“Teach the young about service as they will then live a life of caring.” This is the wonderful advice we heard at a volunteers meeting. We also heard the importance of following our passion: that whatever area of life turns us on, that is where we should put our time and energy as we will not ... Views: 740
I believe that a key aspect of successfully achieving our goals is knowing which goals to set in the first place. Expending energy toward goals over which we have no control and no influence is a waste of energy. But when we sharply focus our powerful mind on what we bring to our own job/work, ... Views: 879
In my role as a “mind-body” physician for the past three decades, I’ve come to recognize a person’s symptoms as a kind of admission pass that entitles the bearer to a few moments of a doctor’s attention. And I’ve come to realize that if I can hold a safe space for the sufferer, an underlying ... Views: 745
“The first thing I do in the morning
is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”
~Dorothy Parker
As I recall - the kid loses a tooth and it gets stuffed under a pillow before he or she drifts off to sleep. (Sometimes it’s stashed in a glass of water beside the bed...I’ve been told it’s ... Views: 2759
If you think elephants never forget, consider all the things your body remembers. It remembers that you like ice cream, how to hear and see and how to feel excited, how to ride a bike, and what the tingling sensations of being in love are like-even if you haven't eaten ice cream, ridden a bike, ... Views: 875
Elizabeth was the type of friend who was always inviting me out to lunch and then ambushing me with the delivery of her latest disappointments in our friendship and my performance in it.
The offending action was usually something seemingly insignificant (a misunderstood comment, a phone call ... Views: 1028
Dear Friends
In case you missed our Twitter MicroBlogs here are the highlights:
. Twitter, FaceBook and YouTube: Has 21st century Social Media ripped the veil off 'the other'... and we see ourselves each time we look?
. Has Tehran's Tiananmen Square already happened on Twitter? Have ... Views: 736
Happy Father's Day to all you dads! This is an excellent day for family get-togethers, when folks will feel both connected and animated. Not only that, but Venus, which represents love and affection, makes an easy aspect to Saturn, symbolizing the Father. These aspects pave the way for genuine ... Views: 675
To the man that would pop me up in a tree when I was little and take pictures of me.
To the same man that has inspected ALL of my apartments and houses over the years; examining the quality and potential, always making the point of showing me the fire escapes.
To the man who has stayed up ... Views: 874
Dear Friends
Part XXXII - Some early morning thoughts:
. Everything is already perfect! it is exactly as the Supra Universal Consciousness intends it to be!
. We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough? - Niels Bohr
. At the height of laughter, the universe is ... Views: 807
Over two decades ago, China's largest pro-democracy protests in history ended when military tanks rolled onto Tiananmen Square (translated literally as ‘Gate of Heavenly Peace’) and armed Chinese troops opened fire on the crowds (of over 1 million people) in the largest pro-democracy protest ... Views: 971
We shouldn't wait until Father's Day to ponder the impact our dads have on our lives, but time slips by, doesn't it? We don't always reserve much of it to appreciate the contributions our loved ones make. Thanks to this greeting card moment, we all receive reminders to reflect upon and ... Views: 930
When I was in my twenties, my gaze was always focused on the big things—finding the “perfect” partner, the “to-die-for” job, the “huge” book deal, or getting into the “best” graduate school. Little things didn’t matter much; they were unnecessary distractions that I treated as rounding errors. ... Views: 685
"I've given up shaking hands, forever!" announced my friend E.Dan. He said it to a small group of friends at a pre-wedding party yesterday. And he meant it. He no long shakes peoples hands.
Instead, E.Dan gives hugs. For the past five weeks, he has been retraining himself to not reach out his ... Views: 733
In the coming hours, a new day begins in Iran, and the world is watching. Will it be a day when the voices of the people are heard? Will it be a day that brings peace and acceptance, or one that continues to push the tides of change. Does history tell us that those tremoring voices can no ... Views: 754
How would we connect to God if there were no religions? How would we experience God if there were no priests? How would we open to God without "spirituality", without meditations, rituals, ceremonies, sacred circles, candles and incense? Where would we find God if there were no churches, ... Views: 693
I have a niece that I've raised for the past 10 years she's now 20 and she doesn't share her feelings with me which most teenage young women don't but I overheard her on the phone the other evening and it made me so sad to hear her begging a boy to allow her to come over to spend ... Views: 780
Expecting? Let our eco-maternity style and pampering picks help get you feeling fabulous, whatever trimester you’re in. You deserve it, mom-to-be!
Does the term maternity wear instantly make you envision frumpy smocks and tent-like T’s? What you need is a little Jessica Scott in your closet. ... Views: 1563
Your closet is brimming with fashionable peace silk and bamboo, organic cotton pillows adorn your abode and your makeup bag is stocked with the best eco beauty buys—so why is your kitchen so sadly ungreen? It doesn’t have to be that way. From eco-friendly cookware to chic, sustainable aprons and ... Views: 1511
For this week's best of the INTENTernet, we have gathered the best content around the web on honoring our fathers--this Sunday and all year-round. Not only do we have great gift and un-boring gift ideas for your old man, we have also collected informative articles, quotations and a classic ... Views: 873
Leaders have many jobs. But ultimately, business/leadership and life's all about people. The best leaders never miss an opportunity to SHINE A LIGHT ON PEOPLE.
Each day, walk into work - and out into the world - with a singular mission: to evoke THE BEST from everyone you meet.
People ... Views: 852
At a recent retreat with a group of people interested in living freely, unencumbered by past definitions of themselves, a revealing exercise was discovered. When a person said their own name and then said what that name meant to them, self-definitions from childhood were exposed. Usually, if not ... Views: 594
A good friend and fellow single mother was telling me about her plans to attend her daughter’s “Father’s Day Breakfast” at school today.
A little awkward, perhaps, but what the heck.
As a single mother raising sons, Father’s Day has always been a bit of a delicate proposition for me. When ... Views: 681
Since time immemorial, certain men and women have felt called to heal the sick, to safeguard knowledge, to guide the lost, and to commune with the spirit world. These unique individuals, known as shamans, were mystics and seers, repositories of wisdom, and keepers of herbal lore. During those ... Views: 914
I am trying to heal. My alcoholic lover of two years broke up with me. I am very very sad, but anticipate that at some point I will truly be grateful for G-d doing for me what I could not do for myself. The point is, I can't shake the sadness, I can't shake the fact that he would ... Views: 754
I am 21 years old. I'll be 22 in November. I don't know if I really qualify as a 20-something since I've only hit my second decade of life two years ago. But I do know that after living with college freshmen (17 - 19 year olds) for 9 months, it doesn't matter if you're 21 or 28 - there is a very ... Views: 722
I began the week with a blog posting on the principle of Discipline. Given that I was away from home, in Vancouver on business, traveling with my daughter Meryl Fé, and staying with a friend whose internet service was out of order the first few days, exercising discipline was essential to moving ... Views: 727
Our society seems completely obsessed with quantities of food, instead of quality of food. I have read several blogs and forums around the web where individuals will choose a product over another because it contains fewer calories. I'm not talking about major differences in caloric ... Views: 1647
As you go through the intuitive healing process you need to know: each of us has our own special power. We carry it within; it waits to be awakened. Call it your inner self, your spirit, or light--however conceived, you must meet and come to know your core-essence. The source of all intuition, ... Views: 673
“Age does not protect you from love, but love to some extent protects you from age.” Jeanne Moreau
While walking around in Santa Monica the other morning, I saw a “Missing Pet” sign on the Whole Foods bulletin board. I walked closer expecting to see an image of a missing Shih Tsu or ... Views: 1459
In Black Sect and other Western forms of Feng Shui, visualization is a one-step process. To visualize means to form a picture in your mind of a desired outcome. So, when you place the water fountain in your living room, you see money flowing into your bank account with ease.
With ... Views: 744
While we were recently in England we were invited to a dinner party that was also attended by Monica Lewinsky (yes, that Monica!). She struck us as being a beautiful, intelligent and confident woman, having attended the London School of Economics.
As we left we thought about how tough it can ... Views: 743
Part of vibrant health is remembering where we belong in the scheme of the Cosmos. When I have forgotten Whose I am, this practice restores me to my place in the Cosmos instantly. I learned this practice from Jennifer Reif, author of The Holy Book of Mary Magdalene, a remarkable gathering of ... Views: 1321
In our blogging journey through everyday things, we've covered your morning routine--from workout to shower, from coffee to cubicle.
Now it's lunchtime, baby. Panda Garden. Porky goodness. Mooshu style.
The "other white meat" in your takeout container falls behind beef and chicken in ... Views: 844
This is the last full day of the Sun in Gemini, which is always a good time to stop and review. The past four weeks have been all about mental activity and learning. Hopefully you've sorted through some important details and straightened out the things that needed it. Not only are we wrapping up ... Views: 676
In this world, love between two people/egos tends to be conditional. Books such as “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and “Proactive Sales Management” recognize that fact. These books, like many others, encourage us to compliment, support, and generally deposit good energy into our ... Views: 1807
To celebrate Father's Day this Sunday (June 21st) here is a look at 10 loving and inspiring fictional fathers. Some are men, some are even women. Some are old, some are young. Some are biological and some are surrogate. Some are crazy scientists and some are super spies. But above all, all these ... Views: 3832
Dr. Ken Dychtwald stated in his June 17th Huffington Post column:
"Make disease prevention and self-care a national priority. Let's be honest....we've become a nation of gluttons. We eat too much, exercise too little and then get angry at the healthcare system when we're sick. This lack of ... Views: 721
I'm having difficulty understanding detachment, specifically relating to my children. I want to rid myself of material and emotional attachments but I have (as we all do) a deep bond and love for my children. I really want to understand.
The concept of detachment has ... Views: 1325
Saying no to others can be a daunting experience. Intellectually, you tell yourself that you can say no calmly and assertively – that it means saying yes to the self. However, when it comes time to actually use the two-letter word, many feel anxious and stressed as a more rapid, shallower ... Views: 948
Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another and little Radha did just that. Yes Radha, the one who cannot walk, the one with brittle bones disease, the one who dreams of being a dancer danced with her heart, and I know that even the Heavens stopped to watch ... Views: 687
We all seem to think that we need to find our perfect mate or soul mate. But does a perfect mate even exist and, if so, does this mean that the only way to be happy is to find this perfect soul mate? What if you don’t? What if you spend your entire life looking, only to end up alone in your ... Views: 797
Even with the new hope inspired by Obama's election, pragmatic reality is setting in as more and more banks and stores are affected by the recession, and the unemployment rate rises. Most recently, it was up to over 9% in California, about 7% throughout the country.
However, deep ... Views: 632
Last week, as I stood in line at Kinkos, I overheard someone say that buying recycled paper isn't necessary because paper today comes from young trees grown on farms, and thus no forests and mature trees are sacrificed. It's at times like these that I wish I were bold enough to tap people on the ... Views: 716
El Padre
- A man who raises or nurtures a child
- To acknowledge responsibility for
- To procreate (offspring) as the male parent
Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful men who joyfully parent their children, others children and or complete strangers. We ... Views: 706
If you're a Tonic reader, rejoice! Positive, energetic people who are involved with the world around them may actually live longer.
According to an article in Science Daily, a new study shows that "extroverts, and in particular those high "dispositional activity" or engagement in life, ... Views: 2045
In my last post, I said I’d share info about how long to cook carrots in order boost their cancer-fighting properties by as much as 25%. I heard back from the press officer at Newcastle University, who wrote:
“In the research the team boiled the carrots for different lengths of time and the ... Views: 737
When it comes to losing fat, success doesn't happen overnight. Sometimes it doesn't even happen over a few weeks, a few months or a few years. Don't rush it, don't crash and don't expect too much of yourself too soon. Life is for the living; for the making of mistakes and learning from them. ... Views: 725
For decades people have suggested that relationships typically fail because individuals disagree about politics, child rearing, sex, or religion. At first blush, this makes sense because these topics matter a great deal to us. In truth, the extent to which two people disagree on key topics ... Views: 703
I usually write about the psychosocial aspects of cancer - what helps, hurts, and heals the psyche, heart, and spirit. But I just read something about nutrition and cancer that I'm excited to share with you.
A new study about cancer-fighting properties in carrots shows that boiling them ... Views: 655