We all experience pain in some form but not knowing how to move “Beyond the Pain,” may result in self-hate. Here are 5 ways you may be practicing self-hate without knowing it:
1. You believe everyone is against you. You cannot seem to accept anyone who tries to show you love or care but allow ... Views: 1463
1. They supported each other’s mission and growth
Supporting your partner’s vision and growth is essential to building a healthy and stronger relationship. Barack in his farewell speech stated,” For the past twenty-five years, you have not only been my wife and mother of my children, you have ... Views: 1096
Relationships experience ups and downs and can sometimes lead to breakups and heartaches but is ego part of what is destroying your relationship?
If you take a deep look at relationships across the globe, be it in the workplace, government or personal, pride/ego shows up when there is a ... Views: 1563
“The trees do not hold on to dead leaves but lose them in order to create room for new ones. We can learn from this, by letting go of the past and focusing on the now. We cannot change the past but we can make the present and future brighter and better not bitter.” ~ Kemi Sogunle
We all go ... Views: 1610
Dating is no longer, what it used to be. You also have to realize that your boyfriend or girlfriend had his or her own friends’ priority to meeting you. Dating is about learning and exploring the possibilities that exist in a relationship and figuring out if the relationship can move to the next ... Views: 1290
Every woman or man wants a pair of good shoes. No one would buy smaller-sized shoes or an uncomfortable pair to start with. We all like to mix and match while ensuring that we stand out at any event we attend.
Just like shoes, no one wants to be with the wrong partner. Here are three reasons ... Views: 2847
Parenting is one of the most remarkable experiences one can have. No one prepares for it. The skills develop as you go along. This is because every child brings on a different experience but raising children requires the similar adopted methods. However, as parents, we sometimes make the ... Views: 1399
We all have insecurities of some sort but when it takes a toll on our relationships, it becomes burdensome.
You may have finally met the man of your dreams but it seems you cannot put your fingers on.
It turns out he is always defensive or sensitive and has answers or excuses for everything ... Views: 4104
Have you ever wondered why you have not found the love you deserve? Are you getting frustrated about finding your match?
What you need is not far from you, you just may need to take a closer look within.
We often have after thoughts of meeting the wrong people, especially when we initially ... Views: 1643
It's so easy to become gullible with words without paying close attention to the actions in the words uttered. This usually happens when a woman has been alone (without a date) for a while.
There's the longing and yearning to be with someone even though it may sometimes be denied. There's the ... Views: 2335