Hello Dr. Dennis!
My girlfriend (2 years of a wonderful relationship) and I have been talking about an “open relationship” where we both could find other sex partners but stay together as a couple. We’re both enthusiastic about it but I wanted to get your take. Is this a good idea? Will it ... Views: 1314
I’ve always loved summer. I love the hot weather, the parties, all the skin…
One of the things I love most about summer is the “summer fling”; you know, that chance to hook up with someone to go enjoy the season – and sex – with you?
It might be just a week (like when you’re on vacation) ... Views: 1281
During the very first or second date with a new woman, I like to ask a simple question: “What do you bring to the table?” I love that question! I also love hearing it from someone I just met.
Some people take offense to it assuming I should “just know” and “how dare I not know!” That’s ... Views: 1647
You’re a nice guy or nice girl. You have morals and ethics. You want to do everything above-board and you play by the rules. The problem is, you’re getting nowhere with your dating/sex/relationship life!
You look around you and see guys and girls that seem to be bending (or breaking) the ... Views: 2705
So, what’s it going to be this year? Crowded, noisy restaurant with lousy service? The usually dozen red roses? Jewelry? Card? A lot of whimpering and crying?
Here’s the problem with Valentine’s Day:
It has become the lousiest “Hallmark Holiday” on the calendar. It’s supposed to be a day ... Views: 1271
Your mother told you “always tell the truth”. When you testify in court, you are sworn to tell only the truth. Your partner expects total and complete honesty.
Here’s the problem: you’re a liar.
I know this without even knowing you. The fact, hard and cold as it may be, is that we are all ... Views: 1558
Even a broken watch is right twice a day, and yes, many people DO get their ex's back. The real question you should be asking however is "should you?"
Nature plays this glorious trick on each of us. When we break up with someone, we're angry and hurt, we feel loss and helplessness. We have a ... Views: 1713
“Just what do men want anyway?”
Yes, I get that question a lot these days and no, I don’t just answer with “sex”. (Yes, men want sex, but that’s not really the answer to this question.)
You keep hearing that “men are simple” and that’s not really true. It’s based on that however that you ... Views: 6411
Hello Dr. Dennis,
Where can I find a financially stable guy that is willing to commit? I live in New York and I'm 28 years old. My love life completely stinks. I keep getting my heart broken. I've always dated guys who were either commitment-phobic, game players, liars or weren't well ... Views: 1404
Dear Dr. Dennis:
I’m hearing a lot about “nice guys” who consider traveling to other countries to meet foreign woman because they feel unappreciated by American women who tend to be more fascinated by “bad boys”, wealthy guys, etc.
Being a “nice girl” I feel stuck in a similar dilemma, in ... Views: 1732
Dr. Neder:
I am a 36 year old woman who has been single for 3 years and I'm tired of it. I feel I'm of average attractiveness, I have a good job as an accountant, I run (marathons even!), hike, travel, have lots of friends, etc. I often hear advice from my attached friends, but the advice is ... Views: 6565
Hi Doc!
A few days ago I asked you about playing hard to get and you told me to read your article on your website "Dumb Games, and the Girls That Play Them". In it you said it’s a terrible idea, but I have experienced that when we get things easily we lose interest. That’s a fact right? So ... Views: 1542
Many people complain that they “hate to date”. Are you one of them? If so, it’s very likely that you’re afraid of just having to make “good” conversation.
You don’t want it to come off as labored but you don’t want the awkward silences or misunderstandings and miscommunications either. If ... Views: 9250
I get lots of letters about all sorts of dating, sex and relationship problems every day. It’s interesting that they so often fall into clearly defined categories.
One of the most common comes from women that follow various prescribed paths only to find that they prevent or destroy their ... Views: 6952
I have been dating my girlfriend for the past 14 months, and we have endured many situations. The one I need help with is her past. She has told me she has been with 7 guys prior to me. She originally told me 6, but I found out and not from her it was 7. She didn't tell me because I know ... Views: 1255
Hey Doc!
First off, I'm 21 and I stay near a pretty small town that’s big enough for a WalMart but the only "mall" in town has maybe 8 stores in it. Yeah, it’s THAT small.
I got a girl's number a while back. We've only had maybe two real conversations during the last semester of college: ... Views: 1638
Hey Dr. Dennis – Hi and thank you for your help!
I am single and I have been for 2 years. I’m a 30-year old woman with 2 part-time kids. I am attractive (though somewhat overweight), intelligent and I like to think I'm good company.
Recently, I have had some pretty bad luck in re-entering ... Views: 1759
I'm a 19 year old guy studying at college in the UK and there is a girl who I've seen around, mainly in the library. I would like to approach her but have no clue what to say and I'm afraid she might laugh at me for trying to speak to her. I have no confidence and I'm afraid the girl has noticed ... Views: 1579
Doc, you gotta help me!
I’m a 19 year old male, single and I haven't dated much. I’ve only been in one relationship and am now looking for a woman to be with and I just don't know where to look or even how to approach someone. My female cousins say to go to the movies, the mall, etc. but that ... Views: 1108
I came to notice early in my life that treating women as if they are a goddess is a sure fire way of losing their interest. You can try to spend as much with them as possible, call/text them every day, give them compliments etc. but they will lose interest and think you’re ... Views: 1398
Dr. Neder,
My good friend has asked you a few questions and spoke very highly of the advice you've given him and the results he's received. I’ll take his word for it, and try to keep this brief, but I do want to give you the some background.
I’m 23 and have a good degree and career. Two ... Views: 1179
Dear Dr. Neder
I am hopelessly in love with a girl I met 3 years ago at a concert. She means the world to me! I’d give up the rest of my life to spend one night with her on a more than friend level.
She has a Boyfriend but I truly care for her. I've tried to move on to different girls but ... Views: 1135
So here's the thing, I've been dating this girl for a while now. She's the type that seems like crave attention from other men, so she likes going out to clubs, parties etc. She also likes interacting with men online, flirting and things like that. I can't say I like the way she interacts and ... Views: 1099
I was with my girlfriend for 9 weeks before we split on Christmas day! Everything was perfect we loved each other had talked about holiday and kids and even where we were going to get married and moving in together but the problem I had was I never thought I was good enough for her so I ... Views: 1357
Hey Doc:
I’ve read your books and read your column every week. I can’t tell you how you’ve change my life! But, I had a question for you that I haven’t seen you write about before: what do you do when your girl gives too much?
She cooks for me every chance she gets, she does my laundry, ... Views: 1245
Dear Dr. Neder:
I just recently became involved with a fellow six years my senior. He is everything I have ever dreamt of; there is just one problem….Me!
I have always avoided the relationship scene because, frankly, I have no idea how to handle a relationship. I didn’t actually date until ... Views: 1895
I'm dating this wonderful girl, but we've been going through issues in regards to the "chase" factor. We've already professed love for each other, so it's in a deeper stage than just the chasing phase, but she says of course that she wants to feel like she's still "chasing" me, since she ... Views: 1247
Hello Dr. Dennis:
I know there are lots of books out on the ‘net claiming that you can get your ex back. Do any of these books really work? What if your ex has moved on and is dating someone else?
I was dumped out of the blue. I knew in my heart that it wouldn’t work out because he is very ... Views: 1165
Dear Dennis:
There’s this girl that I’ve liked since for 2 years. I've always made small talk with her but I’ve been too afraid to have a serious conversation with her.
We recently did a group project together with me, her, and two other guys and she seemed to talk to me a lot more than ... Views: 1253
I have dated girls anywhere from 5'1 to 5'5 inches tall and even had girls 5'6 or 5'8 be attracted to me.
The thing is though, I am 5'8 1/2, which isn’t really considered short, but is certainly not tall either. I have a solid, muscular build, am 190lbs, and I was just wondering if ... Views: 1191
Ok Dr., here is the background for this question:
-She and I are both in our early 20s.
-We went to high school together.
-We didn’t know each other well in high school, but were acquaintances with mutual friends.
-I started talking to her about two months ago on a whim.
-She lives far ... Views: 1149
I’ve been dating this girl for a year now, and she tells me tonight through the phone (long distance relationship) that when I approach her before sex I only approach one way and that’s climbing on top of her. She says I approach her like a horny virgin and I don’t turn her on and she ... Views: 1326
Dear Dr. Neder:
I’m a senior in high school and there’s this really cute girl in my psych class. I want to find a way to talk to her or get her to notice me or something but I don’t know how.
Most stuff online would say to see her outside of class and just walk up and say something like, ... Views: 1308
Dear Doc:
I've known this girl for about a year now and I like her a lot. To cut a long story short, I've lost her twice now because of my lack of confidence which stops her from seeing me as more than a friend. She knows I'm interested and we almost had something but I pushed her away ... Views: 3302
I was wondering if you have to have stuff in common with the person you're dating? I was told that it doesn't matter how different you are, as long as you're happy when you're with the other person.
I'm 18 and I recently dated a guy who only cared about finding stuff we have in common. ... Views: 1094
Hi Doc,
I've liked this girl for between 3-4 months. Initially when I got to know her, she was really nice and we were really close. We used to message and talk almost every day. For example, there was once when she went overseas and I told her I would miss her. She said “awww…” and that I ... Views: 1203
Dear Dr. Neder:
I have conflicting thoughts about whether or not it is okay for a female to initiate the conversation with the male.
Many people that I know and even those on this board swear by the fact that it is the wrong thing to do. They say it will scare the man off or make him less ... Views: 4218
Hey Doc!
I just want to say thanks for helping to transform me into a better man than I was! Growing up, I had a dad that was often not available due to work. He and my mother would frequently get into fights with him screaming and yelling (he never hit my mother however) but my limited time ... Views: 1686
I was in a long distance relationship over the internet and it ended 5 weeks ago. Basically I screwed up in silly ways and hurt her. I quit for a day, but came back and after staying away for another day she added me again during that first week (she said she'll always love me.)
Over the next ... Views: 1352
Hi Doc!
My girlfriend and I broke up about 5 weeks ago. I’m 22 and we have been dating 3 years - on and off for 5. She broke up with me because of the way I was treating her, I was being a pretty bad boyfriend. So, after 5 weeks we had a talk and she was willing to open her heart for me to come ... Views: 1422
Hi Dr. Neder,
I met a girl (21yrs old) a little while ago, and have been going go out with her for 2 months. I now sense that she was on the rebound from another relationship; emotionally hurt and confused, but she does not make it clear to me that she is.
This is affecting my relationship ... Views: 1359
I’ve been promoting a new concept on my show that has been very successful in explaining how attraction and love work. I call these them (collectively) “The Formula”.
Is there really a “formula” for attraction and love? Yes, there is. I discovered them when I was working on what sorts of ... Views: 1634
It started as white lies at first about small things then on to more serious things. She is not a very good liar and exposes herself with inconsistent stories and I’m just about fed up.
For instance, she was talking to a few guys before me, and lies about them not calling her. There are a more ... Views: 5809
Dear Dennis:
The girls that give sex up front are getting all the guys, but they don't seem to keep them for long. Guys view them as a fuck buddy type thing but not for a real relationship. The women who wait a bit to give out sex live most of their lives lonely, but end up marrying the guy at ... Views: 4099
Dear Doc:
I am 20 and the longest I have been in a relationship is 10 months, but I have noticed a pattern in all of the girls I have dated. When I first meet them, they seem to be head over heels for me, they seem to love my charm, since of humor and look and things go okay for about a month ... Views: 1301
Hey Dr. Neder!
I've been reading through some of your answers and one common piece of advice you give women is to not play stupid games. Girls do it all the time and 9 times out of 10, it completely screws everything up for them and she ends up not getting what she wants out of the ... Views: 1274
Dr. Dennis:
What are some signs that a man is "marriage material" and that a woman should definitely consider pursuing him seriously?
One of the best signs is to check the ring finger of his left hand (at least here in the States); if there's a wedding band there, ... Views: 1980
Hi Doc!
Here is my situation: I am dating a guy who I am in love with. We started seeing each other in November 2008 but in February he told me we should break it off because he's not ready for anything serious as he is going through a divorce. He said he needs time to find himself.
After that ... Views: 1191
Hey Doc,
I have a question: why are women attracted to men (and not to each other)?
I know what attracts me to women, women are beautiful and soft but I wonder what’s in women's brains that make them see men as more attractive than women? I can’t imagine my self kissing another man but why ... Views: 2080
I met a girl that has been hurt by a lot of guys in her past and I asked her out but I got turned down because she said she wanted to face her studies squarely.
She came back home on Christmas break and I asked her again and we were so close to getting together, but then, she found out I ... Views: 1733