Bettina “Sparkles” Obernuefemann
Most of us who have continued our commitment to studying the “A Course in Miracles.” are by its nature inspired to extend God’s Love in various forms. To express this, I have chosen to write some articles for selfgrowth.com under the topics of Spirituality: ACIM and Mental Health: PTSD.
Here I go with my first article to share that ACIM saved not only my physical life but especially my spiritual life. Just as the Course indicates, it gently reversed my FIBS- false ideas, false beliefs, errors or mistakes. My physical brain may have been the instrument but the actual shift of thoughts occurred in my mind, heart, soul or spirit. Jesus lovingly moved me from thoughts of pain to thoughts of peace.
Late 1990, shortly after I turned 50 years old, I sought a therapist in Memphis, Tennessee, to help me with my very problematic life. Was I ever a lucky lady! God led me to a Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Mark Weiss, who was also a student of the Course. Dr. Weiss very discreetly applied ACIM principle in our sessions.
He immediately zeroed in on my troubled childhood. During our first nine months of intensive session he unearthed fearful secrets that had been hidden in the bunker of my mind since birth. In the second session, he led me into a meditation which had my little girl, my Inner Child, play with her mother and let her hug her. Afterwards I said to him, “My little girl did not feel good in her mother’s arms. She felt so uncomfortable that she struggled to get out of the embrace.” This is how my little girl, Bettinalein, my Inner Child opened the door to healing my past.
Dr. W., as I started to call him, said that we have to start honoring and listening to this little girl, this Inner Child! He did not use the words Childhood Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) immediately. Instead, he said he had a sense that I’d probably suffered low grade depression all my life, which I medicated with alcohol. He named other symptoms like hyper vigilance, high anxiety, repressed anger, low self esteem and others, all of which indicated that I’d suffered PTSD all my life. While we were healing my little girl of the past, I found out that Dr. W. also facilitated an ACIM group. I started attending the class and found it difficult at times. But, since I was in counseling, my heart had been opened to accept the Course and I noticed that it really supported my therapy.
Jesus helped me find the truth, “Seek the Kingdom of Heaven within first and all else is given.” As a retired Flight Attendant I call this “putting on my own oxygen mask before assisting others.” In my case I literally nurtured and honored my physical child of the past first. Then, with the ACIM, it became a process of finding my real Inner Christ Child. Giving attention to both of them is really our one and only Goal, as a ACIM repeats over and over again. Using the tool of forgiveness, I've made peace with my parents and other "so called enemies."
I’ve been a student of “A Course in Miracles” since 1997, off and on for seven years, with more dedication to it the last five. ACIM gave me answers to questions which all of us on earth seek.
Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit gave me the answers to:
1. Who am I?”
2. “What am I?”
3. “Why am I here?”
ACIM has many principles and lessons which we can apply to our daily life. My favorite tool, as emphasized in the Course, is FORGIVENESS. Many times during the day I say, "ALL IS FORGIVEN" and give it to the Holy Spirit. This practice helps me to feel free and has saved both my earthly and my spiritual lives. Yes, life’s more peaceful now, more than I can ever remember in this life time.
I have produced my first book of a memoir trilogy: FLYING WITH GOD, Putting on a Happy Face which is about my dysfunctional upbringing in Germany’s WWII environment. After moving to the United States with my parents, I landed a stewardess job in 1965. Despite my background, I put on a happy face for 38 years, all the while hurting on the inside. In addition to my spiritual challenges, readers can learn why I applied for the job, the training and inside airline scoop. Included are interesting photos. I’m presently writing the 2nd book which tells how I discovered and healed childhood abuse/PTSD. ACIM really helped me/Holy Spirit heal my PTSD. I share more on my website: bettinasparkles. com
I’ve learned that the three main stages of PTSD/ACIM progress from “victim” to “victor” and to “vision”-an expanded Christ Consciousness. Therefore, I've cocluded that PTSD Recovery and Spirituality go hand in hand. ACIM definitely guided me to take off my blinders and awake spiritually. Thank you, dear Jesus for your Love, for saving my eternal spirit and motivating me to sparkle for “You/Holy Spirit/ Love/God” forever.
Thank You, Jesus, for ACIM.
Bettina “Sparkles” Obernuefemann was born in Germany and presently lives in north central Arkansas in the beautiful Ozarks, with her husband Michael.
July 31, 2003 she retired after a thirty-eight year flying career.
She’s devoting her new ‘free’ time to writing, a creative effort blending her love for flying with her dedication to recovery and spirituality.
Her first book, FLYING WITH GOD, Putting on a Happy Face, was produced in 2006. At this time she’s joyfully writing book 2 of her trilogy memoir.
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