Know and shoulder responsibility. Why have I come, what for and what have I to offer—for myself or you? If for you, then think of the other brothers and sisters of yours and spend something out of your pocket for their good. Once you spend thus, you do whatever you like.
Hasn't this been done by spending out of one's pocket? The "Nandan Kanan" has come out today. There! He knows everybody hasn't got money. I can sell out ten thousand rupees. So does he sell out and goes for bringing it out. For those other brothers and sisters. Is that for my sake? Give what you will. This happens to be offered for my sake. So is the objection. What am I to expect, indeed! I'm to sacrifice all.
I've come to offer knowledge to the ignorant. I strike the light so that it may shed its radiance in the dark. So should I expect every hand to hold up a light? When they see my light, they will say—How wonderful! What a beautiful light is that shining in Mother's hand. Let's too, strike out own lights.' Saying this, they'll run off to strike their own lights. Otherwise here we've a comradeship of lights by means of interchange.
One light becomes a comrade of the other. Later if he finds that Mother's light shines brighter and his dimmer, he will then perhaps seek to make his own light glow brighter. But how few there are of this class! Rather plunge everybody into darkness. Only keep your own lights burning. There comes no money from anybody.
Just think, there are a handful of poor men sitting around here. People go on planking down money—one hundred, five hundred, eh? If I sit here and money comes pouring in, this place too, will be wound up. Then what'll those few poor people say when they see this state of things? They will then have to back out. In case they don't, they'll shrink away from those rich ones.
Riches and the mind. Come up with the riches of the mind. Be rich in the true sense. Nobody should seek to be rich in the possession of money. You'll get lost then. Each of you should be rich in knowledge in the true sense.—"Youth and riches / are like the high tide; / what the dispenser of fate / does and when, nobody knows."
Here it's now, next moment it's gone. But coming to knowledge—when somebody is rich in knowledge, can those riches ever get lost? He passes away but his riches remain. Over the ages are they spent? Nobody can run through them. Be rich like that, each one of you.
If you become really a man of knowledge—if you become rich in that sense, can anybody rob you of your riches? They can't be carried off by thieves, nor will they perish through the sufferings of disease. Nobody can take them away. They will remain with you. Your body perhaps will be burnt—why perhaps, it surely will be. Being perishable, it can not escape burning. But your riches of knowledge remain piled up. Be rich in the possession of those riches. Give your heart, your heart. Money isn't something very important.

[This feature of "A Villa of Delight" is made up by taking a certain portion of what Mother said to a visitor at vesper time in the temple by way of mass education. How many such fragments are strewn everywhere in her whole range of teachings, reaching back in the far-off past!
Besides, there are many such teachings lying about in many other branches in many directions. When a philosopher puts his pen to paper, doesn't he understand what order of thought and intellect lie behind every line that he writes? Well, what about that which we see here?
Beyond expectation! Just as 'shiuli' flowers in the winter drop off their stakes at break of day, nobody need go plucking them, very much in the same way words drop from the Mother's holy-lips. I go on just picking them up according to my capacity.]

Author's Bio: 

Ma-Mahajnan, a matchless spiritual genius, expressed her entire creation in a state of "Conscious Trance” which has all been stuffed with matters of highly philosophical value and related with strong literary sense. She could not attend even Primary School due to extreme poverty. Strangely, she was taught all by herself in the School of Nature. The weird and wonderful life is possibly the souse of her vast experience and profound realization. She was born on 17 July, 1928 and passed away on 22 January, 2011. Listen to what Ma-Mahajnan said once: What I tell you briefly about the early phase. Listen first about my life. I was married off at the age of thirteen. I was the second wife, my husband married for the second time and thus I came into his family. I didn’t get any chance for schooling.” You’ll perhaps weep to hear how I came as a wife, driven by utter poverty or how they packed me off. After that all at once I slowly progressed in the domain of that ‘Nothingness’-- “I’m the Mother; the Nothingness, too.”