Hi Dennis,
I am a college sophomore and diabetic and I'm in a relationship with a freshman. I am a virgin but my girlfriend is not. I've told her that I'm not bothered by what happened in her past.
We've tried to have sex on two occasions. The first time I was extremely drunk and we both ... Views: 931
Hey Doc:
I had a friend that is very important to me ask me out. I told him he was important, but just a friend.
I didn't say “yes” to him because mostly I've been thinking about a couple of other guys, one in particular, that I want to go out with. They seemed to have shown signs ... Views: 594
Hi Dennis,
I'm a single gal who (despite being very attractive) has not been on a date with a man in a year. I have exchanged numbers with several men during that time but none seem interested (mainly they were dating another girl already so I keep missing my chance.) I keep a very friendly, ... Views: 837
So a week ago I met this girl. She was an old high school friend of a new student in my department that I don't know well yet. Anyway, I had a great time chatting with this girl. We had lived in/traveled to similar places, had similar complaints about the local traffic, and so on. It seemed ... Views: 822
Hi Dr. Neder,
I'm trying to approach and meet a girl I see frequently on the way to work in the morning at the train station. What is the best approach and what do I say at first to get her trust and interest?
Please let me know what you ... Views: 659
There’s the girl that I’ve been getting to know. We aren’t really together, but we’ve been moving that way. A few days ago she and I were talking and she said that she wanted to get back with her ex-boyfriend!
At first, I didn’t think much of this, but I was wondering, is there any way to ... Views: 833
Dear Dr. Neder:
How do I approach this girl again without acting nervous?
There's this really beautiful girl that I like at school (college) one day when I was in the library I noticed her looking at me so I looked at her and we stared at each other for a pretty long time (maybe 5 seconds, ... Views: 742
Dear Dr. Neder:
I have been divorced for 16 years and focused most of that time on raising my two children. I have dated a few men however I seem to be attracted to losers. Now that my kids are grown I would like to find someone to settle down with again. It is hard to find single men my age. ... Views: 689
Hi Dennis!
I like this girl but she says she’s not ready for a serious relationship right now and wants to be by herself for a while. I’m respecting that and just being her friend right now.
I want to really enjoy my youth as much as I can and I don’t want anything serious with anyone but her ... Views: 3099
There’s a new girl coming to our school this year. I want to make a good impression because I have a crush on her. Around school, I’m the clown, the guy who lightens things up with laughs but it usually involves embarrassing myself. I'm just too shy so its hard for me to ask her out or even talk ... Views: 756
Dear Dr. Neder:
I came across your website as I was searching for “sabotaging relationships”. My "boyfriend" (of 3 intense months) has brought up that term for the third time. We are challenged by distance as he lives about an hour away from me. He works 6 days a week at a very intense job in a ... Views: 754
Hi Dr. Neder,
I LOVE your books! They really helped me and this letter is an example of what I’ve learned.
I was walking out of this building on campus and by chance I see this girl walking next to me. Every one around was wearing kind of uniform for orientation and I thought that would be a ... Views: 623
Good Morning ---
I really enjoy reading your website!
I would like to know, why do men sometimes just cut you off (no communication) when they are dealing with their problems.
Long story short, I met someone last April --- things started out great, but then I found out he had been separated ... Views: 686
Last week’s article focused on how women can be dumb (or at least, do dumb things) in relationships. It’s not that men are dumb, but we also do a bunch of dumb things – I see them everyday!
Here are the top ten:
1) Becoming the “friend”
Almost everyone fears rejection, especially; so it would ... Views: 769
Yep! That’s right - women are dumb. Well ok, not all women are dumb but many of you sure do some dumb things when dating or in relationships.
I get letters every day that just make me shake my head. I have to wonder whether or not these people really want to be in happy, healthy, fulfilling ... Views: 750
Doctor Neder:
I am in a serious relationship of almost a year. We have one major problem that continues to come up. When we were first dating, we'd been out maybe a dozen times and slept together maybe 6 times, had no conversations about being exclusive and at a party I was intimate with ... Views: 2042
Hi Dennis,
I read your books, and like their practicality. I have one question of theoretical nature: why is it that woman usually do have had more previous relationships than men, although they are 'supposed' to be the more monogamous gender? Are they just trying a lot more short-term ... Views: 656
Dr. Neder:
I read one of your articles about how to keep my boyfriend interested in me sexually. You said to try to change things up but honestly I feel like I just want to be myself because if he fell in love with who I am then why should I change just for him to show interest in me again?
He ... Views: 695
Dear Dr. Neder:
I’m 23 years old and I met this guy (25) about 6 months ago and we really hit it off. He’s absolutely perfect! We got along great and started dating and things turned physical pretty quickly. I’ve decided to wait until I’m married before I’ll have sex but we made out and ... Views: 1861
Hello –
This is questions requires some background information.
My ex-boyfriend and I just broke up about a month ago after a two-year relationship because he got into medical school 7 hours from home, and I can’t move because I had accepted a really great job. We decided that long distance ... Views: 1125
Hey Doc:
About a year ago, I was unemployed, and my girlfriend's mother told her that if I didn't get a job, that she wouldn't allow her to see me anymore. She then called and told me this. Right then and there I made a terrible decision – I lied. I lied telling her that I had just gotten a ... Views: 911
Dear Doctor,
I am 26 years old woman, married for about 3 years. I am a positive person with self-esteem and confidence in the future. I have a great CV with high education and experience. However it is not easy to find good income work in the country I live in where most good positions rely ... Views: 765
Hey Doc:
My fiancé just left me about a week ago she says she needs to find her self and figure out what she wants. We were together for just over 3 years and have our problems like any relationship. I have a hard time expressing my deep feelings and at times I am independent and distant I ... Views: 825
Hey Doc:
My fiancé just left me about a week ago she says she needs to find her self and figure out what she wants. We were together for just over 3 years and have our problems like any relationship. I have a hard time expressing my deep feelings and at times I am independent and distant I ... Views: 606
Hey Doc,
I'm writing to you again not because I'm in a jam, but because I want to learn from a previous relationship. My girlfriend broke up with me 2 months ago. It was cold-hearted and all of a sudden. We dated for 4 months and were so glad to have found each other.
Nonetheless, after ... Views: 643
Hello Doc -
Is a bookshop or a music shop a good place to ask women out? If so, how do you start a conversation? Wouldn't it be strange? You see, I haven't met anyone that great through friends or at bars and clubs.
I also wanted to know what to do when either you or she is with a group of ... Views: 717
I keep reading that if a man is interested he will ask you out (which I think is true to a point). When a guy asks you out that definitely shows interest, but it is hard for me to believe that every single guy has the guts to ask out all the girls he has been interested in.
My question is: ... Views: 17020
Hello Doc!
I've been dating a guy for awhile now. I haven't had many relationships, so I'm getting used to moving out of the honeymoon stage.
My problem is, I know it's normal to get used to people and kind of let your faults come through as you get more comfortable with the person. I’m ... Views: 8941
I met my girlfriend online and we've been together for about 3 months (we’re both in our 30’s.) When we first started going out, I was dating another girl from online too. I was not attracted to this other girl romantically but thought she could be a friend. The problem is I lied to my ... Views: 784
Hi Doc!
This girl I know casually through work invited me to a party. I am going to give her a nice perfume that costs about $100. Is that a good idea? She also said there will be lots of girls there. How do I start a conversation with a girl in a party and get her phone number? This is a big ... Views: 828
Hi Doc!
I’ve been with my girlfriend for 4 years. I am planning to marry her in 5 years. She fulfills every criterion as my soul mate except one point: sometimes when she is under pressure even the slightest thing can set her off. She goes to the extreme saying hurtful things. She ... Views: 12046
I met a young lady on a matrimonial website and we hit it off very well. She had a prior relationship 3 years ago that she ended and admits to feeling guilty about as she sorta "strung the guy along" and did not verbalize her concerns regarding their relationship that she felt wasn't ... Views: 898
Hey Doc:
I'm 25, and I've been out of the dating scene as well as college for a couple of years now. I'm not a drinker, so I don't go to bars, and I'm not a dancer, so I don't go to clubs. So where can I go to meet someone who would date a guy like me? And what places are appropriate to ... Views: 830
Hi Dr. Neder,
I read some of your articles and your advice is great. I just recently hooked up with a girl that actually picked me up at club. She really liked me a lot and for the first few weeks, I played hard to get with her. She wanted to get me settled down and kind of coerced me into a ... Views: 782
One of the most common questions I get comes from guys starts off with
“I have this woman friend. We’ve been close friends for over a year now, but she has a boyfriend…”
Sound familiar?
This is something I call trying to “work it from the inside”. In effect, these guys figure that if they can ... Views: 870
Hey Doc!
I met this girl a couple of months ago and we started to hang out. At first she said she only wanted to be friends when I made a move so I just blew it off but she continued to call me all the time wanting to see me.
One night we went out, and she kept on flirting with me and getting ... Views: 946
Dr. Neder,
My fiancé decided it was best to end our two year relationship about a month and a half ago. In this time I have realized why she did it and that she meant more to me than I ever knew. I made a lot of mistakes that I didn't see until now.
I talked to her about a month ago and ... Views: 891
Hi Doctor,
I am getting to know a Christian girl. We have been going out for almost two months and I told her that I like her. In the beginning she told me that she was not interested in a relationship right now but was ok with being friends and she continues to go out with me. She answers my ... Views: 830
Hey Doc:
I've had a few girlfriends in the past and have no problems with experience. I don’t think I’m God's gift to women, but I’m not particularly ugly either.
I've fallen for a neighbor girl. I'm not shy to talk to her, but she's just perfect. She's a very nice person, but thinks quite a ... Views: 4720
Hey Dennis!
I read one of your replies to a question and thought your response was excellent. Could you please could you help with this one?
I was in a relationship with my ex for just over a year, when we first started dating. I was finding it very hard to get her out on dates. She is a very ... Views: 947
Hi, Dr. Dennis
I am a 34 year old woman who is insanely attracted (you could even say devoted) to a 56 year old man who still makes me melt after almost 4 years of knowing him. We have seen photos of each other, but our only contact has been via e-mail and telephone – never in person.
I met ... Views: 807
How do I attract a woman for a relationship?
During high school I tried to ask out 5 different girls over 5 years. I thought I was in love with each of them and told them this, but was turned down each time with a corresponding blow to my self-confidence. I finally just gave up on finding a ... Views: 999
I met this girl online about 6 weeks ago and we clicked right away. We talked via the phone and internet for hours at a time almost every night. We even had live video sessions with each other so when she moved back into the area we met up face to face and she seemed to be interested in me. She ... Views: 800
Dear Dr. Dennis:
I’ve read a number of your articles where you talk about having “game” (the ability to meet women, get numbers, etc.) Unfortunately, I don’t have any! I’m more of a home-type person who wants to get out and do more with life but a lot of times I find it difficult to do. It ... Views: 853
Dear Dr. Neder:
I have liked a woman at my work for sometime now. We were out with others from work one evening and I admitted to her how I felt after getting a little drunk. She was perfectly sober since she was the designated driver. At the same time, she told me that she was also attracted ... Views: 873
Hey Doc:
I have a question which might sound a bit unusual but; do relationships work best between people who are different or people who are similar?
Actually, as with so many things, it depends!
Obviously, it's a good idea to have some things in common such as hobbies, ... Views: 775
Hey Doc:
I'm 21 years old and this girl that I've been talking to is turning 28 pretty soon. This girl has been really down on the dumps with personal problems, losing family members, etc. and we've been keeping each other "company" if you will.
I want more than that however. I have a feeling ... Views: 696
Hi there,
I'm 18 years old and I can't seem to get any friendly advice from anyone about this girl I like so maybe you can help me out! I met a girl over at the local community college this past week, and I can already tell that I'm developing a major crush on her! She is absolutely beautiful! ... Views: 1085
Hello Doc:
I've never really known much of anything about dating. I'm 26 years old and I've never had a serious relationship. I feel like I've missed out on a lot of knowledge over the years and I feel like I'm sunk.
Where can I go to meet people? How do I introduce myself when I find ... Views: 865
Dear Dr. Neder,
I saw your articles on the Internet and was hoping that you would give me some advice. My ex-boyfriend broke up with me almost five months ago. He and I were friends for a few years before we dated, and we dated for about 11 months. What bothered him most (as far as he would ... Views: 823