomplished quicker. Encouraging them by allowing them to help will actually benefit them. It will help them to strengthen their skills. It will help them to see what they can do and possibly develop their self confidence. It will help them to recognize they have abilities and skills that can make a difference to others.

We don’t have to control everything and be the only one making a difference. It is actually impossible to do everything all the time and keep our sanity. That is why God made us all different. He wants to work through everyone. God wants us to do specific things and if we try to do it all, we are falling short of what God wants us to do.

When someone offers assistance, we need to allow them to help. We need to step back and look at the bigger picture knowing that their help will give us opportunities to learn more about them. Their help will give them opportunities to grow and network. Their help will allow God to work through them and strengthen His relationship with them.

When we see someone who has abilities and skills we need, it is our responsibility to ask them to help. Sometimes people have the capabilities but aren’t sure if they are needed. They may not be confident enough to ask to help. We can make a difference by asking them to assist us. We can take an interest in them and let them know that we need them.

When others help us, we can talk with them about their abilities. This will help us to learn and help them grow. We can share with them how they can help others with the skills they have. We can give God the glory and take the opportunity to tell them how God has worked in our lives. God can use them to help us as we help them.

Author's Bio: 

Frances Lucas has lived in Birmingham, Alabama for over 40 years. She is a working mother with three children and has progressively improved her life through mistakes, persistence and a sense of humor. Her passion in life surfaced after a major setback in life which proves good things can come from bad experiences. Frances coaches in career and personal improvement, facilitates self-improvement classes and writes articles.

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