Just because an idea or way of doing things is popular doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. However, part of the way that something becomes popular is that many of us don’t take the time to determine what’s right for us; we simply do what most of the people we know are doing. In this way, our ... Views: 620
Emily Price just put her house in the suburbs up for sale. And sadly, it’s because she wants to move further away from some of her closest friends.
Price, 37 and a media professional in New Jersey, wants to relocate because "after my recent divorce, I am suddenly the only single on the ... Views: 712
You'd think that with an ambitious, goal-oriented Capricorn Moon to start the week, the world would wake up raring to go. Instead, energy drains away rather quickly today. However, it's very easy to be totally swept away by an unrealistic ideal or charismatic person. That's not the best place ... Views: 730
The concept of drinking a Protein Shake may have you conjuring up images of big, overly built body builders, with their muscles and veins popping in every direction as they chug some goopy, raw egg mixture. Protein shakes, however, have come a long way in the last five to ten years and can be a ... Views: 1134
I heard a wise phrase the other day: "in every moment, you are either serving or being served." The give and take, or giving and receiving, is a constant balance of life. How often to you serve others, and how often do you allow others to serve you? Is it easier for you to give than to ... Views: 1333
I stumbled across a wonderful story called, “God in 10,000 Things” that offers a powerful spiritual exercise. You can either read the story below or enjoy it being read/illustrated on YouTube by clicking here: God in 10,000 Things.
Once upon a time in a faraway village there lived a poor old ... Views: 740
Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfey5CmJaBM
My life has transformed. I could not have expected this. This is day 67 of season 12 of the 100-day reality challenge.
I now invite you to join to live for 100 days from the ... Views: 718
I had a teacher at Cornell, Professor Frederick Marcham, who died in the middle of his 70th year – of teaching. He was 94 years old at the time he died and my mother had been his student too. Prof. Marcham was a cross between Socrates and Merlin because he helped us discover our own answers by ... Views: 708
Or, why you might want to feed your children a little American History this summer.
I regret to report, the following was a real conversation, as best I can remember it.
Mom: “What do we celebrate on the 4th of July?”
Son (doesn’t matter which one): “The end of slavery.”
... Views: 852
UPDATE: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday she hopes North Korea grants amnesty to two jailed US reporters
The last time I spoke to my friend Michael Jackson was about a month ago, 3 weeks before his shocking death. He had called me late one night to ask about another of my ... Views: 1499
I thought I would begin my Intent.com blogging journey by sharing something very personal with you –
You see, even though I am very "out there" with my public personality as this Hot Mogul building an Empire with B.A.L.L.S. etc,…. well... I am usually reluctant about sharing too much of my ... Views: 1677
In a world full of "don’t"
Full of “shouldn’t" and "won’t"
It is easy to fear
When that’s all that we hear.
But what if one day,
When those naysayers say,
“It is futile, no less”
You found courage for "Yes"?
All Rights Reserved, Robyn O'Brien, LLC Views: 755
Is it possible to be a Spiritual Atheist
Religion or rather, spirituality, is a side of personal development which I often discuss with friends and family, but my most recent conversation was with my Doctor who asked me, "Is it possible to be a spiritual Atheist?" I asserted that it was, ... Views: 1344
First and foremost I would like to tell you that I am a tremendous fan. I have listened to all of your audio tapes repeatedly. They are so enjoyable, peaceful and so full of knowledge. However, I have a few questions. But I will start with one. In your book Seven Spiritual ... Views: 2466
This week's best of the INTENTernet links are all about giving, serving and volunteering--sometimes in unexpected ways. All come from a heart of gold.
Island DIY: Kauai Residents Don't Wait for State to Repair Road from CNN.com. The local residents whose business livelihood depended on a ... Views: 1391
I know. It’s July 4th and the order of the day is to barbeque things and wave flags. There will be fireworks and fun, and I’ll be in the midst of it all, believe me.
Yet….. it would be a really good opportunity to think about what Independence Day might mean, and to take a few of those ... Views: 667
Find a picture of yourself as a baby or young child. Consider it as if you were looking at someone else – perhaps a co-worker’s grandchild or a friend’s niece or nephew. What do you see? You would probably agree that you are looking at an adorable, innocent new being, ripe with potential and ... Views: 1043
Dazzling fireworks color the night skies. People are dancing, laughing and having barbeques with friends. The 4th of July is one of those holidays that we seem to always remember: It was the 4th of July many years ago when Ed flew from NYC to Rome on his long journey by air, land and sea to ... Views: 1726
We all know exactly what it is like to be certain we have let go of something sorrowful or worrisome, only to find ourselves in a similar sad situation moments later.
Dropping this person and picking up that person doesn't end the loneliness that drives us into dead-end relationships. This ... Views: 669
1. "I don't have the time." Michelle Obama has the time to be a mother, a First Lady, the nation's advocate of service, and have fabulous arms. What's your excuse?
2. "Why do I have to volunteer? I want to watch Lost." Because if you spend your entire life not giving your time to causes ... Views: 6462
“I didn’t know how bad I was feeling until I started feeling better.”
That is what my patients tell me every day. They go from being ill or just okay to experiencing UltraWellness.
Most people don’t know how poorly they feel until they feel better. In fact, most of us don’t ... Views: 815
As headlines swirl and climates whirl
And Wall Street finds its feet
There’s one refrain that doesn’t change
“Mommy, what’s there to eat?”
Well listen child, I’ll tell you what,
That’s no small query there.
Come over here, and sit right down,
In fact, pull up a chair.
Your question, ... Views: 1230
High school is a memory. You have a career, or you're raising a family. Bad skin, you assume, is a thing of the past. But just when you think that you're out of the woods, acne hits you right in the face. Dermatologists regularly hear the lament, "Acne, at my age?!", expressed by women who ... Views: 840
I am constantly amazed by the depth of training provided by motherhood for seeking "enlightenment." By that I mean an expansion of consciousness where you transcend your 'self' as an independent entity and experience yourself as part of an existent whole. By analogy it would be like suddenly ... Views: 868
The sole survivor of Yemenia Flight 626 could barely swim and didn't have a life jacket. When Bahia Bakari's airplane crashed into the stormy Indian Ocean this week, killing 152 other passengers and crew, the 12-year-old girl suddenly found herself in the watery darkness. She could hear the ... Views: 1846
(Excerpted from Positive Energy: Ten Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear Into Vibrance, Strength, and Love by Judith Orloff, MD. Three Rivers Press, 2005)
As a psychiatrist I know that there is more to overeating and obesity that meets the eye. One big ... Views: 910
After three dates, all seems to be going well with the woman I met. What is the best approach to taking it to the next step?
Sherri's Answer:
I have to assume that by “next step” you mean making the first move on this woman. Ironically, the other night as I was flipping ... Views: 773
This week, Norwegian researchers reported their findings that high intensity interval training maximally improves every conceivable measure of heart function and heart strength. It also helps to prevent both the pre-diabetic metabolic syndrome and the heart damage it causes (Exercise and Sports ... Views: 773
I have heard it said over and over in the personal growth world that in order to reach your potential, you must “embrace your dark side,” or “shadow.” What the heck does this mean? I thought for years. What dark side?
Little by little I would step a toe into what I thought was my “dark side,” ... Views: 1354
When our body, mind, and spirit are in balance, we experience good health. But sometimes we get caught up in life’s parade of change and movement, and things get out of balance. Just as there are seasons in nature, our bodies go through times of cleansing and times of activity. Illness is one ... Views: 851
Taoism centers around the concept of the Tao: a dark, shifting Void of infinite potential that pervades and nourishes everything in the universe and is “older than God.” As this one divine energy flows through all things seen and unseen, Taoists believe there are observable and predictable ... Views: 1533
What???? HUH? Is Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Guru, the voice of Our Lady of Weight Loss, 50-pound big-time-loser, Intent.com blogger extraordinaire telling us that it's okay to pig out?
"You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, ... Views: 782
Although there is no proven formula that applies to all relationships, embracing a few key principles in your heart will reduce conflict and enhance the flow of love. These principles are valuable in friendships and business relationships, as well as in families, marriages, and intimate ... Views: 764
Artist: Esha Chhabra
Title: Meet the 'Silent Partner' in Polio Eradication: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Length: 21:37 minutes (19.8 MB)
Format: Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Linda Venczel is the Senior Program Officer of Vaccine Preventable Diseases at the Gates Foundation in Seattle, ... Views: 2055
I never knew when Mama Lee was born and I don't remember the exact day in 1995 when she died, but I knew and loved Mama Lee during the ten years she was a homeless Vietnam veteran living on the streets of Santa Monica, California. Born in Texas, Mama Lee was a full-blooded Comanche Indian whose ... Views: 896
The following is too delicious to resist. In Rapid Evolution, I wrote about the importance of finding your community. This takes community one step further. So, with credit to NYC’s Neal Goldsmith, I am posting his email with very little editing:
Intentional-but-temporary communities, such as ... Views: 837
First of all I want to thank you from my heart very much for changing my life. You put the light on my way to get to know God better than ever! Your words are just the message that God ever wanted me to know!
I have a question for long time:
In the law of karma what happens ... Views: 1491
I have been in service to others since I was 16 years old when I did my first walk for hunger. I still have the card we used to get each mile marked with a stamp in the shape of a foot. That was 37 years ago and I do not think I have had a time in my life when I wasn't giving back or ... Views: 1537
So many of us think about creativity in the context of being an artist or musician. However I prefer the definition that resiliency expert Frederic Flach uses. Creativity is “a response to a situation that calls for a novel but adaptive solution, one that serves to accomplish a goal.” That’s ... Views: 684
"Dear Hillary, On your first tele-class you spoke about different types of diets. I find the idea interesting but I don't know where to start! Can you point to some resources and tell me what benefits/changes you noticed from changing what you eat? Thanks.”
For me diet has been very ... Views: 771
Do not look in the mirror every morning and see just your defects; on the contrary, look for your greatest qualities and attributes. List out loud your positive features and be thankful for everything that you are.
Love and accept yourself as you are. Love and respect others as you would like ... Views: 656
Whether you’re a first-time or seasoned meditator, chances are high—about 100%— that when you start to meditate, you will be subject to what appears to be an actual, incessant, and absolutely uncontrollable stream of thought. In the Zen meditation tradition, this is called “watching the ... Views: 898
Laptop anti-theft, or protecting your mobile data, is a MUST for corporations and consumers. Almost half of workplace identity theft takes place because of mobile data. And the average value of the data on your laptop can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to a corporate spy or ... Views: 1179
So often illness can be an habitual response to old stimuli. When I’m stuck in old patterns, I use an updated version of an ancient Hawaiian healing practice called Ho’oponopono. (hoe-oh-PO-no-PO-no) The four powerful phrases are a tool for forgiveness, reconciliation and transmutation of old ... Views: 1304
When it comes to losing fat, success doesn't happen overnight. Sometimes it doesn't even happen over a few weeks, a few months or a few years. Don't rush it, don't crash and don't expect too much of yourself too soon. Life is for the living; for the making of mistakes and learning from them. ... Views: 758
I'd like to share some tips on livin' the good life even in a bad economy.
1. Instead of Take Out...Take In
There's this great outdoor café in Santa Monica called Urth Café. It's kind of pricey so on Tuesdays and Fridays (when I'm in town), I'll pack a lunch and enjoy it in Urth Café's ... Views: 732
During a conversation with my publisher and friend Tami Simon earlier this week, I reflected that in the past couple of days I had spoken with people from three generations – Millennials, Gen Yers, and Boomers – all of whom were echoing the same sentiments. They all said something to this ... Views: 851
Bartering is a system of trade that predates the use of money, where by you trade your skills, services, or products for something you want from someone else.
About 25 years ago, during a recession in the early 1980s, a lot of bartering clubs sprung up, so people who were out-of-work or ... Views: 655
There's something about the idea off covering great distances that brings out the fundraiser in people. If it's not a breast cancer walk, it's an AIDS ride. If not an AIDS ride, a marathon team running for leukemia. The list goes on. I myself did an MS ride, and I have recently written about an ... Views: 1444
Simple survival requires us to be in possession of many skills. The pursuit of dreams requires many more. Most individuals rely on the support of a village, whether peopled by relatives or community members, to effectively address the numerous ways we need assistance. This can mean anything from ... Views: 852