We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Adultery and Infidelity". If you have expertise in Overcoming Adultery and Infidelity and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Are you setting yourself up again? 10 things you need to know to avoid being hurt and disappointed.
Nobody, absolutely nobody likes being taken advantage of. But when you are foolish enough to set yourself up to be played for a fool by a fool, that's taking clueless to a whole new level - ... Views: 1721
There will be times when one is unable to see what is taking place around them and during these moments, it will be important for them to reach out to others. This is not necessarily because the people on the outside have something they don’t; it is because they are not emotionally involved.
... Views: 1636
The theory of reincarnation suggests your past life actions create your present love life situations, both the good and the bad.
People who don’t like their love lives now might be making up for their actions in the distant past, but not always. Sometimes, even the best intentions in past ... Views: 1172
Cheating online is an equal offence to any other type of dishonesty so it should not be treated lightly. In fact it involves the desire of the cheater of making some emotional relationship with someone other than his spouse by contacting her online. Cheating is getting progressively worse among ... Views: 1763
Sometimes you can find out that you have made a mistake where you will end up cheating on your loved one. In such a case many things will come to your mind. Among the worst things that will always pass through your mind is feeling guilty. Remember cheating is an act that will make you restless ... Views: 2627
Morality is inbuilt in every individual, but sometimes, due to various external pressures and temptations, you will be compelled to say a big blatant NO to ethical values and moral sciences. It will be only one night, but the mistake which you have committed for that small span of time may haunt ... Views: 1204
Sometimes a marriage comes to the point where you are truly considering whether or not it’s worth it to stay in the marriage. But, it’s important that you don’t act too quickly. Marriage is more than just two people in love; it’s also a legal contract that should sometimes be held up just ... Views: 2726
How To Regain Your Focus
How To Regain Your Focus – A message from God to you… If what you’re in the midst of right now has anything to do with God ordering your steps, there’s one thing you can be certain of, you will lose your focus. Be it due to the constant struggle, be it due to the fact ... Views: 1532
If you think that your spouse may be cheating on you then you are living in a constant feeling of being off balance. You can neither move forward in your life, nor even change direction because you haven’t determined an ending to what is happening right now. You can’t get counseling, or work on ... Views: 2746
It might be shocking to find out that you and your spouse have now become part of the infidelity statistics. With almost half of all marriages experiencing infidelity it shouldn’t be such a surprise. However, it’s hard to reconcile what has now happened with the head-over-heals love affair that ... Views: 1182
When infidelity happens, it can literally feel like the earth has swallowed you up along with the carpet that has been ripped violently out from under you. Your world has changed. Everything you believed to be true is suddenly challenged in a way that you never thought possible when you married ... Views: 3615
Have you been contemplating having an affair? Not getting your needs met with your current partner? Chances are you are feeling ignored, not desired, not listened to, taken for granted, or not important. Perhaps you are craving a combination of these elements?
Typically both men and women who ... Views: 2434
It’s bad enough to find out your spouse has had an affair, but to add to it the daily reminder that a child resulted from the union can be very difficult to deal with. On one hand the child is completely innocent, but unfortunately due to your spouse’s choices the child is a reminder of ... Views: 12107
While there have always been people who have had affairs, it is probably easier than ever before to have one. This is because of modern-day technology and how the internet has given people the chance to find someone without even leaving their home.
One can then use their phone to keep in ... Views: 1726
Finding out your spouse is cheating can send your life and emotions into a downward spiral so strong that you feel like you cannot ever overcome or get out of. Getting help dealing with infidelity is a necessity if you want to find a way to swim out of the downward spiral. It all starts with the ... Views: 1311
Sadness and depression are normal emotions to feel after you discover that your husband has betrayed you. Knowing its normal though, isn’t enough to see you through this time of grief. You are heartbroken about what you thought was true about your life, and even though you are trying to make ... Views: 3993
You wake up in a sweat after watching the scene in your dreams of him with her. Him kissing her, him running his hands through her hair like he does you, him whispering sweet nothings in her ear – the visions never stop. That’s what you imagine about the cheating. It’s the same for men and ... Views: 1900
When your wife cheats it's difficult to keep your head on straight and think clearly about the choices you are going to make right now that can affect the rest of your life. If you've found yourself in this situation you should consider the biggest mistakes that betrayed husbands often make when ... Views: 6125
Whether you are the one who committed adultery or your spouse is the one who cheated it's likely that you're trying to overcome it and survive the affair. Whether that means going through with a divorce or trying to save your marriage, some people deal with infidelity with erroneous ... Views: 1691
Overcoming anger and depression after your wife cheats on you can be very difficult, but it's something you have to do for yourself if you want to either move on in your life to a different more healthy relationship with your wife or even someone else entirely. One thing most people don't ... Views: 10745
One of the biggest costs of cheating in a relationship isn't the devastation it causes to the relationship; sometimes it's the loss of trust in you as a good person that is the biggest cost of all. The truth is, the closest relationship you'll ever have, is the relationship you have with ... Views: 3715
Infidelity knocks you on your rear-end, and changes your world like almost nothing else can.
Even if you are the one who cheated, the trust you and your spouse had for each other is now gone.
Not only is the trust gone for the spouse, it's gone for yourself and even the entirety of ... Views: 2020
You've gone through something horrible, a total breakdown of the trust in your marriage. You may wonder how anyone can ever overcome such a devastating blow, and also wonder if there is even a possibility that your marriage can be saved. The one differentiator to determining overcoming ... Views: 1276
Dear Dr. Romance
Your web-site impressed me and prompted this note, and I'd appreciate your thoughts.I am a reasonably well-educated individual which includes a couple of degrees in psychology and have been quite successful in my career. My wife who is also well-educated and our ... Views: 1415
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was married at the age of 21, was married for 7 years, separated from my spouse a little over a year ago, and I'm in the process of divorce. I dated various people shortly after separation, but I was lost, broke some hearts, and simply didn't know ... Views: 1673
If your husband cheated on you, you may be in despair.
After all, this form of betrayal cuts so deep.
By discovering the best ways to overcome mental blocks which are related to affair recovery, you'll make it easier to move forward to a brighter future.
Whether you decide to stick it ... Views: 1787
How do you KNOW that your partner is cheating on you? There are actually two absolutely unmistakable signs of infidelity … signs which can indicate nothing else except cheating. And if you see one of these signs, my bet is that you will see the other, as long as you keep your eyes open, ... Views: 16620
What is an affair? What constitutes cheating? Infidelity? These are very personal definitions. Most people have their own version of what constitutes what. Here is a definition I have adapted from experts in the field that works well: An affair involves one of the partner’s passion being ... Views: 1942
After being crushed by the discovery of your husband's infidelity, it's normal to feel a range of emotions like extreme emotional pain and grief. Understandably you want to make the hurt go away so that you can live again.
But the question you should really be asking is not when the pain will ... Views: 12793
3 Tips to Maintaining Your Sanity During Divorce
Dr. Romance’s three tips to maintaining sanity during divorce.
1. Know your rights:
If you’re even considering divorce, spend the money for one consult with a reputable, good attorney (preferably, recommended by a friend who went through ... Views: 1782
Couples having marriage problems want simple save my marriage advice that they can implement quickly. They want a
neatly packaged marriage miracle. The problem with that is most marriages in trouble need more than a quick fix. A
band aid fix will not work in most cases. Most marriages ... Views: 1175
There are numerous challenges that can arise in a relationship and while some of these are fairly insignificant and can be overlooked, others are far more significant and can’t be ignored.
And while there is going to be external challenges, there is also going to be internal challenges. So ... Views: 1956
Almost everybody has at least one past relationship that they can't seem to let go of. There's always that one love that left under unpleasant circumstances, that one person whom you still long for. While these feelings are by no means uncommon, they can have some very adverse effects on other ... Views: 1680
To recover from infidelity and save your marriage:
1. Tell the Truth.
Assuming your spouse found out, you didn't confess—this is the time to tell the whole truth. It's probably best done with a therapist present, to keep a lid on the emotional reactions.
2. Give your Spouse the ... Views: 1709
The statistics of recurring studies around the world show that cheating in relationships is far more common than everyday appearances let on; an average of 45% of respondents claim to have cheated in a relationship, and that doesn't include those who haven't admitted to an affair or ... Views: 5373
Boom! It hits you hard and rips out your heart. The love of your life has been cheating on you with another woman. That dirty SOB of a husband has done a lot of things over the years to make you angry, but nothing he has done in the past even remotely compares to this. His affair has violated ... Views: 1413
Let's face it, infidelity causes deep personal pain, but your spouse's affair doesn't have to mean the end of your marriage.
In fact, I hope the information I share with you here will help you save your marriage and help you rebuild the trust you need to fully recover from this painful ... Views: 1551
Dear Dr. Romance:
I read your post on line about 5 signs he isn't over his ex, and it answered a lot of questions that I have about my ex husband. We were married for 10 years. He's violent, abusive and obsessed with me. I have dealt with him for the almost 3 years ... Views: 3925
The first steps to recover from infidelity are never easy. In fact they may be the most painful steps you will take as an individual or as a couple as you try to rebuild the trust you had in your partner.
As the victim of your spouse's affair, there is a lot to deal with right after you ... Views: 1316
Most Americans think adultery is wrong. Almost 90 percent of men and 94 percent of women think it’s always wrong or almost always wrong. But many of those people have extra-marital affairs anyway. One of the most reliable sources for statistics is the National Opinion Research Center at the ... Views: 1142
Believe it or not, a ‘happy ever after’ is possible! Despite the high rate of separations and divorces these days, you really do have a fighting chance at having the fairy tale ending. The good news is your relationship does not have to be perfect for it to work. The bad news is that when the ... Views: 1095
Social media, such as Tumblr.com, have become the playground of narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists who post extreme and, at times, illegal porn and revel in the reactions to it, thus garnering vicarious narcissistic supply. Via such postings, they express their rabid misogyny by objectifying ... Views: 3799
Dear Dr. Romance:
I've been with this man over thirty years back and forth. Something always seems to happen and we end up apart again. He endsup getting married and yet though living states apart he always ends up calling and we do the same thing all over again.
This time we got closer ... Views: 1574
Practically everyone whose been in a serious romantic relationship with all of the deliciously intense and passionate feelings that go with it, have at one time or another experienced jealousy, which is really the fear that ---to some degree--- your partner is not being exclusive to you either ... Views: 1493
Coping with unfaithfulness often means among other issues you are paying for someone's wrong choice.
You will discover lots of work to be taken care of after the affair since as a result of your actions you've done quite a lot of damage to your marital relationship which is hanging by a ... Views: 1351
Give me one moment, I can give you life, not as one may have imagined, not with mortal thought, touch deeper than flesh could ever allow, a delight of senses real and not of this world, in our moment of eternal connection all else watches and waits. Daniel King, Rumi-Nations
The first day of ... Views: 1396
What is an emotional affair?
To put it simply, it is an affair of the heart.
An emotional affair is emotional affection without physical affection. It is when your wife enjoys talking to someone else, being around someone else and flirting with someone else more than she does with you. She is ... Views: 8515
Dear Dr. Romance
I read your article, Gentle Persistence, followed the instrudtions, and got the truth.
You were right. You were sooooo right! I've finally come to the realization that the married man I've been having an affair with for almost two years now has been using me. ... Views: 2472
Are you worried that you won't be able to survive an emotional affair?
Is your wife still attached to another man? Does she continue pushing you away and defiling your marriage?
Whether your wife is aware that you know about her emotional affair or not, if she continues to involve herself ... Views: 7897
Are you unsure whether or not you have strayed into the realms of emotional infidelity?
Are you worried that perhaps someone other than your spouse has become your top priority?
Or maybe you're here reading this because your husband or wife wants you to see for yourself that your ... Views: 4731