My earliest memory involving Michael Jackson was when I was seven years old. It was Christmas in the early 90's. I don't remember what else my brother and I received as presents that year, but one of them was the album Dangerous on cassette. I can still remember the intricately illustrated--and ... Views: 897
Engineers are the best deal – so stock up on them
Everyone is more productive these days. This has been a consistent trend for at least the past decade, where productivity gains have been particularly strong within the business sector. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor ... Views: 1653
Upon waking, many people consider the coming day with trepidation. Because of the natural human tendency to focus on what we fear or dislike, it is easy to unwittingly send a message of unease into the future that negatively impacts the quality of your day. However, while our lives are busy and ... Views: 677
Every twenty seconds, a heart attack strikes someone in America, killing five hundred thousand a year. That's fifty-seven deaths every hour, almost one per minute. In the United States and many nations, it's the leading cause of death among adults over age forty.
The most lethal kind of ... Views: 983
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”
... Views: 647
As reports begin to filter in on the behind the scenes life of Michael Jackson, his alleged addiction to Demerol (a narcotic painkiller) and possible cause of death, his rumored marriage to Rwaramba (the children's nanny), the number of plastic surgery procedures undergone, his court appearances ... Views: 701
It’s hard to believe the world lost another cultural icon yesterday. Michael Jackson was so different from Farrah Fawcett, but he mattered just as much, or some would say even more. It depends on what you value, how old you are, and so many other factors. And, really, don't we all matter ... Views: 2110
The world was saddened by the death of Farrah Fawcett yesterday and shocked by the death of Michael Jackson on the same day. Both celebrities were loved by millions of people around the world. Farrah’s recent documentary about her three-year battle with cancer won critical acclaim, and Michael’s ... Views: 979
When I was in my second year of college living on campus (at Columbia in NYC) with 4 suite mates, every time the phone rang, there was a race to answer it. Everyone wanted to be the guy to hear the “hello” on the other side just in case it was my friend Michael Jackson calling.
Most of those ... Views: 795
Spend a few minutes preparing your body through heart-opening stretching and breathing exercises to center yourself. Then, sitting comfortably, observe the inflow and outflow
of your breath for a little while to quiet your mind. With awareness in your heart, ask yourself this important ... Views: 1326
Michael Jackson will be remembered, most likely, as a shattered icon, a pop genius who wound up a mutant of fame. That's not who I will remember, however. His mixture of mystery, isolation, indulgence, overwhelming global fame, and personal loneliness was intimately known to me. For twenty ... Views: 1196
Time is a commodity. It’s been compared with money. We only have so much of it in this lifetime, so time is precious. And how we spend our time says a lot about what is important to us. Recently I’ve had a big change in where I’ve been finding my time spent – and it has surprised me, in many ... Views: 1473
I began teaching myself to meditate about 6 weeks ago, and I have become very interested in the chakras. I use your cd set "Balancing the Chakras" each time I meditate, and I have read 2 books on the chakras and auras, as well as searched on the internet for an answer to my ... Views: 798
Today June 25, 2009 is truly a sad day. Today is the day that the world lost a legend as Michael Jackson passed away from a cardiac arrest. People may know him as a lot of things, some good and some bad: a singer, a songwriter, a dancer, an actor, a businessman, a father, a humanitarian, an ... Views: 711
A lot of people struggle with turbulent emotions and addictive behavior. They spend years in psychotherapy and at times they are able to overcome addictive habits through will power, only to have a recurrence and go back to old ways. From my experience, and also through observation of many ... Views: 773
Many athletes believe that they can grow larger muscles by taking protein supplements rather than by eating protein in ordinary foods. However, protein powders come from food, and extracts cannot be more efficient than the foods from which they are extracted.
All athletes train by stressing ... Views: 884
I have something in common with Michelle Obama, a brand new vegetable garden in my back yard. Mine was started by my 21 year old son, home from college where he is majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Horticulture. For his Senior Thesis, he designed a sustainable vegetable garden in ... Views: 774
“Don’t let your problems get you down, or you’ll miss out on life.” Mattie Stepanek
There are millions of people who have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses or other disabling conditions. If you are one of these millions, you have likely experienced a variety of overwhelming emotions ... Views: 1344
If France had a humane, democratic record in its treatment of Muslim immigrants, one might be bemused by Pres. Sarkozy's attempt to suppress the burqa. But the opposite is true. Arab immigrants are treated as second-class citizens, and the rightist politicians, including Sarkozy, are happy to ... Views: 672
It’s not her role as a detective in the 1970’s series, “Charlie’s Angels”; or her long, feather-shagged sun-streaked locks; or even her legendary 17-year tumultuous love affair with Ryan O’Neal, that make Farrah Fawcett a cultural icon.
There are three more important reasons – reasons that ... Views: 964
You’re in a stronger position to find a job if you already have one, and in today’s work environment, it’s better to hang on to a current job, even if you hate your boss, while you look. However, be careful when you do so to avoid others at work – and especially your boss – knowing that you are ... Views: 1069
Sometimes it feels like we are experiencing a series of disasters on a personal and global level. We might feel inundated by these tragedies, finding it difficult to process the death toll and all those who have become homeless or victims of human cruelty. As a result, we absorb the negativity ... Views: 1016
When the World Trade Towers collapsed on September 11th, everyone in New York City was coping with grief, loss, trauma, injury, shock and disbelief, ... or knew someone who was.
For the rest of the country, for those of us watching from afar, there was another role offered: that of witness to ... Views: 904
Finally, someone says he’s found the key to happiness — it’s a formula that looks like this: O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He.
Welsh psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall devised the formula based on those things that tend to make us feel the best. O stands for being outdoors, N for connection with nature ... Views: 1029
There are times in our lives when withdrawing from our social obligations and taking some time to be alone is necessary to rejuvenate our energy and renew our connection to ourselves. However, there are also times when withdrawal is a red flag, indicating an underlying sense of depression or ... Views: 1459
My neighbor is all freaked out because her three boys and girl are finished with school for the year and they have so much energy that her husband can't stand to be around them!
It may come as a surprise that you gain control over overactive kids by reducing the energy in your home. Here are ... Views: 886
Even if you like your martinis dirty, you still want your alcohol clean. But it’s hard enough to pick a specialty cocktail at happy hour, let alone figure out which spirit is the most eco-friendly.
A good rule of thumb is to look for the USDA Certified Organic label. If you’re drinking C.O. ... Views: 1397
Intent is defined in the dictionary as: firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed. As I began to think about what my first blog was going to be, I decided to ask my twelve year old son what the intent was for his life. He said, "I want to fall in love when I get older, get married and have a job ... Views: 705
A key component to having proper walking mechanics, especially stride and preventing low back pain, is hip flexibility. Desk jobs, spending time at your computer, and driving in your car tighten your hip and pelvic girdle. Here are a couple of my favorite hip opening stretches. Remember to ... Views: 862
The Moon continues its sojourn through Leo today, which places the focus squarely on the self. Many folks find it's a lot easier to take care of personal matters at this time of the month. After all, if you don't take care of yourself, who will? In the afternoon, you may be challenged to choose ... Views: 759
I was just sitting down to write a memorial for Jacqueline Péry D'Alincourt (1919-2009), whose courage during the Nazi occupation of France in World War II was beyond measure, when I read a recent blog post by my colleague Carter Phipps that contained a quote from a young Iranian woman on the ... Views: 819
My neurologist told me two weeks ago that I was to stay rested and confined and I am only allowed to use 1 neuron a day. I decided to grab all the books on shamanism in my library at the Hermitage and slowly learn more about shamanic practices. I am fascinated with the concept of “soul ... Views: 710
Perhaps this is not the first thing that springs to your mind when you read this blog - so let me explain. A dear friend of mine, a fellow motorcyclist, has spent many years now restoring a splendid vintage bike. It is now close to being perfect - with some discrete modern updates - and one of ... Views: 770
Sit comfortably and take a few slow, deep breaths. Settle your awareness in your heart. Now ask yourself this difficult question:
What is wrong with me?
Although we spend much of our lives disguising and suppressing the answers to this question, this is your opportunity to access it. You ... Views: 6119
I have studied numerous spirituality and all sorts of self help across the board. My number one thing I still struggle with is insecurity and confidence. On a spiritual standpoint; I believe confidence comes from believing in yourself- knowing, that your capable of doing things..but ... Views: 748
Life brings with it so much opportunity, so many directions and so many interesting people. But which opportunity, direction or person do you choose? How do you know? When is the right time to do the right thing, to make that decision to choose passion over your current situation which may be ... Views: 3276
Breaking news: another U.S. politician admits to being unfaithful to his wife. This time, South Carolina GOP Governor Mark Sanford was the culprit, who told staff members that he was hiking on the Appalachian Trail over Father's Day weekend when he was actually visiting his long-term mistress in ... Views: 1021
Dr Cedric Garland was kind enough to write a beautiful paragraph about my book, which is in its opening pages.
Now Dr. Garland and his colleagues at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego have just proposed a new theory of cancer development that is based on the ... Views: 717
March 29th 2009, North West of Mato Grosso State (Brasil)..Enawene Nawe village.
Are you an eco-traveler mesmerized by the lush, green rainforests of the Amazon and beyond?
Like many eco-travelers, you may be captivated by just-released Amazon rainforest images taken by photographer Daniel ... Views: 936
Hey all! Just wanted to give our followers on Intent a quick update about how Causecast has been spending the last few weeks. We're thrilled to be partnered with The White House, Google and All For Good on this initiative, which seeks to make public service a way of life for Americans.
At ... Views: 704
You just went away for the weekend and you came back to find that you gained 5 pounds over the course of 3 days. In your disbelief, you quickly curse the Weight Gods for being so cruel. Sound familiar? This was me last weekend. A little jaunt to Montreal, eating at decadent cafes, packed it on ... Views: 860
Wake up on day 11 with the same cold you had 10 days ago.
Your husband leaves to work in another state, your family will follow and relocate, then he calls to tell you he is in love with his co-worker Bruce.
Waking up at 2 in the morning for two weeks straight with a 2 year old ... Views: 957
A recent New York Times article wrote that psychics and astrologers are seeing a boom in their business as people flock to them to answer questions about their finances.
But, there is a better way to attract money and it begins in your home and office. There are definite steps to take to ... Views: 1481
As you know from my letter last week, I've got a really amazing FREE call coming up this Thursday about how to take your years of experience in personal growth, consciousness, and wellness and translate it into an aligned and authentic business that genuinely helps people and creates great ... Views: 846
Sick all the time, worried about bone density, battling frequent skin blemishes and / or digestive complaints? An overly acidic system could be the (part of) culprit. Why? Bad bacteria (skin, immunity, digestions issues) and viruses (immunity) thrive in an acidic environment, the body removes ... Views: 774
Recently, a friend of mine named Renee was driving her seven-year old son home from school, and she was preoccupied with worry. She had a lot of bills to pay and was having difficulty making money. Her husband had been ill and unable to work, so they’d fallen behind on their mortgage. This was a ... Views: 816
When we fall in love with someone or make a new friend, we sometimes see that person in a glowing light. Their good qualities dominate the foreground of our perception and their negative qualities. They just don’t seem to have any. This temporary state of grace is commonly known as putting ... Views: 2193
It’s one thing for a big clothing retailer to launch an eco-friendly capsule collection (as Target did in April with the 100%-organic-cotton Loomstate for Target by CFDA-award-winning designer Rogan Gregory and partner Scott Mackinlay Hahn). It’s quite another to make going green an ongoing ... Views: 1467
In these challenging times, we all need to stay flexible around a stable core. What does that mean? That you may have to enter a whole new field, develop new skills, or live in a different way. But there is a core that doesn’t change, a “youness” that will remain no matter how much and how well ... Views: 904
It's wedding season, and earth-loving brides are thinking about how to make their big day less wasteful and more green. One decision that green brides wrestle with is wedding favors. Eliminating them is the greenest choice, but a small take-away gift is a tradition some won't part with.
There ... Views: 942