Our heads are still spinning even though yesterday's exciting aspects are technically over. The many changes that are afoot will take more than a day to develop and implement! Today's Scorpio Moon can deepen and intensify inner vision, especially as we move towards next week's lunar eclipse. We ... Views: 706
There are people who have complained on blogs and letters to the editors about the amount of attention the recent deaths of Michael Jackson (in particular), Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, and yes, even Billy Mays of infomercial fame, have received. The question asked, quite bitterly in some cases, ... Views: 796
Turn "mean-o-pause" into a time of body beauty with these nine tips.
If you're just entering menopause, you might be thinking, is menopausal weight gain a given? What's happening to my body? Why have the Scales of Injustice turned on me? Aren't these supposed to be the best years of my life, ... Views: 994
You are powerful, intelligent, and interesting. You are complicated and valuable. You are attractive. You are a good person. You are worthy of love. You are deserving of happiness. My hope is that you can embrace these truths more readily now than when you started this book. Say them to yourself ... Views: 1027
I was wondering how you explain dreams which predict an event which then occurs, or dreams which are synchronistic with the dreams of another person.
Our individual consciousness participates in the universal consciousness that governs all creation encompassing all ... Views: 1641
I am reading a fascinating book called Management Rewired (http://www.amazon.com/Management-Rewired-Feedback-Surprising-Lessons/dp/159184262X) which applies new findings in cognitive science to management. Yesterday on the train home from New York I read a chapter that blew me away. Studies show ... Views: 1230
Been raining much in your neighborhood?
Kids going crazy from lack of exercise? Parents going crazy from the relentless grayness of it all??
I just sent the boys outside in what has been a constant drizzle since daybreak. I don’t care how wet, muddy or shrunken they ... Views: 1118
When you have emotional independence,
you want for nothing
because you have everything.
Debbie Ford
Today is the day to join me and millions of others in taking a vow of emotional independence. Emotional independence will give you the freedom to love and be loved, to give freely and to ... Views: 2664
Volunteers make many organizations possible. Volunteers donate their time, effort and often professional expertise in order to help organizations they care about. Yet many organizations don't have a clue how to treat volunteers. In my many years of volunteering at various organizations, I have ... Views: 2076
We love super-green DIY beauty. Because we know with greater certainty than store-brought things that we're not putting weird, unknown chemicals right into our skin pores. Because we're not costing the environment with even more fancy, non-biodegradable packaging than we already are. Because ... Views: 2882
It's been quite awhile since I wrote a blog post on this site. I've been busy with my life and running Pink-Link. My two kids are pretty much grown (19 and 16) and I'm starting to feel the "empty nesting" stage creeping up slowly. I'm looking forward to that stage in my life, 3 years from now, ... Views: 724
I have pulled together some of my top tips for creating a better space and will share then with you over the next 3 weeks. I hope you find them useful!
Minimize or avoid consumption of lead and chlorine when drinking water.
Did you know the word plumbing comes from the Latin ... Views: 715
If you're like many people, you may be scratching your head, wondering how to make sense of the untimely deaths of three high profile people within the span of a few days.
For anyone who has ever carried a Michael Jackson lunchbox to school or taped a Farrah Fawcett poster to your dorm room ... Views: 1064
When you think of touch, you might think of touching with your hands, but one of the best ways to improve the quality of touch is by using the body itself.
Try this – embrace your partner in a hug. Continue to hug for a bit longer than you might normally. Allow yourselves to really feel each ... Views: 718
If you are searching for a healthy breakfast or snack, you may very well grab a yogurt. Yogurt has gotten a really great reputation for being healthy, even substituting ice cream as a 'healthier' option. Besides the fact that yogurt is a great source of calcium, iodine and phosphorous, among ... Views: 1171
We all know the familiar phrase, “The Truth will set you free,” and we all claim to want to know the truth both inside and outside of ourselves. However, new research shows that we really don’t want to know someone else’s truth if it differs from ours. We seek out information which validates our ... Views: 716
When I first saw The Secret, I had some concerns. The Law of Attraction was presented, and much of the message was what I refer to as a sunny-side-up version of it. The ideas that what you think, believe or “will” can manifest your desires seemed overly simplified, and I think that life’s ... Views: 744
As I talk about in my book, studies have consistently shown us that vitamin D in childhood can protect against multiple sclerosis as a person gets older.
The question has always been raised of whether taking vitamin D once a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is made, is of any benefit. Now ... Views: 934
Experts say with summer upon us, the risks of the (swine / h1n1) flu may subside…until winter months. Phew! One less thing to worry about, right?!
No. Preventive efforts for the flu should begin today. Consider this list as important for you, your family, your friends as any summer reading ... Views: 809
In his book, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, Gregg Braden shares one of my favorite stories about accompanying a tribal shaman on a rain dance. He expected a big production of music, costumes and dance. However, he was quite surprised by what he saw.
The Shaman walked alone to an area ... Views: 902
Robin Sharma is one of the world's leading experts on leadership and personal development. In a ranking of top guru's in the leadership arena that included Jack Welch, John Maxwell and Jim Collins, Robin was voted #2 globally. (source: leadershipgurus.net)
"A keen observer of life and ... Views: 3802
Many people around the world both love and detest Americans. They would love to be able to live in the United States and perhaps realize their own "American Dream". And yet the U.S. has been criticized and reviled for its belligerent, patronizing "Father Knows Best" attitude about how the rest ... Views: 694
In 1994 I was invited to speak to a group of men incarcerated at Englewood Federal Prison, Colorado.
They were a group of men who had been part of a meditation and discussion group, and their leader had attended some of the meetings I was holding in nearby Boulder.
It was a thrilling ... Views: 872
Mallika Chopra's blog, Bloodsuckers and The World of Michael Jackson (http://www.intent.com/mallikachopra/blog/bloodsuckers-and-world-michael-jackson) hit the nail on the head with a great big smack. I’ve avoided blogging about Michael Jackson because I did not know him personally – only his ... Views: 971
Many people are committed to professions and personal endeavors they never consciously planned to pursue. They attribute the shape of their lives to circumstance, taking on roles they feel are tolerable. Each of us, however, has been blessed with a purpose. Your life’s work is the assemblage of ... Views: 1806
Service is an opportunity that everybody has to contribute to the world. It's like breathing in and breathing out. Although we need to breathe in, it's equally important to breathe out. It's important to receive and it's important to give, and to give of ourselves in the way that actually serves ... Views: 700
EDITOR'S NOTE: We were so touched by this letter sent to us by one of our Intent visitors on the danger of prescription drug addiction that we felt it was worth sharing with the rest of our Intent community. This person's letter is a response to Deepak Chopra's blog post on his personal ... Views: 784
Have you heard of a “fear hump”?
No…it’s not a dance….or a sexual deed…..geez.
It’s the little energetic block that prevents you from taking risks, and as a result, keeps you playing at a small level.
It's the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach right before you try something new ... Views: 1327
If today is any indication, we'll have a busy month ahead! For starters, rebel planet Uranus is at a standstill, preparing to go retrograde in December. Naturally, this means that all things Uranian will capture our attention. Watch for startling, even freakish stories about electricity, ... Views: 728
Just the other day I noticed, yet again, that people have a way of being resentful when others have some sort of mild success. I posted this comment on facebook and was interested to note that many people felt the same way. In fact a LOT of people felt the same way.
So why is it that instead ... Views: 1066
Stillness connects us to a state of peace that dissolves worries. It allows us to tap into our very essence, where we find a core of strength. It can shift our very perception of life… and the role we play in it.
How we view life’s events and challenges is what makes up the quality of our ... Views: 700
Did you know that there are over 150 toxic chemicals lurking in your home?[1]
Each day, we are all exposed to toxic chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. You’d think our homes would be safe, but they’re not...unless you make different ... Views: 1480
Heading out for a Fourth of July Weekend trip, or a summer vacation? Don’t forget to pack your sense of humor! As wonderful as traveling can be for an individual, couple, or the whole family/group, obstacles will inevitably arise. You might get lost, you might be delayed, someone might get sick, ... Views: 1123
Having exerted the effort to release emotional toxicity from the past, you are now in a position to consciously avoid accumulating emotional ama as you move forward. Recapitulation, the technique of reviewing your choices and experiences at the end of each day, is a valuable technology for ... Views: 1467
Part of the spiritual path is learning to love the darkness as well as the light, within ourselves and within the world. In my experience, at first it is much easier to love the light, both inside of me and outside of me. It is easier to love the light within me and the light within others, just ... Views: 1018
How will you know when your intended desire has been asked of the universe? What should you do while waiting for your desires to manifest? I am having trouble letting go, I feel like there has to be something for me to do in the mean time.
Once you have put your ... Views: 2159
Not long ago, two well-known Buddhist teachers living in the United States shocked many of their fellow Tibetan Buddhists by making public the fact that they live together as a spiritual practice. One is a monk, one is a nun, and both consider themselves celibate. Their relationship is physical, ... Views: 3952
Walking through the green hills of Tennessee Valley bordered by the brash jubilant display of purple lupines and sweet shy hellos of delicate yellow wildflowers while connecting with Melinda, the founder of Women’s Earth Alliance and Amira her right hand assistant I circled back to that place of ... Views: 1067
On Monday, Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison. He ran one of the biggest investor frauds in Wall Street history which spanned two decades and ran up to $65 billion dollars. Now that Madoff will be spending the rest of his life in jail, details of his life--his high school ... Views: 1123
“It’s none of your business what anyone thinks of you”, Love Who You are With Pride!
A bold statement I know but a very true statement. A statement that I have begun to truly live my life by, because why would it be your business what anyone else thinks of you?
We spend our whole lives ... Views: 2555
The following statement is by Grace Rwaramba:
June 30th, 2009
“Michael Jackson was an exceptional Human Being. He was gifted, deeply compassionate and brought joy to the lives of so many. He loved his family dearly, and above all, his beautiful children.
In addition to being my employer ... Views: 1068
The Dalai Lama was giving teachings in Dharamsala, India. It was crowded and cold and very uncomfortable sitting on mats on the concrete floor. Deb was longing to go back to our hotel room so she could meditate quietly on her own when we heard him start talking about the dangers of solitary ... Views: 893
If you happen to live in the Northeast, you probably have felt as though you have been mysteriously transplanted to the Northwest. With a good portion of the Northeast plagued by rain for what seems like a small eternity, it is no wonder. This last Saturday, however, we managed to get a day's ... Views: 748
In previous posts, we talked about the multi-tasking challenge, and suggested some ways to substitute multi-goaling instead. Two weeks ago, we began looking at why to-do lists don't work, and then added the disclaimer "unless, of course, they do."
Here are a few thoughts about how to-do lists ... Views: 880
Is there any power in having a goal? You bet there is!
The first thing that comes to my mind is the old saying "A person without a goal is like a ship without a course." Just think of the ramifications of being a ship without a course. Where will you end up? Sure you can enjoy the journey but ... Views: 690
Did Micheal jackson live in his human self or his spirit self ?
Without the energy of his spirit, it could not be possible that every human being on this planet knew his music, his dance. It did not matter that you were in innner Mangolia, or a potential suicide bomber in the Gaza Strip, or ... Views: 1092
There are precious few of us humans — and most likely none — who are all good or all bad. Mostly we bumble around doing good things sometimes and naughty things other times, feeling just about as human as we are.
According to researchers at Northwestern University, there's a good reason for ... Views: 845
At its simplest, food is fuel. Though our preferences regarding taste and texture can vary widely, we all rely on the foods we eat for energy. Most people are aware that it is vital we consume a diverse assortment of foods if we aspire to maintain a state of physical well-being. However, the ... Views: 657
Life could get a little wild and crazy today, as the month ends and rebel planet Uranus prepares to change direction. As I've mentioned before, any planet that is standing still, about to go forward or backward (direct or retrograde, in astro-lingo) becomes more pronounced in its effects. And ... Views: 744