“The Gods only go with you if you put yourself in their path. And that takes courage”.
We looked at a house for rent yesterday, my husband and I. It was in a Mission Canyon, an amazing area deep in the mountains, and yet only 5 minutes away from downtown Santa Barbara.
We toyed with the ... Views: 624
When someone’s actions create pain for us, it is natural to engage in an inner conversation of resentment. The mind replays the offense, repeating the stories over and over. My wife betrayed me. My father destroyed my trust. My partner didn’t come through for me. And so on. The dialogue of blame ... Views: 1100
I wanted to ask you a question about metaphysical meditation. I think that is what it is but am not sure.
Since I was a child I have on occasion meditated on the physical universe and all existence within it. Visualizing it's vastness in my mind. I then try to bring my focus to ... Views: 758
Many of the questions I get about romantic and dating relationships is the one where a person keeps finding him or herself repeating a not so happy dating pattern, over and over again. Many people I work with can see they keep dating or falling in love with a variation of the same problem, but ... Views: 1118
I grew up in the South. As a result of that I helped my mom make a lot of casseroles and salads for those who were sick and in need. It was just what you did. We belonged to a Presbyterian church and every Sunday we picked up Mrs. Browman, a woman who lived to be 100, every week so she could ... Views: 1488
1. Make an effort to look good. Because when people look good and know it, they tend to feel good. When you are feeling too self-conscious about your baggy jeans or the stain on your shirt, you have less mental energy to focus on other people's needs and concerns. On the other hand, if you ... Views: 1318
I don't know the exact moment when I let some of my reservations go but I think it happened when I was on the back of a motoconcho (motorcycle) without a helmut zipping up a mountain in the Dominican Republic.
My longer than normal hair whipped around me; with my sunglasses on, I would tilt ... Views: 1036
This article is about how your perpetual happiness is pretty much in your hands right now. And I will state without proof that being a healthy, happy, optimistic person makes you more fun to be around. And that people who are fun to be around are just going to be more successful in the dating ... Views: 782
The summer is the perfect time to start volunteering for worthy causes. The weather is nice, there is generally a more uplifting aura that pervades in the air, and there are many events and causes around the nation that are looking for volunteers that care for their cause (not to say that any ... Views: 1302
This week on Intent, we want to hear your tips, tricks and advice on volunteering. Yes, we know that much have been said about volunteering and giving back in light of President Obama's push for more Americans to serve. We also know that many volunteering resources already exist out there on the ... Views: 1081
A few months ago I was on the phone with a friend who was visiting family in her old home town. She’d just challenged her parent’s boast about the diversity of their church, by asking where the gays were seated amongst all the recently-immigrated Africans and Asians in the pews. I’d just come ... Views: 651
We professionals in the field of addiction, have not even come up with an agreed upon definition for recovery. This means we can’t really study the effectiveness of various treatment modalities because we haven’t defined success.
In June of 2007, at the Betty Ford Clinic, a team of top notch ... Views: 1053
6 Tips for Shopping Local
Take the pledge to shop 100% locally from Monday, June 29 - Sunday, July 5. With a little planning, you’ll find simple, local solutions for your every day needs.
Plan your week:
List all the things you do on a regular basis - lunch, groceries, etc. - ... Views: 635
Web sites for products such as "HeightGrowth" are so unbelievable that the people who wrote them must be laughing as they steal people's money for totally worthless products.
They tell you that if you take HeightGrowth, you will continue to grow until you are as tall as you like, at any age. ... Views: 943
Every day I walk to work...to and from takes about a total of 40 minutes. This gives me a lot of one on one time with my IPod. I have over a thousand songs on my IPod...everything from Michael Jackson to U2 to Rihanna to Andrea Bocelli...you could say I have eclectic taste in music. There is ... Views: 740
Details about Michael Jackson’s passing are still fuzzy, but already people are drawing conclusions about the superstar’s premature demise. One media thread has him using prescription medications in what may have been a troubling way ... Views: 1325
A gorgeous summer day – still in bed, you prop yourself up on your elbows and muster just enough energy to gaze out the window. You see a flourish of activity; people are outdoors jogging, bicycle riding, and heading to a picnic. However, you don’t have the energy. Somehow you feel pressured to ... Views: 1391
Native Americans considered all living beings as brothers and sisters that had much to teach including squirrels. These small creatures taught them to work in harmony with the cycles of nature by conserving for the winter months during times when food was plentiful. In our modern world, ... Views: 1003
There were a couple of points in Maureen Moss’ latest World Puja newsletter I thought worth sharing. I’ve excerpted and highlighted my favorite parts below:
On this past solstice of June 21, 2009 a major doorway opened and supported a massive leap in consciousness to those who were ... Views: 1017
By James Boyce, Common Sense NMS
I am a realist and and optimist, which in 2009 America, often conflicts in somewhat bizarre ways. Last week, I took my kids to see Transformers II - I made the mistake of thinking that I could actually show up 15 minutes before the movie started, it was on ... Views: 777
I can think of no greater encouragement than the self-evident Truth that there dwells in each of us the opportunity to explore and know the Extraordinary Life. The meaning of Extraordinary I wish to convey points to the immutable and inexhaustible source that is the secret center of each of us: ... Views: 812
Suspicions over a cooked election in Iran have brought a glimmer of hope for real reform. It takes glimmers in the long, fractious fights that hold societies in thrall. Can we find one in the toxic fight that has plagued India-Pakistan relations for six decades?
We've already had a Camp ... Views: 746
My most vivid Michael Jackson memory was his 1993 Oprah Winfrey interview. I remember watching the show and thinking two things:
1. This is the most talented person I've ever seen.
2. This person has the lowest self-esteem of anyone I've ever seen.
Here was this supremely gifted, ... Views: 857
My 96-year-old grandmother is a vibrant, sharp-minded woman who spent most of her life gardening in her large backyard in Massachusetts, and her significant contributions to the American Hosta Society have earned her over 2,500 results if you Google her name.
Many spiritual Teachings tell us ... Views: 1804
Every day, we’re faced with challenge. And the biggest challenge of all, it sometimes seems, is that other people just don’t behave the way that we want them to. This is particularly the case in relationships, in the dance and the interaction and the act of meeting and matching and mirroring ... Views: 901
Dear Friends
Part XXXIV - Some early morning thoughts:
. Look deep, deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. - Einstein
. Man no longer regards Nature as being divine and feels perfectly free to behave towards her as an overwhelming conqueror and tyrant. - ... Views: 756
(I apologize for the delay my Intent.com friends, this was originally from March 27, 2009)
What a fun week and launch on Tuesday! It was just plain fun, both to create and share it, and because it resonated with people.
Here are some stats about the launch webinar (thank you again Yanik ... Views: 743
As the author of your life script, you are responsible for consciously writing a new story. This ritual declares both to the world and to yourself, This old chapter is ending. A new chapter is beginning. This ritual is designed to put a big The End on your old story. You’ve paid your dues. It’s ... Views: 846
It is fitting that my friend and colleague Julie van Amerongen contributed this reflection on Excellence for the eBook, 26 Principles of Working for Good. Julie just sent me an "assignment" to review, which she wrote as part of a job application process–she is one of two people left in a precess ... Views: 1045
I never knew Michael Jackson personally but like many of you, felt I knew him because of his lyrics and my love of his music. When I was a young girl growing up I worshipped him. I wanted to sing like him, dance like him, be as famous as him. I loved how he expressed himself through words and ... Views: 1380
Do you have a dream that keeps resurfacing yet you ignore it or immediately dismiss it?
Why do you push it away? Do you think it is too grand?
Do you shy away from it because of what other people might think about you and what they may say, "Who does she think she is?"
Recently someone ... Views: 1300
Today the Moon moves from Virgo, the sign that seeks perfection, to Libra, which wants connection. The celestial message is to apply yourself to some type of meaningful task in the morning, but take a break in the afternoon and evening. Reward yourself for your earlier efforts by chatting up ... Views: 718
"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle." ~ Deepak Chopra
Here follows a jigsaw puzzle created by me for you. Something to work on and play with as you might wonder about ... Views: 891
In the aftermath of Michael Jackson’s death, I found myself in a surreal situation that gave me a glimpse into the dark side of bloodsuckers, media and celebrity.
In those few hours, I saw a side of humanity that saddens me – where people try to take advantage of vulnerability, confusion, ... Views: 1305
Dear Friends
Part XXXIII - Some early morning thoughts:
. Heard about the solar powered aircraft 'Solar Impulse' that will fly around the globe from Zurich? If so, why not cars, A/Cs, computers?
. Nothing is impossible for a brave heart! - French Proverb - À coeur vaillant rien ... Views: 936
I never knew Michael Jackson personally, so it is impossible to make any type of comment about him or his self-esteem or anything else, without it being a complete projection of my own psyche. Given the recent and unexpected death of this icon, however, it seems appropriate to discuss the topic ... Views: 2186
How amazing are the dogs that save their owner’s lives by sounding the alarm or even calling 911? There are so many extraordinary stories about pets, like dogs that guide the blind, provide comfort to the sick, protect us, or help us go for walks. Then there is the cat who lived in a nursing ... Views: 1048
What a week! So much to reflect on. There’s the official launch of the Conscious Business Alliance, the evolution of the 2010 Peace Through Commerce conference, some profound opportunities to practice the skills of Working for Good to make it through challenging passages – personal and ... Views: 921
These two images are of ‘Ozymandias’, currently on show in the De Cordova Museum, Lincoln, MA - one of the finest modern art museums in this North East Corner of the US. As you can see the sculptures are huge - that’s the artist Douglas Kornfeld leaning up against it. Ozymandias? Well, you may ... Views: 2718
Get Involved! Volunteer! This administration's determination to address recession fallout spans beyond the reach of bail out dollars, and into old fashioned barn-raising, with a passionate call to service. The United We Serve campaign challenges all Americans to make a difference by doing "good" ... Views: 1992
This is the time to give expression to your stories – to communicate the details that were revealed in prior chapters through intuitive self-reflection. Sitting with your listening partner in a comfortable position, share your first painful experience, including each of the aspects you wrote ... Views: 705
Hello friends. I have been trying to write, off and on all day long, but I just couldn’t concentrate. Maybe it was the weather. We had one of those hot sunny days, interrupted by a sudden, blustery storm that dumped buckets and buckets of rain.
The rain usually clears the air, but today it left ... Views: 960
In celebration of this week's theme on overcoming challenges, we have gathered the best content around the web that will make you believe in yourself and start kicking some serious butt. We are all vulnerable to some really scary challenges and we may all sometimes feel like giving up, but at ... Views: 717
Think of a challenge in your life and ask yourself, “What is the blessing?” Take a moment to consider that this difficulty may be a blessing in disguise. Be open to seeing the answer in a way that includes you as the blessings. You are integral to the blessings. There’s nothing separating you ... Views: 636
My question today is about kleshas which I believe are sometimes described as defilements and I understand them as character traits rooted in the unconscious mind which give rise to unwholesome behaviour, such as fear, greed, envy etc.
Following my shift in consciousness I spent ... Views: 1170
Going to a prestigious university is an extremely interesting/odd/humbling/unique experience. Chances are, almost everyone you meet has some incredible talent that they are using to make the world a better place. I take classes amongst students my age who have founded various incredible ... Views: 743
I know this note comes to you on short notice but I am seriously dreading July 4th weekend. Most of my friends will be traveling and somehow it looks as though I will be stuck in the city, solo. Normally, I love being alone on long weekends but for some reason this year I am ... Views: 753
The only thing standing between you and the leadership greatness you want to achieve is friction. Friction is any obstacle or block standing between where you now are and where you've always wanted to be.
Outer friction could be relationships at work that are not impeccable, projects that ... Views: 1113
According to leadership experts Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler, "Crucial Conversations" are those tough, day-to-day interactions in which the stakes are high, people have conflicting views, and emotions run strong. The surprising thing about these conversations is ... Views: 665
There was little for me to do, but paint my toe nails green. I signed the petition to help the people of Iran and then I dashed off to get a mani-pedi. Still thinking about Iran, I chose green for my pedicure. Perhaps, it was a silly little gesture. My toes were now the color of mold. As I ... Views: 1129