Machines that grind fresh raw fruits and vegetables into juices seem to be everywhere these days: in the stores, on television, pictured in books. It’s a sign that people want to include healthier foods in their diets and reap the benefits of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in fresh ... Views: 1424
Say you see your first frog and want to understand what it is. Not so much what it’s croaking about, (although that can be interesting too) but what the frog really is. Traditionally, Westerners like us would grab the little guy and drop him into a bottle of formaldehyde, a preservative that ... Views: 726
You never know what to believe on the Internet, but verified with a local newspaper that the events recounted below by Mrs. Joy Scrivener did indeed take place. Here is the true story that happened in mid-August 2006 to their family of five in San Antonio:
This is one of the ... Views: 2055
If cake is your BFF (best friend forever), if the call of Cheeto sends you into an orange-stained spin, if you start to drool at the mere mention of Cinnabon, and/or if you are mad at yourself for giving in and diving into a vat of chocolate, then pull up a chair and start clicking for an ... Views: 823
For this month, I've resolved to “Eat very right.” I wouldn’t be able to eat this right forever – and I wouldn’t even try -- but I decided to take a boot-camp of approach to cleaning up my eating habits.
1. No sweets. Not even a bite. I gave up my beloved Tasti D-Lite – ah, I miss it. I’d ... Views: 914
Vegetables are an important part of the Body Ecology lifestyle and every healthy family’s diet. Here are four easy ways to get your kids to eat more veggies!
(Originally published under Conscious Parenting with Meg Brown for
Do you know any children who actually enjoy ... Views: 1001
We all know that stress can lead to emotional eating, and we all know that stress is pretty much guaranteed in life. Newspapers, magazines, Web sites, and blogs are filled with techniques for curbing your appetite and reducing your cravings, but here’s an idea you might not have heard of before: ... Views: 1794
I recently read your e book on the seven spiritual laws, and I was wondering where I should start in order to apply these laws to my everyday life. I am unfamiliar with meditation, and I have never done yoga. So how do I go about it if I am lacking those skills? At this time, taking ... Views: 726
After watching the Memorial to Michael Jackson today, deeply moved and inspired, the following spilled from my heart through my pen.......a message for each of us to ponder.
Until You Sleep
Each breath filled with promise
That your next word, your next action
Will be filled with ... Views: 643
Michael Jackson's memorial ended just today in Los Angeles at the Staples Center. Though I was not there in person, I was watching the event on the television screen from start to finish with countless other citizens of this world.
Whether you are a fan, a hater, or completely neutral, there ... Views: 958
One of my favorite accounts of sacred sex is contained in the Hua Hu Ching, a little-known collection of teachings attributed (as is much Daoist wisdom) to master Laozi (Lao Tzu). In the Walker translation, which includes material passed down orally, Laozi warns:
Although most people spend ... Views: 4573
As you know, I have been up in Northern California visiting family for the 4th of July. I have been up in the mountains, north of Sacramento, on some property that my family has owned for generations. As a child, my brother and I would spend every single summer up there, fishing, catching ... Views: 680
Right now, on the opposite side of the planet from where I am, millions of Iranians young and old have been flooding the streets in protest. Why? Because they stood in line for hours to vote for what they believed in, and someone decided that their votes didn’t matter.
The regime shamelessly ... Views: 976
So many views are available today on "healthy eating". You should research them all and implement the ones that speak to you. I hope these simple common sense tips help you on your journey!
Eat Sea Salt, Celtic Salt, Kosher Salt or No Salt instead of table salt.
Your body can use the ... Views: 878
- Full lotus posture: This is the most difficult position to master. It involves sitting cross legged on the cushion with your right foot on your left thigh and your left foot on your right thigh.
- Half lotus posture: In this position, you have one foot on the opposite thigh and ... Views: 825
What do you do when it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel? When everything is in doubt and life’s possibilities seem empty? When you watch world events transpire over which you have no control and film and music idols, once seemingly immortal, senselessly succumb to cancer or ... Views: 667
Usually we're fighting the flow, trying to swim upstream, wanting something we can't have, having something we don't want, always struggling. It's this kind of desiring and seeking that keeps us from really being free.
Our relationships are the same way. All a person has to do is give up ... Views: 756
Thought protein drinks were only good for people at the gym? Do you believe that we are eating too much protein in our diets already?
Think again!
Contrary to popular belief that there is too much protein in adult diets already, up to 41% of adult men and women have dietary protein ... Views: 763
selection from my best-seller 8 Minute Meditation. “the most American form of meditation yet.” TIME
In prehistoric times (before MTV), there were those TV kid shows, where the host would hold up a loaf of bread and proclaim, “Kids, Wonder Bread tastes great! And it’s good for you too!” ... Views: 854
Thank you Maya Angelou, for creating such a beautiful, soulful, and loving tribute to Michael Jackson. His memorial service today (which I admittedly feared might become a spectacle) was a moving tribute to the Man in the Mirror that I choose to remember.
This is Maya Angelou's poem: (and I ... Views: 816
For those of you who have read The Soulmate Secret, you may recall the story of my friend Sean Roach, a successful CEO and speaker. At age 36, Sean was beginning to wonder if he’d ever find the right woman to settle down and start a family with. He traveled at least twice a week for work and had ... Views: 1211
"No bees, no blueberries." It's just that simple, says Ed Flanagan, president of Wyman's of Maine.
He ought to know. As one of the biggest wild blueberry producers in the world, Wyman's depends on bees to pollinate its massive crop. However, a mysterious phenomenon called Colony Collapse ... Views: 905
The crisis in North Korea is one of the least known crises in the world...until now. This fall, LiNK is launching teams of nomads all across the nation to bring the story of North Korea to the masses, and we need you to be a part of it!
We are looking for restless souls who have heard about ... Views: 677
I recently visited the lively, beautiful city of Berlin. It was my first visit, and I brought with the visit what the word "Berlin" has meant to me. In my mind Berlin is a city that has lived at the center of extremes.
In the 1930's it was a pleasure capitol of hedonistic fulfillment. In the ... Views: 924
A man once awakened to find himself riding through what appeared to be a haunted house. He didn't know exactly where he was. All he did know was that it was very dark and that he was moving along with no choice as to the direction. And if that wasn't bad enough, around almost every twisting ... Views: 632
How many "yellow page" phone books did you receive last year? If you live in a medium to large city, I'm betting it was at least two and maybe three. The printing and distribution of multiple, nearly identical annual directories for the same city-- plus smaller versions--is a needless waste of ... Views: 739
The other day, a group of friends and I were chowing down at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Ole in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They make Guacamole - to die for - fresh at your table. One of my friends who felt we porked out on too much of it claimed, "Well, at least it is the good kind of ... Views: 662
Since Michael Jackson’s untimely death last week we’ve been inundated with stories and speculations about his life. I’m in the generation that grew up with Michael. We watched him as a child singing on TV with his brothers, ABC and Rockin’ Robin, and tried our best to copy his moves. As kids ... Views: 1061
We all have days that seem endlessly difficult and hard. On these days, it is as if the odds are stacked against us and we just can’t get a break as one challenging situation follows another. We may feel like we’re standing in the ocean getting hit by wave after wave, never able to get a full ... Views: 885
She is the first to get to work in the morning and the last to call it a day. The single employee, who dutifully foregoes vacation time, has not taken a sick or personal day in two years and who is always the one to organize the company Holiday party and corporate outings. She could just as ... Views: 698
With the deaths of superstars Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson last week, and Steve McNair on Saturday, it seems we’ve bid farewell to an inordinate number of icons recently. While the losses of Jackson, 51, and McNair, 36, are more tragic and untimely than McMahon, 86, and ... Views: 1015
This summer, there will be three eclipses. These incredible displays of cosmic alignment are no longer the worrisome portent that they once were -- but they're still important! The first occurs today. It's a lunar eclipse highlighting the Cancer-Capricorn axis, bringing up issues of security, ... Views: 922
It seems an appropriate tribute dedicating this month’s Workout Playlist to Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. Say what you will about his controversial private life, but there is no denying that his musical talent was true genius, and will live on forever. His songs both as a young boy in the ... Views: 769
Is it just me or do I detect that things are beginning to shift in the world? is definitely part of this cahnge. In addition I’ve recently had some wonderful conversations with Dutch film-maker Baptist de Pape , composer Han Kooreneefe and with Lilou Mace. The theme in each case had ... Views: 582
Dear Friends
Part XXXVI - Some early morning thoughts:
. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
. Forgiving is all about letting go of: anger, resentment, sorrow and the victim ... Views: 1182
Contrary to popular belief, Japanese cuisine does not consist only of Sushi, and it definitely does not involve a chef behind a large hot plate chopping and throwing meats and seafood around for entertained customers.
Japanese food is more than that. I should know, because I grew up in ... Views: 754
"Oh, come on Harry. All you mortals get all hung up over your precious souls. You've never seen your soul, never touched it, never done anything with it. What's all the to-do?" said Bob the Skull, the spirit of intellect, to Harry Dresden, a professional Wizard.
Bob the Skull's opinion popped ... Views: 605
The nation looks on in horror at the interminable orgy of true confessions from Governor Sanford -- voluntarily decimating his political career by bogarting a spotlight rightfully passed to recently departed celebrities. Any psychologically aware person must ask: Why?
Were the constraints of ... Views: 905
I took the primordial sound meditation teaching with one of your instructors and they explained my personal mantra as the sound that was made at the time of my birth. Since I studied with the instructor I have become afraid of it. This morning I had a deep, spiritual dream that ... Views: 661
Contrary to what you may believe, eating healthy does not have to require a drastic lifestyle change. You can eat the same things you always eat--just start buying a healthier version of it. Have gustatory substitution ideas not covered in the list? Feel free to share them in the comments below! ... Views: 664
Most of us experience an afternoon slump. You know, where you just want to curl up on your desk and take a nap. While it is a natural function of the human body, employers tend to frown on outright sleeping on the job. So how can you avoid an afternoon slump? By eating right. Here are easy ways ... Views: 663
There is great power in letting go but the first step is having the power within yourself to actually do it. I am speaking of the things that no longer serve us. This could be attachments to food, alcohol, relationships, work, the internet, or just daily habits that get in our way of happiness. ... Views: 807
At 39 years of age Dr. Yvonne Sanders-Butler thought she had pink eye, but it was way worse than that. As her symptoms worsened she was rushed to the hospital on the verge of a massive stroke. She was morbidly obese, had high blood pressure, was pre-diabetic and could have died.
While lying ... Views: 1594
When you first look at it, the lawsuit brought by eighteen white firefighters against the city of New Haven doesn't seem relevant to everybody's daily life. But it is. The central dispute in the case is over race and how it affects who gets hired, who gets promoted, and why. Let me summarize ... Views: 926
Many prominent self-help books have advised people with low self-esteem to recite affirmations like, “I am beautiful,” or “I am worthy of love.” However, I grew suspicious of these affirmations and throughout the years observed that they didn’t work for my one-on-one clients or my workshop ... Views: 1377
This week on Intent, we want to hear your tips, tricks and advice on eating healthier. Should we plan ahead our meals? Is it a matter of preparing ourselves emotionally when the munchies strike? Whether you keep a food journal or you simply want to share some healthy snack recipes, we want to ... Views: 551
A couple of weeks ago, we talked about why to do lists don't work. Last week, we pulled an apparent about face, and gave some ideas about how to use a to do list effectively.
As we keep alluding to, it's quite easy to spend an entire day getting things done and when you get to the end of the ... Views: 679
“All riiiiight,” I said to my six year old black cat crouched and hiding behind the reading chair. “I’m trusting you then.”
Cher’s not usually allowed free rein of the house, since she has been known to do bad kitty deeds. (She’s actually notorious for it, thanks to me.)
But I couldn’t ... Views: 878
There are stylish women. And there are eco-conscious women. But every once in a while, we come across a woman who influences both.
Meet Bahar Shahpar, a New York based designer of ridiculously gorgeous, wearable, cutting-edge clothes. The kind of clothes that make people stop you in the ... Views: 1221
If you want to become fit and use exercise to help prevent a heart attack, first check with your doctor to make sure that you do not have anything wrong with your heart or blood vessels. Intense exercise can increase your risk for a heart attack if you already have a damaged heart.
Pick any ... Views: 610