Rev. Tony Ponticello is The Official Guide to "A Course in Miracles". You can find complete information on Rev. Tony Ponticello and his products by visiting Community Miracles Center - A Course in Miracles.
Looking back now, my path to A Course in Miracles probably all started in 1969 when I accepted Jesus my personal Lord and Savior, under the influence of the Campus Crusade for Christ. However, after joining a Christian brotherhood of aspiring monks, where I was daily quizzed on how many Bible ... Views: 3437
The Perfect Storm
Our Role In Healing Dramas
I am always amazed how innocently we enter and how perfectly we are cast for the relationships and healing dramas we are drawn into. If we or others have a lesson to learn or emotional wounds and fears to experience for healing and release, ego ... Views: 1602
Letter to a Prisoner contains all of the 365 daily lessons in A Course in Miracles. Also included are Carrie Triffet’s The Crash Course from her book Long Time No See and Gary R. Renard’s text transcription of The End of Reincarnation.
The book begins with the personal account of an ... Views: 1709
So many people go through their days and their lives, and they wonder what their purpose on earth is. Most people believe that there is a higher power or a force at work in our lives that oversees what we do and what we become. This entity, or higher power is commonly known as "God". Our God is ... Views: 1832
When Ananda approached the Buddha and spoke on behalf of Mahapajapati, he asked why Buddha was reluctant to allow women into the sangha. Ananda asked, “Is it because women do not experience the same potential as men to become enlightened?”
Buddha replied in the negative. “Women have equal ... Views: 2345
Back in 1983, I began reading "A Course in Miracles" and doing the daily lessons in thought reversal. However, the text part of the Course was overwhelming to me then; I felt I was too young to really understand it, and I was in my early thirties. I did realize that this book held all the ... Views: 1827
It seems rather odd to refer to any of what follows as secrets. For one thing, the word “secret” implies that something is hidden and the wisdom below is anything but secret. In some form or fashion, you could find these in virtually any spiritual tradition. Second, “secret” implies that the ... Views: 2043
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) offers us a highly individualized curriculum where we use the body as a learning device under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Yoga is one of the classrooms the Holy Spirit offers me to use my body for spiritual purposes. ACIM provides a mind training, therefore all ... Views: 2766
I was walking my dog on another oddly mild December day here in Denver, Colorado, the kind of weather that would have catapulted pre-A Course in Miracles Susan into a frenzied contemplation of the inevitability of global warming. But today, in the throes of another imaginary interview with ... Views: 1424
So far this seems to be the winter of dreaming myself closer to waking awareness that I am actually living a dream of my own making, and not even a very entertaining one at that. In the most recent sleeping version now available on DVD, I found myself in a movie multiplex along with thousands of ... Views: 1769
"You do not need
to get rid of resistance.
You do not need to get
rid of negativity, or insecurity.
You do not need to get rid
of thinking or anything at all.
The simple act of observing
what is here,
of consciously accepting
and watching your experience
in this moment
is all ... Views: 1024
There has been much internet chatter concerning the term ‘Online Ordination.’ What was it? Is it legal? Why on Earth would any individual seek ordination online?
·If you want to be technical, your ordination is not happening on the internet. The internet is just a means your request to be ... Views: 2437
Within this discussion I wish to talk about the essential issues when you involved officiateing the solemnization of someone’s marriage (conducting wedding ceremonies) so that a well-done and professional ceremony is usually performed by the minister, for the happy couple. You'll also understand ... Views: 929
My rear bumper has been adorned with a sticker one of my kids picked out seven years ago when we brought two English Mastiff puppies, Spunknik and Tasaki, into our family. The sticker read I Love (heart actually, a drawing of a heart, you know!) My Mastiff. I used to also have one that read My ... Views: 1364
I heard from a client last week who had lost her job and was faced with the possibility of losing her home. She said, "I need a miracle!" Well... I happen to believe in miracles. I love what the book A Course in Miracles says, "Miracles are natural. When they do not occur, something has gone ... Views: 4643
The capsule the Chilean Navy constructed traveled up and down through the earth a distance of 33 miles in total to save 33 trapped Chilean miners. The courage, faith and patriotism of the nation, the rescuers and the miners have now traveled across the globe to touch every nation in the ... Views: 1407
Healing Challenges In Relationships
Everything seems to go well in relationships until circumstances or interactions activate some aspect of the pain and fear we carry within us. Unaware we carry this pain and fear, the probability is high we will become frightened and defensive when it ... Views: 1859
Today, in my workbook practice of A Course in Miracles, lesson 281 resonated to the core of my being with an astounding feeling of truth. Lesson 281 states “I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.” As the sentence finished the whirling sense of truth began to fill my mind. The course teaches ... Views: 1620
The growing suffering we experience, journeying through this dream of a physical universe in bodies able to feel emotional and physical pain, will eventually force us into making different choices. This is the gift of “dream living” in a physical environment where every mistaken choice we make ... Views: 1950
Lesson 16 Interpretations – Ego or Insight - The Course In Miracles Lesson 16 discusses many aspects of our thoughts, be they idle, positive, negative, neutral, and the effects and importance our thoughts have upon the world. What follows is a personal application of a global lesson in The ... Views: 1875
Deeply caring for others invites us to step over the relationship line and tell people what to do with their lives. Another motivation is not so benevolent. The actions others take can directly benefit or harm us. Of course, we care.
Controlling behavior means offering unsolicited help to ... Views: 7262
As the title implies, A Course in Miracles is a teaching device. It teaches us what is real and what is unreal, and leads us to the direct experience of our own Inner Teacher.
The Course is arranged in three parts: a text, a workbook for students and a manual for teachers. The Text presents ... Views: 2273
Waking From The Dream
The Process And Practice Of Reclaiming Our Spiritual Identity
“A Course In Miracles” Perspective
“Yet the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam,
And nowhere is there reference to his waking up.”
(ACIM T.C2.I.3.6)
Older Souls
An older soul, who ... Views: 1950
The conscious awareness that we are ill and lack health, happiness and energy does not necessarily mean that we are ready, willing and able, at an unconscious level, to ask for and receive the health, energy and life changes that our Healing would bring about. Many individuals more safely ... Views: 1768
Qigong (Chi Kung) is a Chinese medical therapy thousands of years old. It consists of mental as well as physical maneuvering which simultaneously adjust body posture, breathing, and the mind. Qigong for health is not strenuous and can even be performed by handicapped people. It can be done ... Views: 3026
About eight years before I started studying A Course in Miracles and truly recognized it as my path home a close friend and fellow spiritual seeker gave me the big blue book. Someone had passed it on to her and although she recognized on some level that it held great wisdom, she just couldn’t ... Views: 1956
Can we survive the learning curve of becoming aware, awakened to our truth, to our power and excel at doing so? I would say there is no question that we are on our way to being just that; Speeding up the process is available to us. Tools have been set in place to allow us the options of getting ... Views: 2023
Overindulgence, eating, drinking, getting stoned to avoid feelings we don’t like. Be in Truth.
“On the 6th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” Doorways to Truth. During the holidays, emotions can be more intense. Many different feelings are triggered as we go through sadness, ... Views: 1667
Since early in 2007 the efforts to deliver a message of hope as offered in A Course in Miracles to prisoners have been ongoing. Prisoners have been a pet project for this writer for several reasons. The first of these reasons might be attributed to the personal experience of having served most ... Views: 3670
Over decades of spiritual searching I have met a handful of people who claim to have awakened to the truth beyond the dream of separate interests, the lives we believe we are living in this world. Most have undergone spontaneous, dramatic shifts in awareness usually following a particularly ... Views: 1546
Over the past few months the idea of getting a dog had blossomed in my mind. My daughter had begun to drive and would be a high school senior next year. College loomed. I also sensed my troubled relationship with our aging cat Daisy Mae drawing to a close. She had begun behaving like a person ... Views: 1649
Everybody is searching for ways to improve their life. It doesn’t matter who you are. While others refuse and do not bother to even give a glance look at the truth that was standing in front of their eyes all along. In the end when life become harder the make a lousy choice to end their ... Views: 2453
True Forgiveness and the Benefits
When you practice true forgiveness, you get in touch with your Higher Self and you are willing to see with its eyes through the false images of your ego. You accept that your Higher Self sees the person you are angry with, as their true essence, unconditional ... Views: 2054
The Role of Your Higher Self
Let’s look at the essence of your ego versus your Higher Self. Your ego lives in the world of fears. The main fear is lack, which translates as: not enough love, not pretty enough, not enough money, not good enough. These are negative and false thoughts that ... Views: 1554
I am not talking about average daily stress, I am taking about the insidious stress that we intentionally put upon ourselves each time we recall an event, experience, or person from our past. We hold onto grudges fiercely, then repeat and repeat the stories over and over in our minds. These are ... Views: 2070
“The hour I have long wished for has now come.”
-- Saint Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582)
I had reclined on the living room couch, picked up the remote, and began surfing the plethora of television programs, most of which are repetitive and useless. I paused from channel-surfing just long ... Views: 4214
Let me recognize my problems have been solved
“Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive!”
-Bugs Bunny
The persona I keep forgetting I am not is such a drama queen. My father used to call her Sarah Bernhardt after the silent film melodrama star. My junior high friends ... Views: 1971
You are what you think whether you are conscious of it or not. And the world that you see around you is a reflection of what you think on the inside. Since many of us were not taught this as children, we cannot make that inner/outer connection. So life just seems to happen to us without our ... Views: 1810
You can go home again
“We know nothing. You are now up to speed.”
-Steve Martin as Inspector Clouseau, Pink Panther 2
In the set I constructed in which to act out my coming of age there are many flags and many fences. Stone walls that once protected revolutionary freedom fighters from ... Views: 1425
The human mind is so fragile; there is a fine line between genius and insanity. Any level of remedy is thwarted by our own impulse to self-sabotage. Our mental or inner worlds are a constant of being deceived and deceiving, and where extensions of love from a caring creator are ... Views: 1356
The Two Thought-Systems:
Their are two thought systems that are explained in the bible and in the course (ACIM). One is based on the will or sovereignty of God the other is based on fear. The thought system that is based on fear is called the ego (in the bible it's called 'the old man' or ... Views: 1428
For a few weeks I had been feeling down, low, and just not myself. My self-esteem was being hit in a hard way.
From outside appearances no one would have known. Also, by outside appearances, people would have been surprised based on me having a good job, a good salary, a wonderful home and ... Views: 1483
This world is really focused on getting and having. Think about it. As you read this article you most likely feel that you still have some unmet needs. They may be in finances, love, family, career or spiritual development. We all want to get and have, and what we’re accustomed to doing is using ... Views: 2188
I wanted to share with you today one of the most inspiring pieces of writing I've ever heard. I first heard it through the movie Coach Carter but have since learned that it was penned by Marianne Willamson.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are ... Views: 6935
Bettina “Sparkles” Obernuefemann
Most of us who have continued our commitment to studying the “A Course in Miracles.” are by its nature inspired to extend God’s Love in various forms. To express this, I have chosen to write some articles ... Views: 2078
We’ve all been there: stuck in fear or anxiety and wishing there was a quicker, easier way of getting free—of experiencing what A Course in Miracles describes as a miracle: “a shift away from fear to love”. So how do we make the shift more easily so we don’t remain hostage to our ego and to the ... Views: 2613
All of us desire a more meaningful, peaceful, joyful and loving life. So why do we see the world filled with chaos, anxiety, and overall fear? We look around and perceive this person this to us and we perceive this event doing that to us, and we keep judging, judging, and judging until we think ... Views: 3220
According to A Course in Miracles, the answer is that humanity feels it is un-deserving of God's love. We feel it is necessary to punish ourselves before God punishes us. Mass consciousness feels God is a punishing and unforgiving Supreme Intelligence and if we attack ourselves first, we won't ... Views: 3106
I love A Course in Miracles.
Lesson 181 says "I trust my brothers, who are one with me."
“Trusting your brothers is essential to establishing and holding up your faith in your ability to transcend doubt and lack of sure conviction in yourself.”
SO THERE ... Views: 1500
In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer
We are standing smack in the middle of a global shift. If you think life is going to continue as ... Views: 1888