Dr. Tony Fiore is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Anger Management". You can find complete information on Dr. Tony Fiore and his products by visiting Anger Coach.
There are thousands of things that trigger our anger: aggressive drivers, rude coworkers, disrespectful children, lying politicians, high taxes, unfairness, and favoritism just to name a few. A critical statement or offensive comment can raise our ire to which we may respond with indignation. ... Views: 1306
One of my favorite authors, the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, once stated that "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way." This seemed rather contradictory to the common belief that a peaceful state of existence is a destination we arrive at after traversing the correct path. Wayne challenges us to ... Views: 1426
Consider the following scenario: you and your neighbor engage in a political discussion. After a few moments, it becomes apparent that the two of you have serious disagreements about the upcoming presidential elections. Being equally as passionate about your positions, the debate quickly becomes ... Views: 2633
The purpose of communication is so individuals can freely share their ideas, feelings, thoughts, and needs with one another as a means of better understanding themselves and the situation at hand. However it can present a unique set of challenges for several reasons: 1) As children we are not ... Views: 1413
I sent out an email about my upcoming show, The Illusion of Anger, and was met with an angry response. "Anger is NOT an illusion! People die from anger!" he wrote. I am well aware of that. However, that is not the illusion I'm speaking of. According to Webster's dictionary, anger is a feeling ... Views: 1493
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that was somewhat confusing, uncomfortable or perhaps even dangerous? Sometimes it's hard to understand why things happen or why we must participate in particular activities. We don't often understand why certain people enter our lives or why they ... Views: 1422
If someone wanted attention in the past, they would have had to be around people. Nowadays, this is no longer necessary; the only thing they need to do is to use social media.
It is then possible for them to receive attention for something that relates to their own life, or they can ... Views: 2450
We all have the opportunity to be mediators at various times in our lives. Two family members are arguing and cannot come to a resolution about the issue in dispute. We intervene and lend a helping hand. Perhaps an objective third part can offer some insights or suggestions that have alluded ... Views: 1255
One of the stops on our journey to discovering and understanding spirituality is an exploration of Buddhism. My personal experience with Buddhism has primarily come through the practices of Lay Buddhists; followers of the religion who aren’t members of the Sangha, that is, they aren’t monks, ... Views: 1077
It doesn't take much for some people to get angry. For others, the process takes a bit longer. There must be certain criteria present before one is willing to relinquish their serenity. For those who fly off the handle rather quickly, there is a simple one word question they can ask before ... Views: 1349
We all argue. Well, for sure we all disagree. Arguing is an option. We can peacefully debate opposite sides of a topic and without having it escalate to anger, shouting, name-calling, and hurt feelings. Yet oftentimes it does. When people do not feel as though they are being heard or understood ... Views: 1229
I read an interesting few lines in an article by William E. Krill, Jr. L.P.C. The article is entitled, The Child Victim of a Narcissistic Personality Disordered Parent. Although he is writing about the experience of children and the non NPD parent, he also writes about counselors working with ... Views: 1239
Communication is difficult for most of us. It is one of the most necessary interpersonal skills we need yet few have ever been formally trained in. For most, it's a learn-as-you-go process. What makes effective communicating so challenging is that we all converse on different levels and employ ... Views: 1616
Imagine it is your 18th birthday.
A well-dressed stranger comes to your home. He has news for you. He tells you that you have inherited $550 million dollars payable upon your 18th birthday.
Hey! That is today.
You jump up and down. Cry, get excited. Dance. Think of everything ... Views: 1429
I'd be hard-pressed to find someone who never got angry. Even Jesus expressed anger while here in the physical world. Not all anger is obvious nor acknowledged. Passive/aggressive anger, for instance, can go undetected by those experiencing or receiving it. Sarcasm, sabotage, ignoring someone, ... Views: 1223
Have you had times that your anger got the best of you? Have you found yourself reacting in a rage that perhaps you didn’t even know where it came from? Have you experienced others that have a hard time communicating without anger or rage?
This is a big one for many, as anger is often one ... Views: 1167
It seems as though one cannot make it through an entire day without drama popping up somewhere. Whether at work, in the news, or within our own homes, we are constantly surrounded with chaos and crisis. While some seem to thrive on it, others avoid it like the plague. Not all drama is harmful. ... Views: 1309
Passive-aggressive people act passive, but express aggression covertly. They're basically obstructionist, and try to block whatever it is you want. Their unconscious anger gets transferred onto you, and you become frustrated and furious. Your fury is theirs, while they may calmly ask, “Why are ... Views: 1593
Have you been upset about an issue that seems to make no sense and asked yourself, "Why did I get so angry over something that was relatively minor?" Oftentimes, our response is triggered not by the present issue but from an alternative source. Odd as it may seem, the past and future can hold ... Views: 1328
Have you been upset about an issue that seems to make no sense and asked yourself, "Why did I get so angry over something that was relatively minor?" Oftentimes, our response is triggered not by the present issue but from an alternative source. Odd as it may seem, the past and future can hold ... Views: 1417
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross defined the five stages of grief in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying. Grief is a deeply personal process and each individual experiences it on their own terms. Some may endure all five stages, others only a portion; some progress in a seemingly reasonable period of time, ... Views: 1757
We live in a harsh and judgmental world where people are quick to point out the faults and imperfections of others yet seem oblivious to their own. Some misguided souls believe they have a moral obligation and civil duty to help you to be a better person by telling you what a failure you really ... Views: 1227
We live in a harsh and judgmental world where people are quick to point out the faults and imperfections of others yet seem oblivious to their own. Some misguided souls believe they have a moral obligation and civil duty to help you to be a better person by telling you what a failure you really ... Views: 1266
One Word Fits All for those who engage in harassing, stalking, hitting, fighting, threats, blackmail, domestic violence, rape, gang violence, drug trafficking, killing, terrorism and more…that one word is BULLY!
The bully, whether in person, in cyberspace, via telephone, email and texts, and ... Views: 993
I'm not a fan of boxing nor professional wrestling. I find that, as in real life, the players don't always fight fair. I understand that much is done strictly to boost ratings but still I find it distressing. In real life it is even more disturbing for much damage can occur when one or both ... Views: 1216
I'm not a fan of boxing nor professional wrestling. I find that, as in real life, the players don't always fight fair. I understand that much is done strictly to boost ratings but still I find it distressing. In real life it is even more disturbing for much damage can occur when one or both ... Views: 1089
The recent trophy killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe by an American dentist has enraged the world. Social media has exploded with demands to bring the killer to justice and ban hunting entirely. I am an animal lover in every sense of the word and share in the anger that so many others feel. ... Views: 1214
When I was growing up, my mother drilled in me to forgive and forget. She believed that holding on to anger and resentment only hurts me, tightens my body, hurts my heart, and the other person doesn’t know that I’m still angry or feel a thing. My mother used to say, “Carolyn, always forgive ... Views: 1172
I've never been one to feel sorry for myself. When bad things would happen in my life I never asked "why me?" I would, instead, inquire "why not me?" I learned early-on that bad things happen in everyone's life and I was not exempt so I developed a mindset of quiet self-resignation - I simply ... Views: 1440
No one enjoys losing control, but that's what you have to look forward to if you give in to anger. Rage takes over, blowing situations out of perspective. A red mist of unreasoning fury drops across your vision, leading to explosive rage spirals. Break the cycle and cut your short fuse by ... Views: 1154
Your anger can actually benefit me. That sounds a bit ludicrous, wouldn't you agree? Anger hurts the one experiencing it but how can it possibly work to my advantage? If you become angry with me, I might feel upset, disrespected, scared, or angry in return. On a deeper level those emotions can ... Views: 1398
We all get angry. It's a normal, useful, healthy emotion. It's not our anger that gets us in trouble. It's the way in which we express, or suppress, it that that exacerbates the situation.
The majority of people I've met believe that there are only two ways of handling anger: the first is ... Views: 1273
“The trees do not hold on to dead leaves but lose them in order to create room for new ones. We can learn from this, by letting go of the past and focusing on the now. We cannot change the past but we can make the present and future brighter and better not bitter.” ~ Kemi Sogunle
We all go ... Views: 1611
Anger can be one of the most destructive emotions of all. It can be harmful to your health, relationships and well-being. Taken to an extreme, it can cause you to do things you later regret or that have legal consequences. Fortunately, there are effective ways to manage and reduce your anger. If ... Views: 1683
My husband is brutal: he teases and torments me unmercifully. But I'm just as bad. From the moment we wake up until we crawl exhausted into bed at the end of the day, we are constantly harassing one another. In fact, the first words out of his mouth as he opens his eyes at 5 am are "Are you ... Views: 1392
Don't you hate it when someone tells you not to be angry? People seem to think that they know best how we should or shouldn't feel. I was on the phone recently with a friend who needed to tell me something sensitive and prefaced it with "Now don't get mad at me for telling you this." So I ... Views: 1258
While in college back in the 60's, I majored in psychology. While it was not my eventual degree, I continued to find it a fascinating subject even decades later. I remember during one of my classes the professor stated that there were only two emotions: love and fear. I found that difficult to ... Views: 1849
Being a part of any relationship for a period of time affords an individual the opportunity to learn what works and what doesn't with each respective person. I may be able to discuss politics with Uncle Joe but Aunt Sue? Never! He's open minded to other people's views and enjoys a lively debate. ... Views: 1415
Learning how to not take things personally is something we can all benefit from. I mean, who doesn’t want to be more centered & resistant to all the meaningless criticism (constructive ones are good). Here we will look at the general attitude & behavior of your critics and ways to deal with ... Views: 1025
I'm a very polite person. I was taught to always say "please" and "thank you" when I was a child, a practice that has continued throughout my adult life. However, I never realized the latter phrase could be used as a means of eliminating anger. You might think it an odd concept but let me ... Views: 1272
The biggest obstacle to most of my clients’ healing and recovery is their inability to understand and accept their feelings, and the emotional and behavioral clues that indicate where the problems lie. Most of us learn early that being too open with our feelings and thoughts is dangerous. ... Views: 1266
Dr. Romance writes:
I have blogged before about emotional hygiene, and doing the necessary maintenance on feelings as well as your physical body and household. Health reminders tell us to wash our hands frequently to prevent transmittal of diseases. Did you know you can “wash” your mood, too, ... Views: 1426
Dr. Romance writes:
I have blogged before about emotional hygiene, and doing the necessary maintenance on feelings as well as your physical body and household. Health reminders tell us to wash our hands frequently to prevent transmittal of diseases. Did you know you can “wash” your mood, too, ... Views: 1426
I've spent over twenty years working with families as a spiritual life coach. Many of my clients divulge painful or embarrassing situations that their families are struggling with, believing there must be something wrong with them since other families they know appear so well adjusted. I assure ... Views: 1603
Anger is one of the most powerful yet misunderstood emotions we experience. On the one hand, it has become a form of entertainment on TV, video games, social media, and Youtube. Housewives from states across the nation screaming at one another and flipping tables are cheered on each week by ... Views: 1376
From simple annoyance to fiery rage, loss of temper, with its emotional and physiological mayhem, so mess with your life that it’s time to prevent, not just manage the thunder. Lashing out in anger over even the smallest slights or obstacles only makes sense if your goal is to strip yourself of ... Views: 1220