Some of the challenges we face in life can be handled and sorted through easily, dissolving not long after they pop up. But there are some that knock us off our feet when we least expect it – and these are not always so easy to shake.
While everyone deals with life’s challenges differently, I ... Views: 746
Food and the impact it has on us is fascinating. Some of us have an emotional connection to certain types of food. For example a slice of apple pie might remind you of your grandmother’s cooking. In this case food brings up good feelings and memories. You might be the type to turn to pie, ice ... Views: 899
Can you fight AGAINST injustice?
What does it mean to protest?
The situation in Iran brings up many questions about the power of peoples voices and how they use their voice. The story of Neda Agha-Soltan ignites passionate emotion, because she really wasn't "fighting"... Views: 1000
The Moon moves into Leo today, a proud and noble sign. If your dignity has taken a hit in the last day or two, now is the time to stand up tall. Start your day with some deep cleansing breaths. Reach for the stars and feel your inner strength returning. Do a power walk if you are able. Slowly ... Views: 717
My first introduction to hearing vocal harmonics came from listening to recordings many years ago. I heard the harmonic sounds and tried to duplicate them. Later on, I studied with masters of the harmonic voice from many different traditions. Yet, there are now many individuals who hear and ... Views: 1865
Those of you who read Pray Rain entries or my response to Tia from this post or been in group mastermind conversations know I’ve been getting healthy reminders from Universe to follow intuition- regardless of how much sense it does or doesn’t make.
Which I thought I was already pretty good ... Views: 980
Constipation, digestive distress, and mucous in your stools are just a few signs that your colon might not be completely healthy, and a healthy colon is absolutely necessary for a healthy body.
After all, good health begins in your gut.
But more than 70 million Americans struggle with ... Views: 1999
Someone who is excited about taking on a new task rarely needs a lot of additional encouragement, nor does someone who is happily performing a task well.
The trick is knowing how to encourage someone who has been working at something for a while, hasn’t mastered it yet, and is starting to ... Views: 855
The ancient wisdom tradition of yoga offers practices that prepare the mind and heart to release what is not useful and to open to that which is. Since body, breath, and mind are intimately connected, practices that enliven one dimension influence the others. Therefore, we want to begin with a ... Views: 1808
My role model, the man that I take after, the person with whom I share so many qualities, is my father. And bless his heart, my 70-year-old father will make his first parachute jump on July 1st, Canada Day. Why? Perhaps it’s his unending energy, his fierce spirit, or his eternal showmanship, but ... Views: 1010
I have been told that Eastern wisdoms teach people how to restrict their egos, their desires, to free themselves from suffering, is this true?
Do Eastern techniques effect a person so that their egoistic desires diminish until eventually they are united with the One, with the ... Views: 785
Volunteerism isn’t just a noble act, it’s imperative to our national priorities -- or so says First Lady Michelle Obama. She rolled up her sleeves Monday and helped put the finishing touches on a play structure in the Bret Harte Elementary School playground in San Francisco, which has been ... Views: 1076
My friend Brian Burt, 41, is seriously working on manifesting his soulmate and he is inviting all of us to help him reach “the One.” Brian recently posted his very detailed open letter (see below) on Face Book. Not only do I applaud Brian’s creativity and vulnerability, I am thinking that maybe ... Views: 733
Originally published on Huffington Post.
This Summer, President Obama is calling on all Americans to volunteer in local community service projects across the country. This new community service initiative called "United we Serve," officially kicks off June 22nd and ends on September 11th, the ... Views: 692
What kind of leadership do we need now?
This was the question I asked last week at the beginning of a day-long workshop attended by a group of senior-level women at a major technology firm headquartered on the west coast of the US. And I’ve been asking this question of thousands of other ... Views: 620
We’re all in the same boat. We just have different paddles, and perhaps we find ourselves on different rivers. We all live in human bodies. These are the vehicles in which we move through our world. We are all made of flesh, blood, and bone, with brains, hearts, and lungs to power us. Our ... Views: 959
With my Thriving Through Tough Times tip, “Give to your community so you can fully recover,” I had been trying to justify it a bit backwards. With the other techniques, I noticed their appearance in many different traditions and thought, “Ah ha, a theme!” For example, surrounding yourself with ... Views: 768
I was first introduced to this product last summer during a facial I received at Barney's Beverly Hills. Previously, due to my tendency toward oily skin, I was a bit leery of a straight oil facial cleanser. Not anymore!
Nude Cleansing Facial Oil, 200 ml/6.76 oz, $52
INGREDIENTS: ... Views: 1412
According to the 2001 Census, the UK has approximately 3.6million people of Black African/Black Caribbean/Indian/Pakistani minority. Orissa Cosmetics is hoping to offer a perfect match for women with darker skin tones.
Hand made in the UK using natural minerals, Orissa Cosmetics is ... Views: 724
I remember when I was a young pup, in the glory days of Showtime, I used to be a huge fan of the Los Angeles Lakers.
You had Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Magic Johnson. You had James Worthy and Byron Scott. You had all these guys who were superstars in their own right, and they were all on the ... Views: 710
Lauren Mackler for - We're living through challenging times. But inherent in nearly all challenges, are opportunities for renewal and transformation. The current economic crisis offers the chance to re-evaluate how you live your life, to be more mindful and strategic about how ... Views: 1580
Do you or any family members have unexplained headaches, fatigue, aches and pains? A diagnosis of autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis or psychiatric problems? Maybe it’s Lyme!
Once limited geographically to areas around ... Views: 1874
“So happy and excited” - that’s what many of think we’ll feel when our big thing manifests.
But I don’t think that’s necessarily the case much of the time.
Because by the time our big thing is happening, we’re not usually bouncing off the walls with excitement. We saw it coming, we got ... Views: 806
“I’m so glad we’ll have a smoker in the White House!”
That’s what a nurse exclaimed in my presence at a dinner party last December, a month before President Obama’s inauguration.
I kid you not. A nurse. And obviously a cigarette addict.
It’s a good thing I hadn’t had a glass of wine, or ... Views: 844
You can do it! And no, this does not mean throwing everything into a closet! If you are the typical American, you probably have a great deal of stuff. From clothing to collectables, photographs, CD’s and tapes (or worse, records and eight-tracks!), books, sports equipment, hobbysupplies, tons of ... Views: 1007
In the west, we understand the concept of "You are what you eat." Ancient Indian texts explain Aahara, or diet, by using the example of the elephant, the tiger, and the jackal.
The elephant is a vegetarian. This animal represents the sattvic mind. With Sattva, we can think clearly, and act ... Views: 1658
Just what is ecotourism? According to Martha Honey, co-founder of the Center for Responsible Travel, “Ecotourism is travel to fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and (often) small scale. It helps educate the traveler, provides funds for conservation, ... Views: 1159
Our children grow up in the blink of an eye. Practice conscious parenting and you won’t miss a moment!
I just returned from my younger son’s fourth grade “Moving Up Day” celebration. It was very low key, but lovely.
The gym was full of parents, applauding the children as they prepared to ... Views: 707
Life is full of challenges and learning how to meet them, and overcome them, is one of Life's lessons. Here are a few things I have learned about dealing with Life's little curve balls. I hope they help someone else.
1. Emote
Feel your feelings and let them out in whatever way you feel ... Views: 1047
Plenty has been said about Iran, and I can only say that there are many angry blogs offering solutions, and making demands, and calling names.
I won’t be doing that. I’ll observe, though, that the US is now in a strange place. We, in the US, backed Saddam Hussein all those years before we ... Views: 668
“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” ~ Brian Tracy
I tend to pay attention when things show up in patterns or repeating themes. Last Friday, my friend, social media marketing maven, George Kao made a comment on one of my posts by ... Views: 838
The fruit of emotional healing is happiness. When embarking on any journey, it is important to recognize where you are now and where you want to go, so that you can map out the best route for getting there. The inventory below is designed to help you assess your current state. As you engage in ... Views: 3578
Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting meditation teacher, David Harshada Wagner at East West Books in New York City to celebrate the release of his new meditation CD called “Meditation for Everyone.”
Although his name was new to me, something drew me to the invitation in my e-mail inbox, ... Views: 649
I've been doing intuitive consulting for almost 20 years now. It's still amazing to me how some people are able to transform their lives while others stay in a rut year after year. I've thought long and hard about what allows some people to lead successful, happy and balanced lives. Here are ... Views: 699
I would be interested in what the Vedic or Eastern position is with regard to our modern western society's "midlife crisis" or "midlife transition?"
I’m not familiar with any references to such a midlife crisis situation in any scriptures, but I think if we look at ... Views: 1136
It seems almost silly to have to say it, but to improve at anything practice is almost always essential. Right? Even if you want to get good at doing nothing, you still need to do a lot of it! Most people know that if you want to be physically fit, you need regular exercise. If you want a ... Views: 644
I spent this past Sunday with a new friend of mine enjoying an incredibly beautiful and much-needed sunny day in San Diego. It has been foggy here for the last two months, very typical of this area in during May and June, so the sunshine is a welcome change! (I have been wondering if I brought ... Views: 905
I watched a YouTube video this afternoon that made my blood run cold. Someone captured on his or her cell phone camera a 40-second montage of a young Iranian woman dying within seconds of a gunshot wound in her chest. As she collapses to the ground, the people surrounding her try to block the ... Views: 1541
I never felt that I was close to my grandmother. I was always slightly scared of her because she always had something to say about the way I look, my choices, and any other small detail she could pick up. I loved her - but I never felt close to her.
Three summers ago, she passed away from ... Views: 1257
Yesterday was the Summer Solstice, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year with the most sunlight. It’s official, it’s summer and time to go slow, absorb the fire in the sun, immerse ourselves in the summer green and blue colors of summer, and eat tons of fresh off the vine ... Views: 744
As you might be aware of, your unclaimed shadows lurk in your unconscious and tell you what you can and cannot do, what you should eat, when you should or shouldn't exercise even if you said you were going to do the exact opposite, how much money you can make or save, or how fulfilling your ... Views: 777
This week on Intent, we want to hear your advice on overcoming challenges. What can we all do as individuals to successfully overcome any hardship that stand in our way?
Challenge is essential for character growth, but also has an annoying way of making us anxious, intimidated, insecure, ... Views: 711
You don't have to play tennis to develop tennis elbow. It can be due to any movement that puts excessive force on the wrist muscles. Tennis elbow refers to elbow pain as the result of an injury to the elbow tendons that bend and straighten the wrist. Hold your hand down with your thumb on the ... Views: 1008
Improvement is a simple, natural impulse — everyone wants to see a better life for his family and society. But when you add the ingredient of sin, improvement becomes clouded. Is it an improvement to deny women education and health care, to dictate what they wear in public, and to regard them as ... Views: 720
There are many variations on the story of stone soup, but they all involve a traveler coming into a town beset by famine. The inhabitants try to discourage the traveler from staying, fearing he wants them to give him food. They tell him in no uncertain terms that there’s no food anywhere to be ... Views: 842
Life is wonderful! When we are able to ~give and take~ we experience the balance that comes from doing for others while we also take care of our own needs. This summer, let's focus on the ways we can give to our loved ones, our community and our world and still take the time we need for ... Views: 626
A trip around the world to be inspired by women of peace
This article by Hadeel al Shalchi appeared in The National.
Guatemala is very far away if you live in Egypt. So far, that one probably would never think of traveling there - until, perhaps, one is invited to a conference as I ... Views: 845
It’s sometimes hard to keep the faith in the face of a diagnosis. When I know I’m having trouble putting my best foot forward, or better said, when I know I’m putting my worst foot forward especially in my own behalf, I use this prayer created by a turn of the 20th Century English metaphysician ... Views: 743
The Sun and Moon join up in early Cancer, forming the New Moon. This lunation is quite out of the ordinary, however. That's because of Pluto, the Planet of Transformation. Being the outermost planet, it takes many years to travel through just one sign. And recently, it changed signs, moving into ... Views: 704
Scan the beauty department of your favorite department store or go-to beauty boutique. Chances are, more than half of labels on the shelves read “natural,” “pure” and even “organic.” But because the personal care industry is completely unregulated, unless the label reads “certified organic” (a ... Views: 2123