As I talk about in my book, studies have consistently shown us that vitamin D in childhood can protect against multiple sclerosis as a person gets older.

The question has always been raised of whether taking vitamin D once a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is made, is of any benefit. Now a new study from Canada has shown that vitamin D may reduce the rate of relapse for some multiple sclerosis patients.

In this study, Jodie Burton, M.D., a neurologist at the University of Toronto studied 25 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. She divided the group into two sets of patients. One set of patients took an average of 14,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day for a year. Another group of patients were allowed to take up to 4000 units of vitamin D3 a day, although most took about a 1000 units per day. Both groups took 1200 mg of calcium per day.

In the group taking the higher doses the authors found that only 14% of those suffered relapses in their disease. In the control group taking the lower dose of vitamin D, close to 40% of the patients had relapses.

In addition, those taking the higher dose had a 40% lower rate of relapses then they had the year before the study began. This compared with a 17% reduction in relapses of those taking the smaller doses.

Dr. Paul O’Connor of the MS Society of Canada pointed out that the results are still preliminary. He said "I think the results showing that vitamin D reduces attacks require confirmation in a properly designed study"

Dr. Burton, the author of the study said, and I would certainly agree, that patients who have MS must talk to their doctors before embarking on such high dose vitamin D supplementation. As you know from my book, if you are going to take high-dose vitamin D supplements, your blood needs to be monitored frequently so that you do not get into vitamin D toxicity.

Dr. O’Connor of the MS Society of Canada advised MS patients not to take more than 2000 to 4000 units of Vitamin D a day, until further research has been done.

This research is obviously very exciting! However as they say "Don’t try this at home". If you’re a patient with multiple sclerosis, please talk with your doctor about this study and about the possibility of giving you a higher dose of vitamin D which your doctor will carefully monitor to make sure you do not get into toxicity.

Hopefully more, larger, prospective studies will show the usefulness of vitamin D in protecting against multiple sclerosis relapses, and its use with careful monitoring will become the norm worldwide.

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