Experts say with summer upon us, the risks of the (swine / h1n1) flu may subside…until winter months. Phew! One less thing to worry about, right?!

No. Preventive efforts for the flu should begin today. Consider this list as important for you, your family, your friends as any summer reading list!

1.) Vitamin D for immunity! It's a natural antibiotic. Less sunscreen? Test your levels? Take a supplement? Yes! Yes! Yes! According to Dr Soram Khalsa ( – because, as he shares, you’d have to drink nearly 20 glasses of milk a day to get the D you need, this is one case where a food first approach won’t do it

2.) Good bugs keep bad bugs at bay. Read up on my prior blogs about probiotics – start now as it takes a good 1-2 months to amp up the system adequately

3.) Shroom…yep, mushrooms. I’ve blogged on them before but when it comes to immunity your ’shrooms are such great supporters – eat shitakes, take a quality mushroom supplement daily like Host Defense by New Chapter or Mycotaki by Metagenics

4.) Color you pretty…aim to get in a rainbow of fruit and vegetables from now forward (from Nature, not Skittles or Froot Loops please). Nature wrapped up immunity in different colors so we’d have an easy way to make sure we got what we needed. Choose oranges, tomatoes, broccoli, blueberries and so on and you’ve gotten all your body needs — yes, organic matters (frozen organic works if you don’t have access to fresh)

5.) Alkaline your lower digestive tract: use lemons and limes, eat more vegetable (vs animal) protein, skip the sugar, and don’t overdo it on alcohol…these steps will help support the good bacteria run interference vs the bad.

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