Today, in my workbook practice of A Course in Miracles, lesson 281 resonated to the core of my being with an astounding feeling of truth. Lesson 281 states “I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.” As the sentence finished the whirling sense of truth began to fill my mind. The course teaches us that we have never left our home in God we just think we have and our thought of this has created the dream we see with our eyes. Each time I believe that someone, something, some event or some issue is causing me pain, I am not thinking about the truth of my Self; I have never left my home in God.
I find this lesson very significant right now, at this moment, at the beginning of the new week. Recently, my work has become extremely busy, more than I think one or anyone can handle. In knowing what my coming week looks like, and it being three times busier than the last, I am reminded by this lesson that only my thoughts can hurt me.
What does it mean to say ‘my thoughts’? ‘My thoughts’ are thoughts that judge, thoughts of opposition, thoughts that include and exclude, thoughts that make specialness (good or bad) real, and thoughts that I believe I am alone in this world, surrounded by others outside myself. These are thoughts that reside in my ego mind, not the mind of the Holy Spirit. In other words, wrong minded thoughts vs. right minded thoughts. Thoughts wrong minded in nature perpetuate separation, keeping us from knowing and awakening to our true Self at home in God.
I shocked myself this past week in how my times I caught myself focusing on wrong minded thinking. I knew I was caught in a whirled wind of chaos with judgment after judgment and then chastised myself for it. Oh how my ego had fun. This is the lovely game the ego plays and enjoys so much. The first part of the game is where you judge someone else to make you feel better, or you might complain about him or her to others, to still make your feel or look better. Then second, the guilt arises, as you realize the horrible things you have said about that person. Then third the final icing on the cake, you get ill or twist your ankle or get a headache.
The third piece to the game is not something commonly known, but equally important to understand and overturn. The ego must punish us to keep itself around; this is a vicious cycle and one that we can learn to eliminate with the right tool.
Our thoughts are very powerful. While this is nothing new, most times we are not aware what is really going on behind the scenes. The ego scenes are filled with judgment, hurt and pain. It starts with wrong minded thoughts, finishes with wrong minded thoughts and these thoughts produce actions all back on the owner of those thoughts. Needless to say I felt ill all this weekend.
The Holy Spirit knows we have never left our home in God and knows that we are only dreaming. His voice quietly waits for moments when our minds have quieted down and then whispers truth to us. When we are willing to listen more, the Holy Spirit’s voice can be heard more often and more clearly. The more we listen to the Holy Spirit, the quieter the ego gets and the more peaceful we become and the more truth we see in all around us.
So how can we apply this knowledge and what tools can we use?
In A Course in Miracles we are given the tool of true forgiveness as the way to heal the dream we see with our eyes. Forgiveness opens up our vision to see like the Holy Spirit, seeing the truth of Spirit in our brothers and sisters.
Watching our thoughts with earnest and coupled with true forgiveness doesn’t give the ego a chance to have its way. Each time we have a thought that is not in alignment with the Holy Spirit give it over to Him to heal, this is true forgiveness. Consider thinking thoughts the Holy Spirit would give to you like in Lesson 281.
“My Father placed me safe in Heaven, watching over me.”
“My thoughts I think with You alone are true.”
Or even the simple thoughts of “I am at home in Heaven and I have never left.”
“I am innocent, whole, and pure love.”
The understanding of “I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts” is a foundation of strength in knowing who you truly are the One Self in God. Fill your mind with thoughts that open you up to seeing love in everyone and thus knowing the truth of you. None of us have EVER left our home in God, truly remembering this is enlightenment.
Nancy Miiller O.M.C. is an inner peace spiritual coach, & course facilitator, author, Flower Essence practitioner, energy healer, article writer, ceremonial writer, and co-founder of Reconnect from Within®, a company dedicated to Empowering You to Awaken to Miracles in Your Daily Life. Tools based upon A Course in Miracles are available to motivate and inspire you to reconnect with Spirit your own Inner Teacher.
Learn more about these courses, programs and products at or call 480-704-3095 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 480-704-3095 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
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